Kyanite-muscovite-dumortierite vein mineralization mechanisms from advanced microstructural analysis using EBSD
Dandekar, S., Mariani, E., Dandekar, T. R., Khatirkar, R. K., Pande, K., Gardner, J., . . . Peshwe, D. (2024). Kyanite-muscovite-dumortierite vein mineralization mechanisms from advanced microstructural analysis using EBSD. American Mineralogist. doi:10.2138/am-2024-9380
Copper bioreduction and nanoparticle synthesis by an enrichment culture from a former copper mine.
Kimber, R. L., Elizondo, G., Jedyka, K., Boothman, C., Cai, R., Bagshaw, H., . . . Lloyd, J. R. (2023). Copper bioreduction and nanoparticle synthesis by an enrichment culture from a former copper mine.. Environmental microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.16488
Anaerobic biodegradation of citric acid in the presence of Ni and U at alkaline pH; impact on metal fate and speciation
Byrd, N., Lloyd, J. R., Townsend, L. T., Small, J. S., Taylor, F., Bagshaw, H., . . . Morris, K. (2023). Anaerobic biodegradation of citric acid in the presence of Ni and U at alkaline pH; impact on metal fate and speciation. Environmental Science: Advances. doi:10.1039/d3va00061c
The effect of earthquake rupture on the brittle-viscous flow of olivine
Mariani, E., Bagshaw, H., Bilton, M., & Gardner, J. (2023). The effect of earthquake rupture on the brittle-viscous flow of olivine. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15541
Interrelation of the CdTe Grain Size, Postgrowth Processing, and Window Layer Selection on Solar Cell Performance.
Shalvey, T. P., Bagshaw, H., & Major, J. D. (2022). Interrelation of the CdTe Grain Size, Postgrowth Processing, and Window Layer Selection on Solar Cell Performance.. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 14(37), 42188-42207. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c07609
Interrelation of CdTe grain size, post-growth processing and window layer selection on solar cell performance
Shalvey, T. P., Bagshaw, H., & Major, J. D. (2022). Interrelation of CdTe grain size, post-growth processing and window layer selection on solar cell performance. In 2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC) (pp. 1299). IEEE. doi:10.1109/pvsc48317.2022.9938619
Investigating Nanoscale Electron Transfer Processes at the Cell-Mineral Interface in Cobalt-Doped Ferrihydrite Using <i>Geobacter sulfurreducens</i>: A Multi-Technique Approach
Buchanan, D. M., Newsome, L., Lloyd, J. R., Kazemian, M., Kaulich, B., Araki, T., . . . Coker, V. S. (2022). Investigating Nanoscale Electron Transfer Processes at the Cell-Mineral Interface in Cobalt-Doped Ferrihydrite Using <i>Geobacter sulfurreducens</i>: A Multi-Technique Approach. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE, 10. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.799328
Microbial reduction and biomineralization of Cu by model metal-reducing bacteria and enrichment cultures
Kimber, R., Bagshaw, H., Boothman, C., Haigh, S., & Lloyd, J. (2022). Microbial reduction and biomineralization of Cu by model metal-reducing bacteria and enrichment cultures. In Goldschmidt2022 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry. doi:10.46427/gold2022.12042
Microbial Degradation of Citric Acid in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Impact on Biomineralization Reactions.
Byrd, N., Lloyd, J. R., Small, J. S., Taylor, F., Bagshaw, H., Boothman, C., & Morris, K. (2021). Microbial Degradation of Citric Acid in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Impact on Biomineralization Reactions.. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 565855. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.565855
Anaerobic biodegradation and biotransformation of Ni-citrate complexes at alkaline pH
Byrd, N., Lloyd, J., Small, J., Taylor, F., Bagshaw, H., Hughes, L., & Morris, K. (2021). Anaerobic biodegradation and biotransformation of Ni-citrate complexes at alkaline pH. In Goldschmidt2021 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry. doi:10.7185/gold2021.6945
Biomineralization of Sr by the Cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena catenata Under Alkaline Conditions
Foster, L., Cleary, A., Bagshaw, H., Sigee, D., Pittman, J. K., Morris, K., . . . Vettese, G. (n.d.). Biomineralization of Sr by the Cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena catenata Under Alkaline Conditions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.556244
Biomineralization of Cu<sub>2</sub>S Nanoparticles by <i>Geobacter sulfurreducens</i>
Kimber, R. L., Bagshaw, H., Smith, K., Buchanan, D. M., Coker, V. S., Cavet, J. S., & Lloyd, J. R. (2020). Biomineralization of Cu<sub>2</sub>S Nanoparticles by <i>Geobacter sulfurreducens</i>. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 86(18). doi:10.1128/AEM.00967-20
The Biogeochemical Fate of Organic Decontamination Agents in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
Byrd, N., Lloyd, J. R., Small, J., Taylor, F., Bagshaw, H., Boothman, C., & Morris, K. (2020). The Biogeochemical Fate of Organic Decontamination Agents in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal. In Goldschmidt Abstracts (pp. 293). Geochemical Society. doi:10.46427/gold2020.293
Microbial reduction of Fe(III) coupled to the biodegradation of isosaccharinic acid (ISA)
Kuippers, G., Boothman, C., Bagshaw, H., Beard, R., Bryan, N. D., & Lloyd, J. R. (2019). Microbial reduction of Fe(III) coupled to the biodegradation of isosaccharinic acid (ISA). APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY, 109. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104399
Microbial Reduction of Natural Fe(III) Minerals; Toward the Sustainable Production of Functional Magnetic Nanoparticles
Joshi, N., Filip, J., Coker, V. S., Sadhukhan, J., Safarik, I., Bagshaw, H., & Lloyd, J. R. (2018). Microbial Reduction of Natural Fe(III) Minerals; Toward the Sustainable Production of Functional Magnetic Nanoparticles. FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 6. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2018.00127
The biogeochemical fate of nickel during microbial ISA degradation; implications for nuclear waste disposal
Kuippers, G., Boothman, C., Bagshaw, H., Ward, M., Beard, R., Bryan, N., & Lloyd, J. R. (2018). The biogeochemical fate of nickel during microbial ISA degradation; implications for nuclear waste disposal. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26963-8
Biosynthesis and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles Using <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i>: Application for Click Chemistry
Kimber, R. L., Lewis, E. A., Parmeggiani, F., Smith, K., Bagshaw, H., Starborg, T., . . . Lloyd, J. R. (2018). Biosynthesis and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles Using <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i>: Application for Click Chemistry. SMALL, 14(10). doi:10.1002/smll.201703145
Electrodeposited gold-copper core-shell nanowires for high sensitivity DNA detection
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In situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of Cu-Al-Cu-Ti reactive metallic multilayer coatings
Yajid, M. A. M., Bagshaw, H., & Mobus, G. (2010). In situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of Cu-Al-Cu-Ti reactive metallic multilayer coatings. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 25(6), 1196-1203. doi:10.1557/JMR.2010.0152
High frequency dielectric properties of CaTiO<sub>3</sub>-based microwave ceramics
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Raman spectroscopy and microwave properties of CaTiO<sub>3</sub>-based ceramics
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Raman spectroscopy of B-site order-disorder in CaTiO<sub>3</sub>-based microwave ceramics
Zheng, H., de Györgyfalva, G. D. C. C., Quimby, R., Bagshaw, H., Ubic, R., Reaney, I. M., & Yarwood, J. (2003). Raman spectroscopy of B-site order-disorder in CaTiO<sub>3</sub>-based microwave ceramics. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 23(14), 2653-2659. doi:10.1016/S0955-2219(03)00149-3
Structure-property relations in <i>x</i>CaTiO<sub>3</sub>-(1-<i>x</i>)SrMg<sub>1/3</sub>Nb<sub>2/3</sub>O<sub>3</sub> based microwave dielectrics
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The decisive role of oxide content in the formation and crystallization of gallium-lanthanum-sulfide glasses
Li, R. H., Furniss, D., Bagshaw, H., & Seddon, A. B. (1999). The decisive role of oxide content in the formation and crystallization of gallium-lanthanum-sulfide glasses. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 14(6), 2621-2627. doi:10.1557/JMR.1999.0351
Effects of oxide content on the glass-forming ability of the Ga<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>-Na<sub>2</sub>S system
Li, R. H., Furniss, D., Bagshaw, H., & Seddon, A. B. (1998). Effects of oxide content on the glass-forming ability of the Ga<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>-Na<sub>2</sub>S system. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 81(12), 3353-3356. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1998.tb02783.x