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Professional Activities

You can see my TEDx talk.

Examination Roles

  • University of Salford, English Language (UG, 2022 - present)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Member of UK SETI Research Network, Invited (UK SETI Research Network, 2023 - present)
  • Member of SETI Post-Detection Hub (University of St Andrews, 2023 - present)
  • Board Member (Open Rights Group, 2019 - present)
  • Board Member (International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, 2016 - 2022)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Member of School of the Arts Ethics Review College (School / Institute, 2023 - present)
  • Co-director of Science and Literature Hub (School / Institute, 2023 - present)
  • Senate Member (University, 2022 - present)
  • EDI Comms and Media Champion (Department, 2022 - present)

Media Appearances

  • Fly Me to the Moon: what science communicators could learn from marketing professionals, The Conversation (July 2024)
  • The Three Body Problem, Physics World Podcast (Invited, April 2024)
  • BBC Radio Merseyside interview with Ngunan Adamu, BBC Radio Merseyside (Invited, March 2024)
  • Chants of Sinnaar Game Review, Babel: The Language Magazine (August 2024)
  • 62: Language in Spaaaaace (with Hannah Little), Because Language Podcast (Invited, October 2022)
  • Review: First Contact, Babel: The Language Magazine (September 2022)
  • Language Evolves (on scientists and authors writing stories together)., New Welsh Reader – Summer 2021 Issue No. 126 (June 2021)
  • Fighting for Data Rights in the Creative Technology Community, Container Magazine (Invited, November 2020)
  • Interview with Robin Ince, The Cosmic Shed Podcast (Invited, October 2021)
  • Text Machina, Babel: The Language Magazine Issue 26. (February 2019)
  • Linguistic X-Men, Babel: The Language Magazine Issue 25 (November 2018)
  • The Talking Dead, Babel: The Language Magazine Issue 24 (August 2018)
  • Babel on 5, Babel: The Language Magazine Issue 23 (May 2018)
  • Stranger than Sci Fi, BBC Radio 4 (Invited, July 2019)
  • Word of Mouth, BBC Radio 4 (Invited, January 2022)

Professional Body Memberships

  • (HEA Fellow, 2019 - present)