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Selected publications

  1. The effects of colour attributes on cognitive performance and intellectual abilities in immersive virtual environments (Journal article - 2023)
  2. Designing with biodiversity data: connections among design, materials, and technology (Journal article - 2021)
  3. Effects of coloured lighting in the real world environment and virtual reality (Journal article - 2021)
  4. Augmented Reality (AR) as a Tool for Engaging Museum Experience: A Case Study on Chinese Art Pieces (Journal article - 2022)
  5. The effect of decision time‐length condition on consumer product‐colour purchase decision (Journal article - 2021)
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Exploring XR Technologies for Lacquer Art: A Study on Virtual Simulations and the Digital Transformation of Traditional Craft

Yu, H., & Xia, G. (n.d.). Exploring XR Technologies for Lacquer Art: A Study on Virtual Simulations and the Digital Transformation of Traditional Craft. In 2024 International Conference on Extended Reality (lCXR 2024).

Conference Paper

Exploring in-Car Lighting Design: A Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Analysis of Colour Choices and Driver Safety

Cheng, Q., Xia, G., Henry, P., & Yu, L. (2024, September 16). Exploring in-Car Lighting Design: A Data-Driven and Evidence-Based Analysis of Colour Choices and Driver Safety. In AIC 2024 Midterm Meeting Color Design, Communication and Marketing. São Paulo, Brazil.

Conference Paper

The effect of reading background colour on human cognitive performance based on multi-modal data analysis - A study of gender differences

Xu, L., Jia, D., Zhang, Z., Huang, L., Xia, G., & Yu, L. (2024, September 16). The effect of reading background colour on human cognitive performance based on multi-modal data analysis - A study of gender differences. In AIC 2024 Midterm Meeting Color Design, Communication and Marketing. São Paulo, Brazil.

Conference Paper

Exploring the Future of Fashion Design in Metaverse

Shi, Y., Xia, G., Lin, C., Pogue, G., Lightley, L., & Qin, S. (n.d.). Exploring the Future of Fashion Design in Metaverse. In Digital Fashion Innovation Conference 2024, Manchester, UK (pp. 1-4). Manchester, UK.

Conference Paper



Xia, G. (2023). A METHOD EXPLORATION OF EMPATHY DESIGN FOR TOURIST APP. DESIGN. doi:10.20055/j.cnki.1003-0069.000753

Journal article


Augmented Reality (AR) as a Tool for Engaging Museum Experience: A Case Study on Chinese Art Pieces

Gong, Z., Wang, R., & Xia, G. (n.d.). Augmented Reality (AR) as a Tool for Engaging Museum Experience: A Case Study on Chinese Art Pieces. Digital, 2(1), 33-45. doi:10.3390/digital2010002

Journal article


The effect of decision time‐length condition on consumer product‐colour purchase decision

Yu, L., Westland, S., Li, Z., & Xia, G. (2021). The effect of decision time‐length condition on consumer product‐colour purchase decision. Color Research & Application, 46(6), 1360-1370. doi:10.1002/col.22665

Journal article

Designing with biodiversity data: connections among design, materials, and technology

Xia, G., Yu, L., Gong, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhu, Z., . . . Tian, Z. (2021). Designing with biodiversity data: connections among design, materials, and technology. International Journal of Information Technology, 13(5), 1703-1710. doi:10.1007/s41870-021-00779-8

Journal article