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Guido Rocchigiani

Dr Guido Rocchigiani
DVM, MPhil, PhD, DiplECVP-CFVP, European specialist in Veterinary Pathology


Guido graduated in veterinary medicine in 2013 from the University of Pisa, where his final project investigated the immunopathology of feline meningioma.
Remaining in Pisa, he completed a PhD in veterinary parasitology and pathology, focusing on Toxoplasma gondii infection in a range of species from domestic to sylvatic animals. After a further year spent in the same department working as a research fellow, he moved to the UK in 2018 to start his residency and MPhil, ended in June 2022 wit hthe University of Liverpool. In February 2022, he passed the ECVP board examination and in August 2022 he joined The VAPP department, becming a lecturer in Veterinary Pathology.