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Greg joined the School of Law and Social Justice in September 2021. Prior to joining the School, he was a research associate at the Wales Governance Centre of the School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, where he worked on an ESRC-funded project (‘Between Two Unions’) exploring the implications of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union for devolution and UK territorial politics.

Greg's research engages with various aspects of constitutional law and practice in the UK, using both empirical and theoretical approaches. His principal interests are:

- devolution, particularly in Wales;
- the political functions of the judiciary within the UK's territorial constitution;
- prisoners' rights
- Marxist and other materialist approaches to legal and constitutional analysis.

He is currently working on a critical theoretical account of the role of the senior judiciary after devolution. With Dr Robert Jones (Cardiff University), he is also conducting an empirical investigation of the language rights of Welsh-speaking prisoners.