Are reality monitoring differences between truthful and deceptive autobiographical accounts affected by standardisation for word-count and the presence of others?
Elntib, S., & Wagstaff, G. (2017). Are reality monitoring differences between truthful and deceptive autobiographical accounts affected by standardisation for word-count and the presence of others?. PSYCHOLOGY CRIME & LAW, 23(7), 699-716. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2017.1298762
Suggestibility and signal detection performance in hallucination-prone students
Alganami, F., Varese, F., Wagstaff, G. F., & Bentall, R. P. (2017). Suggestibility and signal detection performance in hallucination-prone students. COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHIATRY, 22(2), 159-174. doi:10.1080/13546805.2017.1294056
Hypnosis and Forensic Interviewing
Wagstaff, G., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2017). Hypnosis and Forensic Interviewing. In G. R. Elkins (Ed.), The Clinicians Guide to Medical and Psychological Hypnosis: Foundations, Systems, Applications, and Professional Issues (pp. 565-573). New York: Springer.
Subjective Cues to Deception/Honesty in a High Stakes Situation: An Exploratory Approach
Whelan, C. W., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2015). Subjective Cues to Deception/Honesty in a High Stakes Situation: An Exploratory Approach. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 149(5), 517-534. doi:10.1080/00223980.2014.911140
The Role of Account Length in Detecting Deception in Written and Orally Produced Autobiographical Accounts using Reality Monitoring
Elntib, S., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2015). The Role of Account Length in Detecting Deception in Written and Orally Produced Autobiographical Accounts using Reality Monitoring. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND OFFENDER PROFILING, 12(2), 185-198. doi:10.1002/jip.1420
The influence of delay and item difficulty on eyewitness confidence and accuracy
Wheatcroft, J., Wagstaff, G., & Manarin, B. (2015). The influence of delay and item difficulty on eyewitness confidence and accuracy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 1, 1-9.
Specialist police interviewer perceptions of the enhanced cognitive interview: usefulness, confidence and witness reliability
Wheatcroft, J. M., Wagstaff, G. F., & Russell, K. (2014). Specialist police interviewer perceptions of the enhanced cognitive interview: usefulness, confidence and witness reliability. Police Practice and Research, 15(6), 505-518. doi:10.1080/15614263.2013.819616
High stakes lies: Police and non-police accuracy in detecting deception
Whelan Wright, C., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2014). High stakes lies: Police and non-police accuracy in detecting deception. Psychology, Crime and Law, 21(2), 127-138. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2014.935777
High-Stakes Lies: Verbal and Nonverbal Cues to Deception in Public Appeals for Help with Missing or Murdered Relatives
Whelan, C. W., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2014). High-Stakes Lies: Verbal and Nonverbal Cues to Deception in Public Appeals for Help with Missing or Murdered Relatives. PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW, 21(4), 523-537. doi:10.1080/13218719.2013.839931
An example of a solution‐focused academic-practitioner co-operation: How the iIIRG facilitated the development of the Liverpool Interview Protocol
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2014). An example of a solution‐focused academic-practitioner co-operation: How the iIIRG facilitated the development of the Liverpool Interview Protocol. Investigative Interviewing: Research and Practice (II-RP), 6(1), 42-50. Retrieved from
Enhancing memory with the liverpool interview protocol: Is an association with hypnosis a problem?
Wagstaff, G. F., Wheatcroft, J. M., Hoyle, J. D., & Duffy, C. (2014). Enhancing memory with the liverpool interview protocol: Is an association with hypnosis a problem?. Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy, 30(3), 142-151.
Making the distinction between the hypnotic and non-hypnotic
Wagstaff, G. F. (2014). Making the distinction between the hypnotic and non-hypnotic. Journal of Mind-Body Regulation, 35, 132-150.
On the centrality of the hypnotic state to definitions of hypnosis
Wagstaff, G. F. (2014). On the centrality of the hypnotic state to definitions of hypnosis. Journal of Mind-Body Regulation, 35, 90-108.
Keynote:The role of the iIIRG in facilitating academic-practitioner co-operation: An example
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2013). Keynote:The role of the iIIRG in facilitating academic-practitioner co-operation: An example. In 6th International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Annual Conference (pp. 21). Maastricht: iIIRG.
Enhancing witness memory with focused breathing, eye-closure and context reinstatement: The Liverpool Interview Protocol in practice
Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2012). Enhancing witness memory with focused breathing, eye-closure and context reinstatement: The Liverpool Interview Protocol in practice. In 5th Annual Conference and Masterclasses (pp. 43). Toronto: iIIRG.
High stakes lies: Identifying and using cues to deception and honesty in appeals for missing and murdered relatives
Whelan, C., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2012). High stakes lies: Identifying and using cues to deception and honesty in appeals for missing and murdered relatives. In 5th Annual Conference and Masterclasses (pp. 30). Toronto: iIIRG.
Hypnosis: Is it all in the name?
Wagstaff, G. F. (2012). Hypnosis: Is it all in the name?. Psychology Review, 18(2), 18-21.
What constitutes a hypnotic intervention? (Keynote Address)
Wagstaff, G. F. (2012). What constitutes a hypnotic intervention? (Keynote Address). In Annual Conference (pp. 1). Chester: BSACH.
Enhancing Witness Memory with Focused Meditation and Eye-Closure: Assessing the Effects of Misinformation
Wagstaff, G. F., Wheatcroft, J. M., Burt, C. L., Pilkington, H. J., Wilkinson, K., & Hoyle, J. D. (2011). Enhancing Witness Memory with Focused Meditation and Eye-Closure: Assessing the Effects of Misinformation. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 26(2), 152-161. doi:10.1007/s11896-010-9082-7
Are high hypnotizables especially vulnerable to false memory effects? A sociocognitive perspective.
Wagstaff, G. F., Wheatcroft, J. M., & Jones, A. C. (2011). Are high hypnotizables especially vulnerable to false memory effects? A sociocognitive perspective.. The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis, 59(3), 310-326. doi:10.1080/00207144.2011.570658
Enhancing witness memory with techniques derived from hypnotic investigative interviewing: focused meditation, eye-closure, and context reinstatement.
Wagstaff, G. F., Wheatcroft, J. M., Caddick, A. M., Kirby, L. J., & Lamont, E. (2011). Enhancing witness memory with techniques derived from hypnotic investigative interviewing: focused meditation, eye-closure, and context reinstatement.. The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis, 59(2), 146-164. doi:10.1080/00207144.2011.546180
The Liverpool Interview Protocol (LIP): The use of LIP with traumatized individuals
Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2011). The Liverpool Interview Protocol (LIP): The use of LIP with traumatized individuals. In Sexual Violence (pp. 19). Hendon: Middlesex University.
Hypnosis and the relationship between trance, suggestion, expectancy and depth: some semantic and conceptual issues.
Wagstaff, G. F. (2010). Hypnosis and the relationship between trance, suggestion, expectancy and depth: some semantic and conceptual issues.. The American journal of clinical hypnosis, 53(1), 47-59. doi:10.1080/00029157.2010.10401746
'Reversing misinformation effects with hypnosis and in the hypnotically susceptible'
Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2010). 'Reversing misinformation effects with hypnosis and in the hypnotically susceptible'. In Evaluation and effectiveness of investigative interviewing: A multi-disciplinary approach (pp. 37). Stavern Norway: Teesside University.
'Towards a brief witness memory enhancement technique: Meditation with eye-closure and context reinstatement'
Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. M. (2010). 'Towards a brief witness memory enhancement technique: Meditation with eye-closure and context reinstatement'. In Evaluation and effectiveness of investigative interveiwing: A multi-disciplinary approach (pp. 35). Stavern Norway: Teesside University.
'UK police officers' perceptions of the cognitive interview: Usefulness, confidence and witness reliability'
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2010). 'UK police officers' perceptions of the cognitive interview: Usefulness, confidence and witness reliability'. In Evaluation and effectiveness of investigative interviewing: A multi-disciplinary approach (pp. 29). Stavern Norway: Teesside University.
Wagstaff, G. F. (2010). Hypnosis. In J. Brown, & E. Campbell (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology (pp. 668-674). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Revictimizing the Victim? How Rape Victims Experience the UK Legal System
Wheatcroft, J. M., Wagstaff, G. F., & Moran, A. (2009). Revictimizing the Victim? How Rape Victims Experience the UK Legal System. Victims & Offenders, 4(3), 265-284. doi:10.1080/15564880903048529
Is there a future for investigative hypnosis?
Wagstaff, G. F. (2009). Is there a future for investigative hypnosis?. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 6(1), 43-57. doi:10.1002/jip.92
The Cognitive Interview
Wagstaff, G. F. (2009). The Cognitive Interview. Psychology Review, 14-18.
The cognitive behavioral model.
Wagstaff, G. F., Daniel, D., Lynn, S. J., & Kirsch, I. (2009). The cognitive behavioral model.. In J. Rhue, S. J. Lynn, & I. Kirsch (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis (pp. 45). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Hypnosis and the Law
Wagstaff, G. F. (2008). Hypnosis and the Law. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(10), 1277-1294. doi:10.1177/0093854808321669
Reducing and reversing pseudomemories with hypnosis
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J., Wheatcroft, J., Anderton, A., & Madden, H. (2008). Reducing and reversing pseudomemories with hypnosis. Contemporary Hypnosis, 25(3-4), 178-191. doi:10.1002/ch.366
Some cognitive and neuropsychological aspects of social inhibition and facilitation
Wagstaff, G. F., Wheatcroft, J., Cole, J. C., Brunas-Wagstaff, J., Blackmore, V., & Pilkington, A. (2008). Some cognitive and neuropsychological aspects of social inhibition and facilitation. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(4), 828-846. doi:10.1080/09541440701469749
How can we help witnesses to remember more? It's an (eyes) open and shut case.
Perfect, T. J., Wagstaff, G. F., Moore, D., Andrews, B., Brown, L., & Cleveland, V. (2008). How can we help witnesses to remember more? It's an (eyes) open and shut case.. Law and Human Behavior, 55, 486-496.
Measuring hypnotizability: the case for self-report scales and normative data for the Long Stanford Scale
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J., & Brunas-Wagstaff, J. (2008). Measuring hypnotizability: the case for self-report scales and normative data for the Long Stanford Scale. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis., 7, 27-40.
A componential approach to hypnotic memory facilitation: focused meditation, context reinstatement and eye movements
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J., Wheatcroft, J., Marshall, M., & Barsby, I. (2007). A componential approach to hypnotic memory facilitation: focused meditation, context reinstatement and eye movements. Contemporary Hypnosis, 24(3), 97-108. doi:10.1002/ch.334
A componential approach to hypnotic memory facilitation: focused meditation, context reinstatement and eye movements.
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J., Wheatcroft, J., Marshall, M., & Barsby, I. (2007). A componential approach to hypnotic memory facilitation: focused meditation, context reinstatement and eye movements.. Contemporary Hypnosis, 24, 97-108.
Effects of hypnotic induction and hypnotic depth on phonemic fluency: A test of the frontal inhibition account of hypnosis
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J. C., & Brunas-Wagstaff, J. (2007). Effects of hypnotic induction and hypnotic depth on phonemic fluency: A test of the frontal inhibition account of hypnosis. Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicologica/ International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 7, 27-40., 7, 27-40.
Facilitating eyewitness memory in adults and children with context reinstatement and focused meditation
Hammond, L., Wagstaff, G. F., & Cole, J. (2006). Facilitating eyewitness memory in adults and children with context reinstatement and focused meditation. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 3(2), 117-130. doi:10.1002/jip.47
Effects of hypnotic induction and hypnotic depth on phonemic fluency: A test of the frontal inhibition account of hypnosis.
Wagstaff, G. F., Cole, J. C., & Brunas-Wagstaff, J. (2006). Effects of hypnotic induction and hypnotic depth on phonemic fluency: A test of the frontal inhibition account of hypnosis.. Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicologica/ International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy..
Tolerance of uncertainty, extroversion, neuroticism and attitudes to randomized controlled trials among surgeons and physicians.
McCulloch, P., Kaul, A., Wagstaff, G. F., & Wheatcroft, J. (2005). Tolerance of uncertainty, extroversion, neuroticism and attitudes to randomized controlled trials among surgeons and physicians.. The British journal of surgery, 92(10), 1293-1297. doi:10.1002/bjs.4930
Levels of explanation and the concept of a hypnotic state
Wagstaff, G., & Cole, J. (2005). Levels of explanation and the concept of a hypnotic state. Contemporary Hypnosis, 22(1), 14-17. doi:10.1002/ch.16
A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers.
Sumnall, H. R., Tyler, E., Wagstaff, G. F., & Cole, J. C. (2004). A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers.. Drug and alcohol dependence, 76(1), 93-99. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2004.04.006
Facilitating memory with hypnosis, focused meditation, and eye closure.
Wagstaff, G. F., Brunas-Wagstaff, J., Cole, J., Knapton, L., Winterbottom, J., Crean, V., & Wheatcroft, J. (2004). Facilitating memory with hypnosis, focused meditation, and eye closure.. The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis, 52(4), 434-455. doi:10.1080/00207140490889062
New directions in forensic hypnosis: facilitating memory with a focused meditation technique
Wagstaff, G., Brunas‐Wagstaff, J., Cole, J., & Wheatcroft, J. (2004). New directions in forensic hypnosis: facilitating memory with a focused meditation technique. Contemporary Hypnosis, 21(1), 14-27. doi:10.1002/ch.284
The influence of courtroom questioning style on actual and perceived eyewitness confidence and accuracy
Wheatcroft, J. M., Wagstaff, G. F., & Kebbell, M. R. (2004). The influence of courtroom questioning style on actual and perceived eyewitness confidence and accuracy. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 9(1), 83-101. doi:10.1348/135532504322776870
Self-reported psychopathology in polydrug users
Sumnall, H. R., Wagstaff, G. F., & Cole, J. C. (2004). Self-reported psychopathology in polydrug users. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 18, 63-69.
The influence of courtroom questioning style on actual and perceived eyewitness confidence and accuracy
Wheatcroft, J. M., Wagstaff, G. F., & Kebbell, M. R. (2004). The influence of courtroom questioning style on actual and perceived eyewitness confidence and accuracy. Legal & Criminological Psychology, 9, 1-20., 9, 1-20.
'The Effects of Cross-Examination Questioning Styles and Witness Order on Jurors' Assessments of Witness Confidence and Accuracy'
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2003). 'The Effects of Cross-Examination Questioning Styles and Witness Order on Jurors' Assessments of Witness Confidence and Accuracy'. In EAPL Internationa and Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 36). Edinburgh: EAPL.
'The Interface between Psychology and Law in the Courtroom: Cross-examination'
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2003). 'The Interface between Psychology and Law in the Courtroom: Cross-examination'. Forensic Update, 75, 8-18.
A preliminary investigation into the relationship between anabolic-androgenic steroid use and the symptoms of reverse anorexia in both current and ex-users
Cole, J. C., Smith, R., Halford, J. C. G., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2003). A preliminary investigation into the relationship between anabolic-androgenic steroid use and the symptoms of reverse anorexia in both current and ex-users. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 166(4), 424-429. doi:10.1007/s00213-002-1352-3
Can laboratory findings on eyewitness testimony be generalized to the real world? An archival analysis of the influence of violence, weapon presence, and age on eyewitness accuracy.
Wagstaff, G. F., MacVeigh, J., Boston, R., Scott, L., Brunas-Wagstaff, J., & Cole, J. (2003). Can laboratory findings on eyewitness testimony be generalized to the real world? An archival analysis of the influence of violence, weapon presence, and age on eyewitness accuracy.. The Journal of psychology, 137(1), 17-28. doi:10.1080/00223980309600596
Self-reported psychopathology in polydrug users
Kebbell, M. R., Deperez, S., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2003). Self-reported psychopathology in polydrug users. Psychology Crime and Law, 9, 63-69.
The content of ecstasy tablets: implications for the study of their long-term effects.
Cole, J. C., Bailey, M., Sumnall, H. R., Wagstaff, G. F., & King, L. A. (2002). The content of ecstasy tablets: implications for the study of their long-term effects.. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 97(12), 1531-1536. doi:10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00222.x
'Courtroom Interviewing and Eyewitness Confidence and Accuracy'
Wheatcroft, J. M., Wagstaff, G. F., & Kebbell, M. R. (2002). 'Courtroom Interviewing and Eyewitness Confidence and Accuracy'. In BPS Annual Conference (pp. 1173). Blackpool: British Psychological Society.
'Interrogative Strategies in the Courtroom: Cross-Examination in Court Reduces Effective Memory'
Wheatcroft, J. M., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2001). 'Interrogative Strategies in the Courtroom: Cross-Examination in Court Reduces Effective Memory'. In Sixth International Investigative Psychology Conference (pp. web). Liverpool: CIP.
A comparison of posthypnotic amnesia and the simulation of amnesia through brain injury
Wagstaff, G. F., Parkes, M., & Hanley, J. R. (2001). A comparison of posthypnotic amnesia and the simulation of amnesia through brain injury. Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicologica/ International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 1, 67-78.
An integrated psychological and philosophical approach to justice: equity and desert
Wagstaff, G. F. (2001). An integrated psychological and philosophical approach to justice: equity and desert. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
The Influence of Courtroom Questioning Style on Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence
Wheatcroft, J. M., Kebbell, M. R., & Wagstaff, G. F. (2001). The Influence of Courtroom Questioning Style on Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence. Forensic Update, 65, 20-25.
'Defining Investigative Psychology: The legal cross-examination: psychological bases for the study of eyewitness testimony in court'
Wheatcroft, J. M., Kebbell, M. R., & Wagstaff, G. F. (1999). 'Defining Investigative Psychology: The legal cross-examination: psychological bases for the study of eyewitness testimony in court'. In BPS Division of Forensic Psychology Conference (pp. 20). Cambridge: EAPL.
'Investigative Psychology - A New Field: The legal cross-examination: psychological bases for the study of eyewitness testimony in court'
Wheatcroft, J. M., Kebbell, M. R., & Wagstaff, G. F. (1999). 'Investigative Psychology - A New Field: The legal cross-examination: psychological bases for the study of eyewitness testimony in court'. In BPS Social Psychololgy Annual Conference (pp. 87). Lancaster: EAPL.
Hypnosis and Forensic Interviewing
Wagstaff, G., & Wheatcroft, J. (n.d.). Hypnosis and Forensic Interviewing. In The Clinicians Guide to Medical and Psychological Hypnosis: Foundations, Systems, Applications, and Professional Issues. New York: Springer.