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A stela of Mery-Re, Chief of Works of (the cult colossus) Re-of-Rulers

Price, C. (2024). A stela of Mery-Re, Chief of Works of (the cult colossus) Re-of-Rulers. In G. Godenho, N. Nielsen, & A. Cooke (Eds.), Landscapes Studies in Honour of Steven Snape (pp. 247-254). Wallesey: Abercromby Press.



Investigating Tutankhamun: Comparing CT Scans and X-Rays

Connolly, B., & Godenho, G. (2015). Investigating Tutankhamun: Comparing CT Scans and X-Rays. In P. N. Campbell Price, R. Morkot, J. Tyldesley, A. Chamberlain, & R. Forshaw (Eds.), Festschrift (pp. TBC). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
