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Gita Sedghi

Professor Gita Sedghi


+44 (0)151 794 3372


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From the conference and beyond: collaborative writing with the journal of learning development in higher education and the learning development community

Buckley, C., Fallin, L., Grayson, N., Loughlin, E., Lowe, T., Malone, C., . . . Syska, A. (n.d.). From the conference and beyond: collaborative writing with the journal of learning development in higher education and the learning development community. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (29). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1142

Journal article

Leading for inclusivity

Sedghi, G. (2023). Leading for inclusivity. In Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Leadership in Higher Education (pp. 24-32). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003360018-5



Hybrid Delivery of Practical Chemistry Courses Using Pre-lab Tutoring System

Sedghi, G., & Cropper, C. (2022). Hybrid Delivery of Practical Chemistry Courses Using Pre-lab Tutoring System. In Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption (pp. 409-424). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-92979-4_26



Section Editorial: Fostering student engagement

Sedghi, G. (n.d.). Section Editorial: Fostering student engagement. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (22). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi22.840

Journal article

Section Editorial: Adapting assessment and feedback strategies

Sedghi, G. (n.d.). Section Editorial: Adapting assessment and feedback strategies. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (22). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi22.843

Journal article

Section Editorial: Adapting core features of learning development: skills and writing support

Sedghi, G. (n.d.). Section Editorial: Adapting core features of learning development: skills and writing support. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (22). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi22.846

Journal article

Section Editorial: Students as partners in course delivery

Sedghi, G. (n.d.). Section Editorial: Students as partners in course delivery. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (22). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi22.842

Journal article

PAL training and future use in one’s career

Sedghi, G., & Washbourn, G. (2021). PAL training and future use in one’s career. In A. Strømmen-Bakhtiar, H. Roger, & E. Suzen (Eds.), Supplemental Instruction. New York: Waxmann.



On peer reviewing: how to nourish an author’s mind and win a JLDHE editor’s heart

Loughlin, E., Syska, A., Sedghi, G., & Howell-Richardson, C. (n.d.). On peer reviewing: how to nourish an author’s mind and win a JLDHE editor’s heart. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (19). doi:10.47408/jldhe.vi19.626

Journal article


Methods of developing student employability in Chemistry

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2019). Methods of developing student employability in Chemistry. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

A sustainable peer assisted learning scheme for chemistry undergraduates

Sedghi, G. (2019). A sustainable peer assisted learning scheme for chemistry undergraduates. In M. K. Seery, & C. McDonnell (Eds.), Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Tina Overton (pp. 237-248). Dublin: A sustainable peer assisted learning scheme for chemistry undergraduates.



Visible light accelerated hydrosilylation of alkynes using platinum-[acyclic diaminocarbene] photocatalysts

Gee, J. C., Fuller, B. A., Lockett, H. -M., Sedghi, G., Robertson, C. M., & Luzyanin, K. V. (2018). Visible light accelerated hydrosilylation of alkynes using platinum-[acyclic diaminocarbene] photocatalysts. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 54(68), 9450-9453. doi:10.1039/c8cc04287j

Journal article

Chinese students' expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees

Sedghi, G., Cranwell, P., Edwards, M., Haxton, K., Hyde, J., Page, E., . . . Wright, J. (2018). Chinese students' expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpoolk.

Conference Paper

Chinese students’ expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees

Sedghi, G., Cranwell, P., Edwards, M., Haxton, K., Hyde, J., Page, E., . . . Wright, J. (2018). Chinese students’ expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees. In Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference. University of Sheffield.

Conference Paper

Chinese students’ expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees

Sedghi, G., Cranwell, P., Edwards, M., Haxton, K., Hyde, J., Page, E., . . . Wright, J. (2018). Chinese students’ expectations vs. reality in studying on transnational UK-China degrees. In 25th International Conference on Chemistry Education. Sydney, Australia.

Conference Paper

Education enhancement project: Liverpool-XJTLU linked activities

Sedghi, G., & Hibbert, D. (2018). Education enhancement project: Liverpool-XJTLU linked activities. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper

Enhancing employability through the international experience

Sedghi, G. (2018). Enhancing employability through the international experience. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material


Enhancing postgraduate students’ employability skills while addressing gaps in bioinformatics education

Vieira de Mello, L., & Sedghi, G. (2017). Enhancing postgraduate students’ employability skills while addressing gaps in bioinformatics education. In New Horizons Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. Israel.

Conference Paper


Peer assisted learning at the Department of Chemistry for home and international students

Sedghi, G. (n.d.). Peer assisted learning at the Department of Chemistry for home and international students. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, (9), 14-17. doi:10.29311/ndtps.v0i9.481

Journal article


The development and implementation of a Peer Assisted Learning programme at the University of Liverpool

Sedghi, G., & Lunt, T. (n.d.). The development and implementation of a Peer Assisted Learning programme at the University of Liverpool. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. doi:10.47408/jldhe.v0i0.369

Journal article

Mapping student -led peer learning in the UK

Keenan, C. (n.d.). Mapping student -led peer learning in the UK. Higher Education Academy. Retrieved from


Peer assisted learning (PAL) in the School of Engineering – Transfer of good practice

Schleyer, G., & Sedghi, G. (2015). Peer assisted learning (PAL) in the School of Engineering – Transfer of good practice. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper

Tackling challenges of maths through entry requirement, teaching methods and assessments

Sedghi, G. (2015). Tackling challenges of maths through entry requirement, teaching methods and assessments. In Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference. Nottingham.

Conference Paper

The relation between multi-cultural group work and the integration of home and international students

Sedghi, G., & Rushworth, E. (2015). The relation between multi-cultural group work and the integration of home and international students. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference

Sedghi, G. (2015). Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper


Tackling challenges of maths in chemistry through entry requirement, teaching methods and assessments

Sedghi, G. (2014). Tackling challenges of maths in chemistry through entry requirement, teaching methods and assessments. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

Why aren't Chinese students at UK universities getting top degrees?

Swain, H. (2014). Why aren't Chinese students at UK universities getting top degrees?. [The Guardian].

Digital or visual media


PeerWise. Student Contributed Assessment System

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2013). PeerWise. Student Contributed Assessment System. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

Peer assisted learning at the Department of Chemistry for home and international students

Sedghi, G. (2013). Peer assisted learning at the Department of Chemistry for home and international students. New Directions, 9(1), 14-17. doi:10.11120/ndir.2013.00005

Journal article

Single Molecule Electronics

Higgins, S., & Nichols, R. (2013). Single Molecule Electronics. In Unknown Conference (pp. 617-634). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b15523-43

Conference Paper

PeerWise: Threshold concepts vs revision – results and motivation

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2013). PeerWise: Threshold concepts vs revision – results and motivation. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

Peerwise: Getting students involved in the assessment

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2013). Peerwise: Getting students involved in the assessment. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

Teaching innovations

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2013). Teaching innovations. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material

A Chemistry Perspective

Gaynor, J. W., & Sedghi, G. (2013). A Chemistry Perspective. Institute of Physics.

Presentation material

A world full of data - statistics opportunities across A level subjects

Porkess, R. (2013). A world full of data - statistics opportunities across A level subjects: A world full of data - statistics opportunities across A level subjects. Royal Statistical Society and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Retrieved from


Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning

Sedghi, G. (2013). Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning. York: Higher Education Academy. Retrieved from


The impact of developed activities on improving interactions between home and international students and enhancing teaching and learning

Sedghi, G. (2013). The impact of developed activities on improving interactions between home and international students and enhancing teaching and learning. In Internationalisation and the Student Experience Conference. Plymouth.

Conference Paper

Undergraduate students’ assistance to improve the pre lab activities for the physical chemistry practical course

Sedghi, G. (2013). Undergraduate students’ assistance to improve the pre lab activities for the physical chemistry practical course. In HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. Birmingham.

Conference Paper


Comparison of the Conductance of Three Types of Porphyrin-Based Molecular Wires: β,<i>meso</i>,β-Fused Tapes, <i>meso</i>-Butadiyne-Linked and Twisted <i>meso-meso</i> Linked Oligomers

Sedghi, G., Esdaile, L. J., Anderson, H. L., Martin, S., Bethell, D., Higgins, S. J., & Nichols, R. J. (2012). Comparison of the Conductance of Three Types of Porphyrin-Based Molecular Wires: β,<i>meso</i>,β-Fused Tapes, <i>meso</i>-Butadiyne-Linked and Twisted <i>meso-meso</i> Linked Oligomers. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24(5), 653-+. doi:10.1002/adma.201103109

Journal article

Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning

Sedghi, G., & Willis, I. (2012). Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning. In Variety in Chemistry Education and the Physics Higher Education. Edinburgh.

Conference Paper

Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning

Sedghi, G. (2012). Developing strategies and activities to improve interactions between home and international students and to enhance teaching and learning. AdvanceHE. Retrieved from

Website content

Enhancing Student Learning Using the SMART Podium

Sedghi, G. (2012). Enhancing Student Learning Using the SMART Podium. In Variety in Chemistry Education and the Physics Higher Education. Edinburgh.

Conference Paper

Peer assisted learning (PAL) & peer mentoring at the Chemistry Department

Sedghi, G., Lunt, T., & Keenan, C. (2012). Peer assisted learning (PAL) & peer mentoring at the Chemistry Department. In Variety in Chemistry Education and the Physics Higher Education. Edinburgh.

Conference Paper


Ionic Liquids As a Medium for STM-Based Single Molecule Conductance Determination: An Exploration Employing Alkanedithiols

Kay, N. J., Nichols, R. J., Higgins, S. J., Haiss, W., Sedghi, G., Schwarzacher, W., & Mao, B. -W. (2011). Ionic Liquids As a Medium for STM-Based Single Molecule Conductance Determination: An Exploration Employing Alkanedithiols. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 115(43), 21402-21408. doi:10.1021/jp206241d

Journal article

Long-range electron tunnelling in oligo-porphyrin molecular wires

Sedghi, G., Garcia-Suarez, V. M., Esdaile, L. J., Anderson, H. L., Lambert, C. J., Martin, S., . . . Nichols, R. J. (2011). Long-range electron tunnelling in oligo-porphyrin molecular wires. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, 6(8), 517-523. doi:10.1038/NNANO.2011.111

Journal article


Sedghi, G., Berry, N., & Greeves, N. (2011). ChemPreLab. Wavelength, 7(1), 41-43. Retrieved from

Journal article

ChemPreLab: Chemistry pre-lab virtual experiments

Sedghi, G., Berry, N., Greeves, N., & Barnes, K. (2011). ChemPreLab: Chemistry pre-lab virtual experiments. In Variety Conference. York.

Conference Paper

Comparison of the Conductance of three types of porphyrin-based molecular wires: β,meso,β-fused tapes, meso-butadiyne-linked and twisted meso-meso linked oligomers

Sedghi, G., Esdaile, J., Anderson, H. L., Martin, S., Bethell, D., Higgins, S. J., & Nichols, R. J. (2011). Comparison of the Conductance of three types of porphyrin-based molecular wires: β,meso,β-fused tapes, meso-butadiyne-linked and twisted meso-meso linked oligomers. Advanced Materials.

Journal article


Electroreduction of oxygen on gold-supported nanostructured palladium films in acid solutions

Sarapuu, A., Kasikov, A., Wong, N., Lucas, C. A., Sedghi, G., Nichols, R. J., & Tammeveski, K. (2010). Electroreduction of oxygen on gold-supported nanostructured palladium films in acid solutions. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 55(22), 6768-6774. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2010.05.092

Journal article

Electroreduction of oxygen on gold-supported nanostructured palladium films in acid solutions

Sarapuu, A., Kasikov, A., Wong, N., .Lucas, C. A., Sedghi, G., Nichols, R. J., & Tammeveski, K. (2010). Electroreduction of oxygen on gold-supported nanostructured palladium films in acid solutions. electrochimica Acta, 55, 6768-6774.

Journal article

Porphyrin single molecular wires

Sedghi, G., Sawada, L., Hoffmann, L., Anderson, H., Higgins, S., Haiss, W., . . . Nichols, R. (2010). Porphyrin single molecular wires. In Electrochem North West 8th annual workshop: Electrochemical applications. Bangor.

Conference Paper

Single molecule electronics and single molecule electrochemistry

Sedghi, G., Sawada, K., Esdaile, L., Hoffmann, M., Anderson, H., Bethell, D., . . . Nichols, R. (2010). Single molecule electronics and single molecule electrochemistry. In International Conference on Molecular Electronics. Emmetten, Switzerland.

Conference Paper


In-situ single molecule electrochemistry and conductance

Nichols, R., Leary, E., Sedghi, G., Martin, S., Haiss, W., Doneux, T., . . . Anderson, H. (2009). In-situ single molecule electrochemistry and conductance. In International Society of Electrochemistry Conference. Beijing, China.

Conference Paper

Sing molecule conductance measurement of porphyrin molecules for use in molecular electronics

Sedghi, G., Esdaile, L., Sawada, K., Hoffmann, M., Anderson, H., Bethell, D., . . . Nichols, R. (2009). Sing molecule conductance measurement of porphyrin molecules for use in molecular electronics. In International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICO 09). University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper

Single Molecule Electronics and Single Molecule Electrochemistry

Nichols, R., Leary, E., Martin, S., Haiss, W., Doneux, T., Van Zalinge, H., . . . Sedghi, G. (2009). Single Molecule Electronics and Single Molecule Electrochemistry. In Single Molecule Electronics and Single Molecule Electrochemistry. China.

Conference Paper

Single molecule electronics and single molecule electrochemistry

Nichols, R., Leary, E., Sedghi, G., Martin, S., Haiss, W., Doneux, T., . . . Anderson, H. (2009). Single molecule electronics and single molecule electrochemistry. In European Conference on Molecular Electronics. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Conference Paper


Single molecule conductance of porphyrin wires with ultralow attenuation

Sedghi, G., Sawada, K., Esdaile, L. J., Hoffmann, M., Anderson, H. L., Bethell, D., . . . Nichols, R. J. (2008). Single molecule conductance of porphyrin wires with ultralow attenuation. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 130(27), 8582-+. doi:10.1021/ja802281c

Journal article

Single Molecule Conductance of Porphyrin Wires with Ultralow Attenuation

Sedghi, G., Sawada, K., Esdaile, L., Hoffmann, M., Anderson, H., Bethell, D., . . . Nichols, R. (2008). Single Molecule Conductance of Porphyrin Wires with Ultralow Attenuation. In Forth International Meeting on Molecular Electronics. Grenoble, France.

Conference Paper