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Professor Georgina Endfield

APVC for the Research Environment and Postgraduate Research and Professor of Environmental History
Research, Partnerships and Innovation


+44 (0)151 795 0688

Professional Activities

New podcast for the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers

Exhibition: weather extremes: making and breaking records in Nottinghamshire, Weston Gallery, Lakeside Arts, Nottingham, Dec 2016-March 2017Weather Extremes Exhibition

Audio Walk: The Helm Wind Walk “Troublesome Wind” for the Discovering Britain initiative of the RGS-IBG (with associated app)

TEMPEST database (Tracking Extremes of Meteorological Phenomena Experienced in Space and Time) Database- due for public launch in 2017.

Derwent Valley Mills UNESCO World Heritage Site Research Strategy: Contributed two sections. Initiatives for the Derwent Valley Mills (Derbyshire) World Heritage Site Research Strategy (on flood history and subterranean heritage), 2016

Commission of a play for voices: The Storm Officer
Inspired by the extreme weather database (TEMPEST), The Storm Officer is a rich journey, and an entertainment, which weaves together story, songs, characters, and a thousand years of extreme weather. The performance has been commissioned by Georgina Endfield and Lucy Veale as part of the Weather Extremes exhibition, and has been written by Matt Black.