Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- Thermal and optical performance characteristics of a spatial light modulator with high average power picosecond laser exposure applied to materials processing applications, by Invitation (10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2018), 2018)
- Engineering Pulsed Laser Light for Engine Ignition and Materials Processing, by Invitation (Laser Ignition Summer School 2018, Sibiu (INFLPR, Romania), 2018)
- Laser spark plug developments for engine ignition (Invited paper), by Invitation (Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2018) (LIC'18), 2018)
- Laser ignition of car engines (Invited Expert Lecture), by Invitation (University of Bayreuth, Germany, 2018)
- Security marking of high value components using advanced laser patterning (Invited paper), by Invitation (39th International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, 2017)
- Multi-point laser ignition for in-combustion event feedback control of an automobile engine (Invited paper), by Invitation (Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2016) (LIC'16), 2016)
- Dynamic wavefront and polarisation control for ultrashort-pulse laser microprocessing (Inv Keynote), by Invitation (Chair of Photonic Technologies, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2014)
- Laser ignited engines: progress, challenges and prospects (Invited Paper), by Invitation (Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2013), 2013)
- Towards efficient manufacture of functional surfaces with dynamically structured light (Inv Paper), by Invitation (Prof Koji Sugioka, Senior Research Scientist, Laser Technology Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan, 2013)
- Advances in ultra short pulse laser parallel processing using a spatial light modulator (Inv Paper), by Invitation (Chair of Photonic Technologies, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2012)
- High-speed uniform parallel 3D refractive index micro-structuring of PMMA for volume phase gratings, by Invitation (Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China, 2011)
- Laser Engineering at the University of Liverpool, by Invitation (North Eastern University, Shenyang, China, 2011)
- Recent Advances in Laser Engineering, by Invitation (Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, China, 2011)
- Advanced Thermal Forming Through Laser Processing (Invited paper), by Invitation (SAIL 2008 Committee / Office of Naval Research (USA), 2008)
- Laser forming for the correction of distortion and design shape in aluminium structures (Inv. paper), by Invitation (Institute of Physics / Association of Industrial Laser Users, 2006)
- Recent advances in laser micro-welding, soldering & bonding (Invited paper), by Invitation (17th International Conference on Photonics in Europe, 2005)
- High Power Laser Applications for 21st Century Engineering (Invited lecture tour), by Invitation (Sterling Group of Universities / Singapore & Malaysia colleges, 2004)
- Laser Assisted Forming for Shipbuilding (Invited paper), by Invitation (SAIL 2003 Conference Committee / Penn State University, 2003)
- Laser Forming: A Review of Recent Developments and Applications (Invited paper), by Invitation (Institute of Physics / Association of Industrial Laser Users, 2002)
- 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2018) (Proceedings Joint-Editor, 2018 - present)
- International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM) (Program Committee, 2018 - present)
- Laser Ignition Conference (LIC) (International Scientific Advisory Committee, 2017 - present)
- 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2018) (International Scientific Advisory Committee, 2010 - present)
- Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 9 (LANE 2016), Physics Procedia 83 (International Scientific Advisory Committee, 2010 - present)
- Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 8 (LANE2014), Physics Procedia 54 (International Scientific Advisory Committee, 2010 - present)
- Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 7 (LANE2012), Physics Procedia 39 (International Scientific Advisory Committee, 2010 - present)
- International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE) (Scientific Committee Member, 2010 - present)
- Journal of Micro/Nanotechnology (Associate Editor, 2006 - present)
- International Journal of Optomechatronics (Associate Editor, 2006 - present)
Examination Roles
- University of Bern, PhD (2023)
- Dublin City University, PhD (2023)
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, PhD (2022)
- Heriot-Watt University, PhD (2021)
- University of Cambridge, PhD (2021)
- University of Manchester, PhD (2020)
- Heriot-Watt University, PhD (2019)
- University of Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupelec, France, PhD (2017)
- University of Twente, Netherlands, PhD (2015)
- Liverpool John Moores University, UK, PhD (2015)
- University of Manchester, UK, PhD (2012)
- University of Manchester, UK, PhD (2011)
- University of Manchester, UK, PhD (2010)
- University of Manchester, UK, EngD (2009)
- University of Manchester, UK, PhD (2008)
- National University of Ireland Galway, PhD (2008)
- Heriot-Watt University, PhD (2007)
Grant Application Assessments
- External Post-submission (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), 2023)
- Internal Pre-submission (European Commission, European Research Council, 2022)
Organisations I have been associated with
- Head, Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre (2012 - present)
- Deputy Head, Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre (2000 - 2012)
- Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre (1995 - 2009)
Professional Body Memberships
- Institution of Engineering and Technology (Member, 2023 - present)
- Institute of Physics (Member, 2001 - 2011)
- Laser Institute of America (Member, 1998 - 2011)
- Association of Industrial Laser Users (Member, 1995 - 2011)
Publication Reviews
- Reviewer (Nature Communications Engineering, Pre-publication, 2022)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
- Head, Mechanical Engineering discipline, School of Engineering
- Chair, Board of Examiners, School of Engineering
- Member & Acting Chair, Faculty Progress Committee (Science & Engineering)
- Liaison officer with Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Board of Studies; Board of Examiners)
- Research Director (Chair, Research Committee), School of Engineering;