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Gemma Cherry

Dr Gemma Cherry
BSc, PhD, DClinPsychol, FHEA


I teach research methods (particularly evidence synthesis) on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme, and teach Communication for Clinical Practice and Psychology and Sociology Applied to Medicine on the MBChB programme at the University of Liverpool. I am final year lead for research on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme. My textbook, Doing a Systematic Review: A Student's Guide, has been adopted as essential or recommended reading across over 200 courses internationally.

D.Clin.Psy. Research Tutor

I supervise trainee research projects on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme and teach research methods.

MBChB Programme

I teach Psychology and Sociology Allied to Medicine, and Communication for Clinical Practice, on the MBChB programme.

Modules for 2024-25


Module code: PSYC330

Role: Teaching


Module code: PSYC343

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses