Professional Activities
Selected Professional Activities
- Argument and Computation (Editorial Board, 2016 - present) (Editorship)
External Administrative or Committee Role
- Founder and Chair of the Steering Committee (Computational Models of Natural Argument workshop series, 2001 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
- Judge for the Global Undergraduate Awards, Invited (2021 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
Grant Application Assessment
- External Pre-submission (Royal Society, 2020 - 2023) (Grant Application Assessment)
Internal Administrative or Committee Role
- Director of Online Learning (Department, 2022 - present) (Internal Administrative or Committee Role)
- Global Opportunities Academic Lead (GOAL) (Department, 2017 - 2024) (Internal Administrative or Committee Role)
Professional Body Membership
- Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) (Member, 1996 - present) (Professional Body Membership)
- Association for Learning Technology (Associate Member, 2017 - present) (Professional Body Membership)
- Argument and Computation (Editorial Board, 2016 - present)
- Frontiers in Digital Public Health (Associate Editor, 2014 - present)
- ICST International Conference on eHealth (Program Committee (Senior), 2011 - present)
- ICST transactions on e-Health (Editorial Board Member, 2010 - present)
- User Modelling and User Adapted Interaction (Guest Editor, 2009 - 2010)
- International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) (Programme Committee (Member), 2008 - present)
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems (Guest Editor, 2004)
Examination Roles
- University of York, Advanced Computer Science (PGT, 2019 - 2023)
- Robert Gordon University, MSc Business Analitics (PGT, 2023 - 2027)
- University of Nottingham, MSc programmes (PGT, 2023)
- Keele University, Computer Science undergraduate, Computer Science (UG, 2017 - 2018)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
- Founder and Chair of the Steering Committee (Computational Models of Natural Argument workshop series, 2001 - present)
- Membership officer (Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (SSAISB), 2012 - present)
- Peer reviewer NTFS and CATE, Invited (2021 - present)
- Judge for the Global Undergraduate Awards, Invited (2021 - present)
Grant Application Assessments
- External Pre-submission (Royal Society, 2020 - 2023)
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Director of Online Learning (Department, 2022 - present)
- Chair Board of Examiners (Department, 2017 - present)
- Global Opportunities Academic Lead (GOAL) (Department, 2017 - 2024)
- Director of Studies (PGT) (Department, 2017 - present)
Professional Body Memberships
- Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) (Member, 1996 - present)
- Association for Learning Technology (Associate Member, 2017 - present)