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Dr Ffion Curtis
BSc (Hons), FHEA, PhD


PhD Supervision:
2016-20: The effect of exercise, cognitive and dual task interventions on cognitive function and type 2 diabetes.
2016-20: Evaluating patient follow-up and complexity in cancer clinical trials: Development of an objective methodology to define and quantify trial complexity, intensity and workload to improve operational management and enhance models of trial delivery.
2017-21: The evaluation and assessment of body image perception and distortion in men.
2018-22: Sleep research and metabolic health: investigating the link between deep sleep and blood sugar control.
2019-24: Development and feasibility of an intervention to maintain the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation for patients with heart failure.
2021-24: Risk factor prevention for developing CKD in multi-ethnic groups living with multimorbidity.
2021-24: Self-management support in patients with multiple long-term conditions.
2020-25: Investigation of the pre-hospital care services to ethnic minority communities during the covid-19 pandemic in the East Midlands region in the UK.