Adapting successful online activities for in-person classes - a new challenge
Russell, E. (2023). Adapting successful online activities for in-person classes - a new challenge. MSOR Connections. doi:10.21100/msor.v21i1.1398
Remote active learning
Russell, E. (n.d.). Remote active learning. MSOR Connections, 20(1), 46-55. doi:10.21100/msor.v20i1.1308
Professional skills development for mathematics undergraduates
Russell, E., & Rowlett, P. (2019). Professional skills development for mathematics undergraduates. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 9(3), 374-386. doi:10.1108/heswbl-01-2018-0010
Making the grade: supporting mathematics students in understanding the use of grade-based marking criteria for assessments
Russell, E. (n.d.). Making the grade: supporting mathematics students in understanding the use of grade-based marking criteria for assessments. MSOR Connections, 17(2), 68-74. doi:10.21100/msor.v17i2.962
Making a maths degree work for the workplace
Russell, E. (2018). Making a maths degree work for the workplace. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 403-416. doi:10.1080/23752696.2018.1499420
Realism and employer engagement in a work-related mathematics group project
Rowlett, P., & Russell, E. J. (n.d.). Realism and employer engagement in a work-related mathematics group project. In (pp. 89-93).
The Development of Mathematical Concepts through the use of LEGO NXT and LEGO NXTG
Russell, E. J., Bhakta, R., & Joiner, S. (n.d.). The Development of Mathematical Concepts through the use of LEGO NXT and LEGO NXTG. In (pp. 123-129).
Cyclic orders on the quantum grassmannian
Lenagan, T. H., & Russell, E. J. (n.d.). Cyclic orders on the quantum grassmannian. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.