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Eric Leung

Dr Eric Leung
BSc, PhD

Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) of Digital Business & Data Analytics
Operations and Supply Chain Management


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Disaster data-driven climate change risk index for ports

Poo, M. C. P., Yang, Z., & Leung, K. H. (2022, September 14). Disaster data-driven climate change risk index for ports. In International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2022 (IAME Conference 2022). Busan, Korea.

Conference Paper

Redeploying excess inventories with lateral and reverse transshipments

Mo, D. Y., Wang, Y., Ho, D. C. K., & Leung, K. H. (2022). Redeploying excess inventories with lateral and reverse transshipments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 60(10), 3031-3046. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1910360

Journal article


Standardising fresh produce selection and grading process for improving quality assurance in perishable food supply chains: an integrated Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework

Leung, K. H., Lau, H. C. W., Nakandala, D., Kong, X. T. R., & Ho, G. T. S. (2021). Standardising fresh produce selection and grading process for improving quality assurance in perishable food supply chains: an integrated Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework. ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 15(5), 651-675. doi:10.1080/17517575.2020.1790041

Journal article


Picking-replenishment synchronization for robotic forward-reserve warehouses

Jiang, M., Leung, K. H., Lyu, Z., & Huang, G. Q. (2020). Picking-replenishment synchronization for robotic forward-reserve warehouses. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, 144. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2020.102138

Journal article

An integrated online pick-to-sort order batching approach for managing frequent arrivals of B2B e-commerce orders under both fixed and variable time-window batching

Leung, K. H., Lee, C. K. M., & Choy, K. L. (2020). An integrated online pick-to-sort order batching approach for managing frequent arrivals of B2B e-commerce orders under both fixed and variable time-window batching. ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS, 45. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2020.101125

Journal article

Modelling near-real-time order arrival demand in e-commerce context: a machine learning predictive methodology

Leung, K. H., Mo, D. Y., Ho, G. T. S., Wu, C. H., & Huang, G. Q. (2020). Modelling near-real-time order arrival demand in e-commerce context: a machine learning predictive methodology. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, 120(6), 1149-1174. doi:10.1108/IMDS-12-2019-0646

Journal article


A Fuzzy-AHP Approach for Strategic Evaluation and Selection of Digital Marketing Tools

Leung, K. H., & Mo, D. Y. (2019). A Fuzzy-AHP Approach for Strategic Evaluation and Selection of Digital Marketing Tools. In 2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (IEEM) (pp. 1422-1426). doi:10.1109/ieem44572.2019.8978797

Conference Paper

Prediction of B2C e-commerce order arrival using hybrid autoregressive-adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (AR-ANFIS) for managing fluctuation of throughput in e-fulfilment centres

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Ho, G. T. S., Lee, C. K. M., Lam, H. Y., & Luk, C. C. (2019). Prediction of B2C e-commerce order arrival using hybrid autoregressive-adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (AR-ANFIS) for managing fluctuation of throughput in e-fulfilment centres. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 134, 304-324. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2019.05.027

Journal article

A B2B flexible pricing decision support system for managing the request for quotation process under e-commerce business environment

Leung, K. H., Luk, C. C., Choy, K. L., Lam, H. Y., & Lee, C. K. M. (2019). A B2B flexible pricing decision support system for managing the request for quotation process under e-commerce business environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 57(20), 6528-6551. doi:10.1080/00207543.2019.1566674

Journal article

Pricing Strategy in Dual-Channel Supply Chains with Loss-Averse Consumers

Liu, C., Lee, C. K. M., & Leung, K. H. (2019). Pricing Strategy in Dual-Channel Supply Chains with Loss-Averse Consumers. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 36(5). doi:10.1142/S0217595919500271

Journal article

An intelligent order allocation system for effective order fulfilment under changing customer demand

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., & Lam, H. Y. (2019). An intelligent order allocation system for effective order fulfilment under changing customer demand. MATEC Web of Conferences, 255, 02002. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201925502002

Journal article


The integration of big data analytics, data mining and artificial intelligence solutions for strategic e-commerce retail and logistics business-it alignment: A case study

Leung, K. H., Luk, C. C., Choy, K. L., & Lam, H. Y. (2018). The integration of big data analytics, data mining and artificial intelligence solutions for strategic e-commerce retail and logistics business-it alignment: A case study. In Progress in Economics Research (Vol. 41, pp. 141-165).


An intelligent fuzzy decision support system for flexible adjustment of dye pricing to manage customer-supplier relationship

Lee, J. C. H., Choy, K. L., & Leung, K. H. (2018). An intelligent fuzzy decision support system for flexible adjustment of dye pricing to manage customer-supplier relationship. In 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART MANUFACTURING, INDUSTRIAL & LOGISTICS ENGINEERING (SMILE) (pp. 7-11). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

A B2C e-commerce intelligent system for re-engineering the e-order fulfilment process

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Siu, P. K. Y., Ho, G. T. S., Lam, H. Y., & Lee, C. K. M. (2018). A B2C e-commerce intelligent system for re-engineering the e-order fulfilment process. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 91, 386-401. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.09.026

Journal article


Design of a case-based multi-agent wave picking decision support system for handling e-commerce shipments

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Tarn, M. C., Cheng, S. W. Y., Lam, H. Y., Lee, J. C. H., & Pang, G. K. H. (2016). Design of a case-based multi-agent wave picking decision support system for handling e-commerce shipments. In 2016 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp. 2248-2256). IEEE. doi:10.1109/picmet.2016.7806645

Conference Paper


A Process-Oriented Warehouse Postponement Strategy for E-Commerce Order Fulfillment in Warehouses and Distribution Centers in Asia

Leung, K. H., Cheng, S. W. Y., Choy, K. L., Wong, D. W. C., Lam, H. Y., Hui, Y. Y. Y., . . . Tang, V. (2017). A Process-Oriented Warehouse Postponement Strategy for E-Commerce Order Fulfillment in Warehouses and Distribution Centers in Asia. In MANAGERIAL STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS IN ASIA (pp. 21-34). doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1886-0.ch002


A Knowledge-based Decision Support Framework for Wave Put-away Operations of E-commerce and O2O Shipments

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Tam, M. M. C., Hui, Y. Y., Lam, H. Y., & Tsang, Y. P. (2016). A Knowledge-based Decision Support Framework for Wave Put-away Operations of E-commerce and O2O Shipments. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation. Atlantis Press. doi:10.2991/iwama-16.2016.16

Conference Paper

A cloud-based location assignment system for packaged food allocation in e-fulfillment warehouse

Hui, Y. Y. Y., Choy, K. L., Ho, G. T. S., Leung, K. H., & Lam, H. Y. (2016). A cloud-based location assignment system for packaged food allocation in e-fulfillment warehouse. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 8. doi:10.1177/1847979016684832

Journal article


A Hybrid RFID Case-based System for Handling Air Cargo Storage Location Assignment Operations in Distribution Centers

Leung, K. H., Choy, K. L., Tam, M. C., Lam, C. H. Y., Lee, C. K. H., & Cheng, S. W. Y. (2015). A Hybrid RFID Case-based System for Handling Air Cargo Storage Location Assignment Operations in Distribution Centers. In PICMET '15 PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MANAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (pp. 1859-1868). Retrieved from

Conference Paper