DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles
Acerbi, F., Adhikari, P., Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., . . . Zykova, M. P. (n.d.). DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles. Communications Physics, 7(1). doi:10.1038/s42005-024-01896-z
Search for dark matter annual modulation with DarkSide-50
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . Zuzel, G. (n.d.). Search for dark matter annual modulation with DarkSide-50. Physical Review D, 110(10). doi:10.1103/physrevd.110.102006
A new hybrid gadolinium nanoparticles-loaded polymeric material for neutron detection in rare event searches
Acerbi, F., Adhikari, P., Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2024). A new hybrid gadolinium nanoparticles-loaded polymeric material for neutron detection in rare event searches. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(09), P09021. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/19/09/p09021
Long-term temporal stability of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . Zuzel, G. (2024). Long-term temporal stability of the DarkSide-50 dark matter detector. Journal of Instrumentation, 19(05), P05057. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/19/05/p05057
Constraints on directionality effect of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber
Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., . . . Zykova, M. P. (n.d.). Constraints on directionality effect of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber. The European Physical Journal C, 84(1). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12312-1
Isospin-violating dark matter at liquid noble detectors: new constraints, future projections, and an exploration of target complementarity
Cheek, A., Price, D. D., & Sandford, E. M. (n.d.). Isospin-violating dark matter at liquid noble detectors: new constraints, future projections, and an exploration of target complementarity. The European Physical Journal C, 83(10). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11826-y
Study of cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k experiment
Elersich, A., Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2023). Study of cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k experiment. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 152. doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2023.102878
Sensitivity projections for a dual-phase argon TPC optimized for light dark matter searches through the ionization channel
Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2023). Sensitivity projections for a dual-phase argon TPC optimized for light dark matter searches through the ionization channel. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 107(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.107.112006
Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches
Aaron, E., Agnes, P., Ahmad, I., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2023). Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, 83(5). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11430-0
Search for low mass dark matter in DarkSide-50: the bayesian network approach
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . Zuzel, G. (n.d.). Search for low mass dark matter in DarkSide-50: the bayesian network approach. The European Physical Journal C, 83(4). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11410-4
Search for low-mass dark matter WIMPs with 12 ton-day exposure of DarkSide-50
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . Zuzel, G. (n.d.). Search for low-mass dark matter WIMPs with 12 ton-day exposure of DarkSide-50. Physical Review D, 107(6). doi:10.1103/physrevd.107.063001
Search for Dark Matter Particle Interactions with Electron Final States with DarkSide-50.
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . DarkSide Collaboration. (2023). Search for Dark Matter Particle Interactions with Electron Final States with DarkSide-50.. Physical review letters, 130(10), 101002. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.130.101002
Search for Dark-Matter-Nucleon Interactions via Migdal Effect with DarkSide-50.
Agnes, P., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alton, A. K., Ave, M., Back, H. O., . . . DarkSide Collaboration. (2023). Search for Dark-Matter-Nucleon Interactions via Migdal Effect with DarkSide-50.. Physical review letters, 130(10), 101001. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.130.101001
A large facility for photosensors test at cryogenic temperature
Balmforth, Z., Basco, A., Boiano, A., Canci, N., de Asmundis, R., Di Capua, F., . . . Vanzanella, A. (2023). A large facility for photosensors test at cryogenic temperature. Journal of Instrumentation, 18(03), C03024. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/03/c03024
SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range
Aalseth, C. E., Abdelhakim, S., Agnes, P., Ajaj, R., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., . . . Zuzel, G. (2021). SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range. The European Physical Journal C, 81(2). doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08801-2
Separating $^{39}$Ar from $^{40}$Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark matter searches
Collaboration, D., Agnes, P., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alici, A., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2021). Separating $^{39}$Ar from $^{40}$Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark matter searches. Eur.Phys.J.C, 81, 4. Retrieved from
Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos
Agnes, P., Albergo, S., Albuquerque, I. F. M., Alexander, T., Alici, A., Alton, A. K., . . . Zykova, M. P. (2020). Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos. JCAP, 03, 043. Retrieved from