Modules for 2024-25
Advanced Earth Science Project (Level M)
Module code: ENVS400
Role: Teaching
Advanced Geology and Geology-Physical Geography Project
Module code: ENVS405
Role: Teaching
Earth Materials
Module code: ENVS185
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Earth Science Project
Module code: ENVS300
Role: Teaching
Field Mapping Techniques
Module code: ENVS293
Role: Teaching
Field Project and Dissertation
Module code: ENVS354
Role: Teaching
Mineral Resources
Module code: ENVS326
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Mineral Resources (M)
Module code: ENVS526
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Research Methods
Module code: ENVS444
Role: Teaching
Research Skills (Earth Science)
Module code: ENVS200
Role: Teaching
Supervised Theses
- A New Confined High Velocity Rotary Shear Apparatus for Measuring Rock Friction
- Deformation mechanisms in micas and mica-bearing mylonites in regional scale shear zones
- Links between metamorphism and deformation in feldspar at mid-crustal conditions
- Phyllosilicate-bearing fault zones: the mechanical role of fluids, lithology and temperature.
- Physicochemical evolution of an active plate boundary fault; the Alpine Fault, New Zealand: insight from the Deep Fault Drilling Project
- The kinetics and mechanics of a dehydrating system and the deformation of porous rock