Relevance Theory for Mapping Cognitive Biases in Fact-Checking: An Argumentative Approach
Masotina, M., Musi, E., & Yates, S. (2024). Relevance Theory for Mapping Cognitive Biases in Fact-Checking: An Argumentative Approach. Frontiers in Psychology. Retrieved from
An Argumentative Approach to Map the Issue of Impartiality in Newsmaking and Factchecking
Musi, E., Masotina, M., & Yates, S. (n.d.). An Argumentative Approach to Map the Issue of Impartiality in Newsmaking and Factchecking. In Tenth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (pp. 677-698). Leiden.
Framing to Make an Argument: The Case of the Genocide Hashtag in the Russia-Ukraine war
Musi, E. (2024). Framing to Make an Argument: The Case of the Genocide Hashtag in the Russia-Ukraine war. Argumentation. doi:10.1007/s10503-024-09632-1
Botlitica: A generative AI-based tool to assist journalists in navigating political propaganda campaigns
Musi, E., Garcia Aguilar, E. E., & Federico, L. (n.d.). Botlitica: A generative AI-based tool to assist journalists in navigating political propaganda campaigns. Studies in Communication Sciences, 24(1). doi:10.24434/j.scoms.2024.01.4270
COVID-19 risk-mitigation in reopening mass cultural events: population-based observational study for the UK Events Research Programme in Liverpool City Region
Burnside, G., Cheyne, C. P., Leeming, G., Humann, M., Darby, A., Green, M. A., . . . Buchan, I. E. (2024). COVID-19 risk-mitigation in reopening mass cultural events: population-based observational study for the UK Events Research Programme in Liverpool City Region. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. doi:10.1177/01410768231182389
Developing Misinformation Immunity in a Post-Truth World: Human Computer Interaction for Data Literacy
Musi, E., O’Halloran, K. L., Carmi, E., & Yates, S. (2024). Developing Misinformation Immunity in a Post-Truth World: Human Computer Interaction for Data Literacy. In Palgrave Studies in Intermediality (pp. 245-271). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-42064-1_11
The Fallacy of Explainable Generative AI: evidence from argumentative prompting in two domains
Musi, E., & Palmieri, R. (2024). The Fallacy of Explainable Generative AI: evidence from argumentative prompting in two domains. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 3769 (pp. 59-69).
Transparency is Crucial for User-Centered AI, or is it? How this Notion Manifests in the UK Press Coverage of GPT
Masotina, M., Musi, E., & Spagnolli, A. (2023). Transparency is Crucial for User-Centered AI, or is it? How this Notion Manifests in the UK Press Coverage of GPT. In Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (pp. 1-8). ACM. doi:10.1145/3605390.3605413
Franklin, R., Yates, S., Musi, E., Guerrero, O., Spielman, S., D'Arcy, J., & Crosby, J. (2023). ESRC Smart Data Research UK Strategic Advice Team. REPORT 1: SAT ACTIVITIES DATA SERVICES & THEMATIC RESEARCH PILLARS. doi:10.17638/
Impartiality and cognitive bias in the fact-checking process: an overview
Musi, E., Masotina, M., Federico, L., & Yates, S. (2023). Impartiality and cognitive biasin the fact-checking process:an overview (ISBN: 978-88-947920-0-3).
Developing Misinformation Immunity: How to Reason-Check Fallacious News in a Human-Computer Interaction Environment
Musi, E., Carmi, E., Reed, C., Yates, S., & O'Halloran, K. (2023). Developing Misinformation Immunity: How to Reason-Check Fallacious News in a Human-Computer Interaction Environment. SOCIAL MEDIA + SOCIETY, 9(1). doi:10.1177/20563051221150407
Musi, E., O’Halloran, K. L., Carmi, E., Humann, M., Jin, M., Yates, S., & Pal, G. (2023). MAPPING POLYLOGICAL DISCOURSE TO UNDERSTAND (DIS)INFORMATIONNEGOTIATION: The case of the UK events research programme. In The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation (pp. 412-425). doi:10.4324/9781003224495-31
Is toxicity towards Italian politicians gendered? A multi-level analysis of hate speech on Twitter during election period
Musi, E., Lorenzo, F., & Mounim, A. (n.d.). Is toxicity towards Italian politicians gendered? A multi-level analysis of hate speech on Twitter during election period:
Human-computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework
Musi, E., Federico, L., & Riotta, G. (2022). Human-computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework. AI & SOCIETY. doi:10.1007/s00146-022-01583-z
Developing Fake News Immunity in a Post-Truth World: Human Computer Interaction for Media Literacy
Musi, E., O'Halloran, K., Carmi, E., & Yates, S. (n.d.). Developing Fake News Immunity in a Post-Truth World: Human Computer Interaction for Media Literacy. In B. Schirrmacher, & N. Mousavi (Eds.), Trust Me! Truthfulness and Truth Claims Across Media. London: Pelgrave McMillan.
Developing Fake News Immunity: Fallacies as Misinformation Triggers During the Pandemic
Musi, E., Aloumpi, M., Carmi, E., Yates, S., & O'Halloran, K. (2022). Developing Fake News Immunity: Fallacies as Misinformation Triggers During the Pandemic. ONLINE JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES, 12(3). doi:10.30935/ojcmt/12083
From fallacies to semi-fake news: Improving the identification of misinformation triggers across digital media
Musi, E., & Reed, C. (2022). From fallacies to semi-fake news: Improving the identification of misinformation triggers across digital media. DISCOURSE & SOCIETY, 33(3), 349-370. doi:10.1177/09579265221076609
Multitask Instruction-based Prompting for Fallacy Recognition
Alhindi, T., Chakrabarty, T., Musi, E., & Muresan, S. (2022). Multitask Instruction-based Prompting for Fallacy Recognition. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/2022.emnlp-main.560
Staying Up to Date with Fact and Reason Checking: An Argumentative Analysis of Outdated News
Musi, E., & Rocci, A. (2022). Staying Up to Date with Fact and Reason Checking: An Argumentative Analysis of Outdated News. In Argumentation Library (pp. 311-330). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91017-4_16
Towards a New generation of Personalized Intelligent Conversational Agents
Hendrickx, I., Cena, F., Basar, E., Di Caro, L., Kunneman, F., Musi, E., . . . van Waterschoot, J. (2021). Towards a New generation of Personalized Intelligent Conversational Agents. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 373-374). ACM. doi:10.1145/3450614.3461453
Dalle apparenze alle inferenze
Musi, E. (2021). Dalle apparenze alle inferenze. Bologna: Libri di Emil.
Identifying how COVID-19-related misinformation reacts to the announcement of the UK national lockdown: An interrupted time-series study
Green, M., Musi, E., Rowe, F., Charles, D., Pollock, F. D., Kypridemos, C., . . . Sheard, S. (2021). Identifying how COVID-19-related misinformation reacts to the announcement of the UK national lockdown: An interrupted time-series study. BIG DATA & SOCIETY, 8(1). doi:10.1177/20539517211013869
The rule of truth: how fallacies can help stem the Covid-19 infodemic
ECarmi, E., Musi, E., & Aloumpi, M. (2021). The rule of truth: how fallacies can help stem the Covid-19 infodemic. London School of Economics and Political Science.
What makes you fupy ('food' + 'happy')? leveraging strategic maneuvering to build food coaching apps
Musi, E., Palmieri, R., Mercuri, C., Giudici, A., Maiden, N., Hardman, C., & Borgo, R. (2021). What makes you fupy ('food' + 'happy')? leveraging strategic maneuvering to build food coaching apps. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2937 (pp. 26-39).
Interpreting Verbal Irony: Linguistic Strategies and the Connection to the Type of Semantic Incongruity
Musi, E., Ghosh, D., Muresan, S., & Upasani, K. (2020). Interpreting Verbal Irony: Linguistic Strategies and the Connectionto the Type of Semantic Incongruity.
Trust-Repair Strategies in Crisis Rhetorical (Sub-)Arenas: An Argumentative Perspective
Palmieri, R., & Musi, E. (2020). Trust-Repair Strategies in Crisis Rhetorical (Sub-)Arenas: An Argumentative Perspective. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 14(4), 272-293. doi:10.1080/1553118x.2020.1805452
Interpreting Verbal Irony: Linguistic Strategies and the Connection to the Type of Semantic Incongruity
Ghosh, D., Musi, E., Upasani, K., & Muresan, S. (2019). Interpreting Verbal Irony: Linguistic Strategies and the Connection to the Type of Semantic Incongruity. Retrieved from
Interpreting Verbal Irony: Linguistic Strategies and the Connection to the Type of Semantic Incongruity
Framing fracking
Musi, E., & Aakhus, M. (2019). Framing fracking Semantic frames as meta-argumentative indicators for knowledge-driven argument mining of controversies. Journal of Argumentation in Context, 8(1), 112-135. doi:10.1075/jaic.18016.mus
A Multi-layer Annotated Corpus of Argumentative Text: From Argument Schemes to Discourse Relations
Musi, E., Alhindi, T., Stede, M., Kriese, L., Muresan, S., & Rocci, A. (2018). A Multi-layer Annotated Corpus of Argumentative Text: From Argument Schemes to Discourse Relations. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION (LREC 2018) (pp. 1629-1636). Retrieved from
Rubric Reliability and Annotation of Content and Argument in Source-Based Argument Essays
Gao, Y., Driban, A., McManus, B. X., Musi, E., Davies, P. M., Muresan, S., & Passonneau, R. J. (2019). Rubric Reliability and Annotation of Content and Argument in Source-Based Argument Essays. In INNOVATIVE USE OF NLP FOR BUILDING EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS (pp. 507-518). Retrieved from
Trust-oriented argumentation in rhetorical sub-arenas: From corporate communication to online stakeholder discussions. The “The Facts about Facebook” case.
Palmieri, R., & Musi, E. (2019). Trust-oriented argumentation in rhetorical sub-arenas: From corporate communication to online stakeholder discussions. The “The Facts about Facebook” case.. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2346.
Discovering Argumentative Patterns in Energy Polylogues: A Macroscope for Argument Mining
Musi, E., & Aakhus, M. (2018). Discovering Argumentative Patterns in Energy Polylogues: A Macroscope for Argument Mining. ARGUMENTATION, 32(3), 397-430. doi:10.1007/s10503-017-9441-y
ChangeMyView Through Concessions: Do Concessions Increase Persuasion?
ChangeMyView through concessions: Do concessions increase persuasion?
Musi, E., Ghosh, D., & Muresan, S. (2018). ChangeMyView Through Concessions: Do Concessions Increase Persuasion?. Retrieved from
How did you change my view? A corpus-based study of concessions' argumentative role
Musi, E. (2018). How did you change my view? A corpus-based study of concessions' argumentative role. DISCOURSE STUDIES, 20(2), 270-288. doi:10.1177/1461445617734955
Time-constrained multi-layer corpus creation
Budzynska, K., Pereira-Fariña, M., De Franco, D., Duthie, R., Franco-Guillén, N., Hautli-Janisz, A., . . . Musi, E. (2018). Time-constrained multi-layer corpus creation. In Proceedings of the16th ArgDiaP Conference: Argumentation and Corpus Linguistics (pp. 31-36). ARGDIAP.
Tracing the Roots of Defeasible Reasoning Through Argumentative Indicators: A Study of the Italian Verb <i>Sembra</i> in Opinion Articles
Musi, E. (2018). Tracing the Roots of Defeasible Reasoning Through Argumentative Indicators: A Study of the Italian Verb <i>Sembra</i> in Opinion Articles. In ARGUMENTATION AND LANGUAGE-LINGUISTIC, COGNITIVE AND DISCURSIVE EXPLORATIONS (Vol. 32, pp. 107-130). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73972-4_5
Evidently epistential adverbs are argumentative indicators: A corpus-based study
Musi, E., & Rocci, A. (2017). Evidently epistential adverbs are argumentative indicators: A corpus-based study. Argument & Computation, 8(2), 175-192. doi:10.3233/aac-170023
Analyzing the Semantic Types of Claims and Premises in an Online Persuasive Forum
Hidey, C., Musi, E., Hwang, A., Muresan, S., & McKeown, K. (2017). Analyzing the Semantic Types of Claims and Premises in an Online Persuasive Forum. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Argument Mining. Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/w17-5102
Building an ontology of (dis) agreement space for argument mining
Musi, E., Ghosh, D., Aakhus, M., Muresan, S., & Wacholder, N. (2017). Building an ontology of (dis) agreement space for argument mining. In SIGDIAL/SEMDIAL.
Genre norms and variation in online reviews: the dimension of information source
Miecznikowski, J., & Musi, E. (2017). Genre norms and variation in online reviews: the dimension of information source. In Unknown Book (pp. 303-336).
The Interface Between Semantics and Discourse Functions: Exploring the Adjective Possibile in a Corpus of Italian Financial News
Rocci, A., & Musi, E. (2017). The Interface Between Semantics and Discourse Functions: Exploring the Adjective Possibile in a Corpus of Italian Financial News. In Formal Models in the Study of Language (pp. 391-413). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48832-5_21
Semantic change from space-time to contrast: The case of Italian adversative connectives
Musi, E. (2016). Semantic change from space-time to contrast: The case of Italian adversative connectives. FOLIA LINGUISTICA, 50(1), 1-30. doi:10.1515/flin-2016-0001
Dalle apparenze alle inferenze: i predicati sembrare e apparire come indicatori argomentativi
Musi, E. (2016). Dalle apparenze alle inferenze: i predicati sembrare e apparire come indicatori argomentativi. Università della Svizzera italiana.
Journalistic writing “is a bit like a puzzle”: keeping track of multiple voices with a combined linguistic and argumentative approach
Zampa, M., & Musi, E. (2016). Journalistic writing “is a bit like a puzzle”: keeping track of multiple voices with a combined linguistic and argumentative approach. In VALS-ASLA Conference «The Process of differentiation: language practices in social interpretation», Geneva, 2016.
Obviously epistentials are argumentative indicators: Evidence from an Italian and English corpus of newspaper articles
Musi, E., & Rocci, A. (2016). Obviously epistentials are argumentative indicators: Evidence from an Italian and English corpus of newspaper articles. In Proceedings of the COMMA Workshop “Foundations of the Language of Argumentation (pp. 48-55).
Sembrare tra semantica e sintassi: proposta di unannotazione multi-livello
Elena, M. (2016). Sembrare tra semantica e sintassi: proposta di unannotazione multi-livello. In Proceedings of the XLVII International Congress SL(Society of Italian Linguistics), 26-28 September 2013..
Strategies of objectification in opinion articles: the case of evidentials
Musi, E. (2016). Strategies of objectification in opinion articles: the case of evidentials.
Tanto varrebbe dirlo subito: indicatore di confutazione per analogia e per alternative
Rocci, A., & Musi, E. (2016). Tanto varrebbe dirlo subito: indicatore di confutazione per analogia e per alternative. In Proceedings of the OLSI Conference Linguisti in Contatto 2, Bellinzona, 19-21 December 2016..
Towards Feasible Guidelines for the Annotation of Argument Schemes
Musi, E., Ghosh, D., & Muresan, S. (2016). Towards Feasible Guidelines for the Annotation of Argument Schemes. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining2016) (pp. 82-93). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/w16-2810
Verbs of appearance and argument schemes: the Italian verb sembrare as an argumentative indicator
Musi, E., & Miecznikowski, J. (2015). Verbs of appearance and argument schemes: the Italian verb sembrare as an argumentative indicator. In F. van Eemeren, & B. Garssen (Eds.), Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory (pp. 259-278). Amsterdam: Springer.
Argomentare parlando e parlare argomentando: la polisemia della parola argo-mento nella Divina Commedia
Musi, E. (2015). Argomentare parlando e parlare argomentando: la polisemia della parola argo-mento nella Divina Commedia. L’analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 22(2), 265-284.
Argument discourse and discourse argument: The polysemy of the term "argomento" in the Divine Comedy
Musi, E. (2015). Argument discourse and discourse argument: The polysemy of the term "argomento" in the Divine Comedy. Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 23(2), 265-284.
Genre norms and variation in online reviews
Miecznikowski, J., & Musi, E. (2015). Genre norms and variation in online reviews. In Bulletin VALS-ASLA (pp. 141-159). Association suisse de linguistique appliquée (VALS-ASLA)(Swiss Association ….
Verbs of Appearance and Argument Schemes: Italian <i>Sembrare</i> as an Argumentative Indicator
Miecznikowski, J., & Musi, E. (2015). Verbs of Appearance and Argument Schemes: Italian <i>Sembrare</i> as an Argumentative Indicator. In Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory Vol. 28 (pp. 259-278). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21103-9_19
Verbi d'apparenza tra semantica e sintassi: il caso di sembrare in italiano antico
Musi, E. (2014). Verbi d'apparenza tra semantica e sintassi: il caso di sembrare in italiano antico. AION Linguistica.
Evidential Modals at the Semantic-Argumentative Interface: Appearance Verbs as Indicators of Defeasible Argumentation
Musi, E. (2014). Evidential Modals at the Semantic-Argumentative Interface: Appearance Verbs as Indicators of Defeasible Argumentation. INFORMAL LOGIC, 34(4), 417-442. Retrieved from
From modal semantics to discourse: exploring the functioning of the adjective “possibile” in a corpus of Italian financial news
Rocci, A., & Musi, E. (2014). From modal semantics to discourse: exploring the functioning of the adjective “possibile” in a corpus of Italian financial news. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-21).
ISSA Proceedings Verbs Of Appearance And Argument Schemes: Italian Sembrare As An Argumentative Indicator
Miecznikowski, J., & Musi, E. (2014). ISSA Proceedings Verbs Of Appearance And Argument Schemes: Italian Sembrare As An Argumentative Indicator.