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Eddie Paul

Dr Eddie Paul
Ph. D., M. InstP, CPhys


Nuclear Physics Group

+44 (0)151 794 6772

Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • Exotic Shapes at Ultrahigh Spin, by Invitation (Nuclear Structure 2010 International Conf, Berkeley, USA, 2010)
  • Nuclear Structure at the extremes of Spin and Isospin, by Invitation (Seminar at Argonne National Lab. USA, 2009)
  • Collectivity beyond band termination in 157,158Er, by Invitation (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark, 2005)
  • The highest-spin discrete levels in 131,132Ce: spin generation near the microscopic limit, by Invitation (Lund University, Sweden, 2005)
  • Latest results from GANIL: fusion-evaporation with a radioactive beam, by Invitation (Manchester, 2005)
  • Latest results from GANIL: fusion-evaporation with a radioactive beam, by Invitation (Guelph University, Canada, 2005)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Institute of Physics (Member, 1978 - present)

Publication Reviews

  • Referee (European Journal of Physics A, 2002 - present)
  • Referee (Nuclear Physics A, 1990 - present)
  • Referee (Physical Review C, 1990 - present)
  • Referee (Physical Review Letters, 1990 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Year 1 Coordinator,
  • Physics Department Webmaster,
  • Nuclear Physics Group Webmaster,
  • Nuclear Physics Group Safety Representative,