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Eda Majtan

Dr Eda Majtan


Dr Eda Majtan joined the University of Liverpool in 2024 as a lecturer in civil engineering. She has experience in fluid-structure interaction as a design engineer of dams in practice and research lead on river flow-floating debris-masonry arch bridge interaction. Her expertise includes field investigations, physical experiments, meshless computational fluid dynamics method - smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and finite element modelling of hydraulic structures, e.g., concrete spillways and masonry arch bridges.

Before her role at the university, Dr Majtan was a lecturer at the University of Salford (2022-24) where she gained extensive experience in teaching, writing research proposals and leadership based on her skills as a graduate of external grant writing and Advance HE Aurora women's leadership programmes. Dr Majtan completed her PhD on the behaviour of masonry arch bridges subject to flood flow and floating debris impact at the University of Manchester in 2022. Dr Majtan was active in teaching at the University of Manchester where she completed the Leadership in Education Awards Programme (LEAP) and got an Advance HE Fellowship (FHEA). During her PhD, she and her PhD supervisors quantified flood-induced hydrodynamic and debris impact pressures and forces on the superstructure of masonry arch bridges as a first research team. With their commitment to maximising the flood resilience of masonry arch bridges, they developed a numerical method and published associated outcomes which have been followed by the other researchers. Her PhD work was the finalist in the ICE - New Civil Engineer - Bridges Awards 2024 for the innovation in climate resilience category. Between 2021 and 2023, she also got involved in SENSUM – Smart SENSing of landscapes Undergoing hazardous hydrogeological Movement – project. She is a reviewer for EPSRC Peer Review College and Q1 journals, e.g., the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Structures, Journal of Flood Risk Management and the ECR Reviewer Board member of the ICE - Bridge Engineering Journal and a member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), International Masonry Society (IMS), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), SPHERIC, DualSPHysics, CCP-WSI, UK SPH SIG and UK Women in Fluid Dynamics SIG.