Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- Invited talk: RAS of metal surfaces and collagen-rich tissues., by Invitation (Epioptics committee, 2014)
- Invited talk on 'RAS of bio-molecules and bio-fibres.', by Invitation (Epioptics committee, 2012)
- Invited Talk on 'RAS of molecule-metal interfaces', by Invitation (Nanocharm committee, Berlin., 2010)
- Invited Talk on 'RAS: application to the molecule/metal interface', by Invitation (EPIOPTICS Organising committee, 2010)
- Invited Talk on 'Biointeractions at nanopatterned surfaces', by Invitation (British Council, 2010)
- Invited Talk on 'Interactions at surfaces involving biomolecules and biofilms', by Invitation (University of Lecce, Italy , 2008)
- Invited talk on 'RAS of small molecules at surfaces - in UHV and liquid environments.', by Invitation (Epioptics Organising Committee, 2008)
- Invited Talk on 'RAS of molecule-metal interfaces', by Invitation (Epioptics committee., 2006)
- Invited Talk on 'RAS - probing molecular assembly with visible light', by Invitation (University of Montpellier, France., 2006)
- Invited Talk on "RAS - investigating molecule-metal interactions using visible light", by Invitation (RWTH-Aachen University, Germany., 2006)
- Invited Talk on "The potential of THz spectroscopy for biomolecular interactions", by Invitation (Budker Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia., 2006)
Examination Roles
- University of Edinburgh, PhD (2014)
- University of Edinburgh, PhD (2013)
- University of Edinburgh, PhD (2008)
Organisations I have been associated with
- Surface Science of Biologically Important Interfaces (SSBII) network, committee member (2005 - present)
- Secretary of Merseyside Branch, Institute of Physics (2003 - 2006)
- Treasurer of Merseyside Branch, Institute of Physics (2002 - 2005)
Professional Body Memberships
- Institute of Physics (Member)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
- Year 1 Physics Exam Coordinator.
- Faculty of Science and Engineering Ethics Committee Member.