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Dongping Song

Professor Dongping Song


+44 (0)151 795 2142


I joined Liverpool University Management School in September 2013. Before that, I studied and worked at Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Newcastle University, Imperial College London and Plymouth University. I have managed several research projects funded by EPSRC, ESRC, Royal Society, British Council, Innovation Launchpad Network+, European Commission, and Chinese Research Councils. I have developed research expertise in applying data analytics, mathematical modelling, artificial intelligence, and simulation-based tools to various supply chain, logistics and transportation systems, particularly in the area of maritime transport. The goal is to advance the knowledge and assist industries to improve management considering economic, environmental and societal performance.
Recent funded research projects include:
• Song, DP. (2023-2027), "UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub", £340,369, EPSRC, EP/Y024605/1. (led by Durham University, total budget £7.4m)
• Song, DP. (2023-2026), "CombinEd passengeR and GOoDs transportation in suburb traffIC (ERGODIC)", £278,104, ESRC, ES/Y010574/1. (coordinated by Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, total budget 1.14m Euro)
• Song, DP, Levers, A., Iris, C. and Feng YJ. (2/2024-12/2024). "Data-enabled decarbonisation at seaports", £23,158, funded by ESRC (£11,579) and EPSRC (£11,579) Joint Impact Acceleration Account at University of Liverpool.
• Song, DP and Iris, C. (2/2024-3/2024). Green Shipping Corridor Belfast - Liverpool, £42,138, funded by Innovation Launchpad Network+.
• Song, DP. and Xie, Y. (2022-2023), "Digitalisation for operational efficiency and GHG emission reduction at container ports", £42,605, EPSRC & Siemens, EP/W028492/1.

Two Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs): "PDRA in in Transport Logistic Analytics" and "PDRA in Digitalisation and Decarbonisation", have joined the research team working on the research projects "Combined passenger and goods transportation in city suburb traffic" funded by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and "Decarbonisation of ports and shipping with digitalisation" funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), respectively.