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Professional Activities


Contribution to the collectivity

I have emphasised collective projects rather than monographs in all my career and I have been editor of various journals. Cultures et Conflits is now in its 33rd year of existence (1990 to date) and is recognised as a key journal for the major concours in the disciplines of political science, sociology, criminology (see In the second phase of my career in the 2000s, together with Martin Heisler, I founded and edited with R.B. J. Walker the journal International Political Sociology for its first five years (https: // In 2011 the journal was ranked 5th in sociology and 7th in political science worldwide. It has had a profound impact on the international development of what is now recognised as a legitimate subject of international studies. In the meantime, I have also co-edited two collections with Routledge, the Liberty and Security series (17 books) and the Routledge IPS series (3 large edited volumes). In 2016, together with Tugba Basaran, Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet, R. B. J. Walker, we published the book International Political Sociology: Transversal Lines, (Altmetric 27) which has been included in many courses of IR in the world and has reinforced the change in the way international relations is done.
More recently I launched a new journal with Mc Cluskey E, Kopper A, Manokha I named Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences (PARISS), edited by Brill in 2019. The journal aims to develop a space for transdisciplinary publishing and has brought together top scholars from sociology, anthropology, law, medicine, arts and political theory.

From the outset, I have worked with research institutes linked to security agencies, both nationally and internationally. In the mid-1980s, I received grants from the National Gendarmerie and the Ministry of Defence. In the 1990s it was mainly with the Institute for the Study of Internal Security in France, and also in the 2000s with the various Framework Programmes of the European Commission. Elise (FP5), Challenge (FP6), Inex & Source (FP7). I was the scientific coordinator of the FP6 Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security (, which brought together 23 partners and a budget of 5 million euros. I have also worked internationally, with a permanent part-time position at the Department of War Studies at King's College London, a five-year course at the Bruges College of Europe, a biennial visiting professorship at the Catholic University of Rio (PUC Rio de Janeiro), and numerous invitations as a visiting researcher for a semester in Denmark (Copenhagen), the USA (San Diego, New York), Canada (Ottawa, Montreal), Australia (Brisbane).

Over the last ten years, I have had a strong investment in some institutions where freedom of tone and critical positions are accepted if they take the form of more traditional reporting. The European Parliament is one of those places where it has been possible to express views that differ from a certain governmental orthodoxy and the academics or think tanks that reproduce it. As president of CECLS, with my colleagues, we have set up a research centre to promote research carried out by the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as some research that insists on human rights, privacy in the digital realm at the EU level or at the transatlantic level. The most recent research grant was an ORA called "GUARDINT about Oversight and intelligence networks: Who Guards the Guardians?" (2019-2023). For me, this effort to translate critical research into institutional reports with practical recommendations has been an important part of my practice over the past decade, and also a means of exercising a form of self-reflexivity through dialogue with different co-authors and professional audiences through this back-and-forth between different forms of writing. I have now a good experience of organising high level meetings around the notions of monitoring and oversights which will be useful for the ERC synergy


In recognition of these various engagements, recently (2022-2023) been invited to present the findings of my research in the UK, Germany, Canada and the USA, with various keynote lectures and discussions with the main national privacy and oversight organisations, as well as some of the intelligence services of these democratic governments. I have also been awarded the title of IPS Distinguished scholar 2022 by the International Studies Association, and the University of Louvain la Neuve has awarded me an honorary doctorate in sociology and criminology (ceremony on 24 April 2024).