The Ulster covenant and the role of women, by Invitation (Healing through Remembering Project (Northern Ireland), 2012)
Chair sessions, by Invitation (Society for the study of 19th-century Ireland, 2011)
Paper 'Patriotism and patronage: the Women's Legion, 1915-18', 24 Feb. 2011, by Invitation (Irish Literary Society, London, 2011)
Radio interview, ‘Talking History’ programme on 'Irish women at war' edited collection, by Invitation (Newstalk Radio, 106-8 FM , 2011)
Paper on women's unionism to commemorate centenary of 1912 Solemn League and Covenant, by Invitation (King’s College London in conjunction with the Irish Embassy, 2011)
AHRC History of Marriage Workshop, 23 June 2011, by Invitation (Queen's University,Belfast/Uni. of Warwick/AHRC, 2011)
Paper, 'The Old tortuous method: Ireland and the 1857 divorce act', by Invitation (Hertford College, Oxford, 2010)
Paper, 'Domestic violence and Irish divorce, 1886-1922', by Invitation (Conference of Irish Historians in Britain, 2010)
Radio interview on Ladies Londonderry monograph, by Invitation (Invited by RTE, Radio 1, 2008)
Radio interview on Ladies Londonderry monograph, by Invitation (Invited by BBC Radio 4, 2007)
Radio interview on Ladies Londonerrry monograph, by Invitation (Invited by BBC NI, 2007)
Chair session , by Invitation (BAIS, 2007)
The Ulster Women's Unionist Council, by Invitation (Professor Mary Daly, 2005)