An Examination of Charity Accountability: To Whom, and How Can We Make It Better?
Morris, D. (2023). An Examination of Charity Accountability: To Whom, and How Can We Make It Better?. In Governance and Regulation of Charities (pp. 17-41). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781035310746.00008
Too Private to Be Charitable
Morris, D. (2022). Too Private to Be Charitable. In Charity Law (pp. 62-85). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003158240-4
The Jewish will in English Law
Morris, D. (2022). The Jewish will in English Law. In The Jewish Law Annual (pp. 195-205). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315825045-11
Debates in Charity Law
Sigafoos, J., Picton, A. J., Morris, D. J., Barr, W., Tribe, J. P., Shillito, M., . . . Sidel, M. (2020). Debates in Charity Law. J. A. Sigafoos, & A. J. Picton (Eds.), Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Commissioning of Services by Charities in the Third Decade of the Contract Culture: Lessons Learned (or Not Yet)
Morris, D. (2020). Commissioning of Services by Charities in the Third Decade of the Contract Culture: Lessons Learned (or Not Yet). In Debates in Charity Law. Hart Publishing. doi:10.5040/
The heads of charity in comparative perspective
Morris, D. (2018). The heads of charity in comparative perspective. In Research Handbook on Not-For-Profit Law (pp. 343-362).
Webb v EMO Air Cargo (UK) Ltd (No 2) (1994)
Morris, D. (2018). Webb v EMO Air Cargo (UK) Ltd (No 2) (1994). In Women’s Legal Landmarks: Celebrating the History of Women and Law in the UK and Ireland (pp. 463-468).
Strengthening charity regulation in England and Wales? The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 and the impact of academic witnesses
Morgan, G. G., & Morris, D. (2017). Strengthening charity regulation in England and Wales? The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 and the impact of academic witnesses. Voluntary Sector Review, 8(1), 89-106. doi:10.1332/204080517x14883750672200
The Charity Commission for England and Wales: A Fine Example or Another Fine Mess?
Morris, D. J. (2016). The Charity Commission for England and Wales: A Fine Example or Another Fine Mess?. Chicago-Kent Law Review.
The Equality Act 2010: Five years on
Davies, C., Ferreira, N., Morris, A., & Morris, D. (2016). The Equality Act 2010: Five years on (Vol. 16). doi:10.1177/1358229116655645
Legal limits on political campaigning by charities: drawing the line
Morris, D. (2016). Legal limits on political campaigning by charities: drawing the line. Voluntary Sector Review, 7(1), 109-115. doi:10.1332/204080516x14558747391154
Adopting (in)equality in the UK: the Equality Act 2010 and its impact on charities
Morris, D., Morris, A., & Sigafoos, J. (2016). Adopting (in)equality in the UK: the Equality Act 2010 and its impact on charities. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 38(1), 14-35. doi:10.1080/09649069.2015.1059031
Performance Management in Nonprofit Organizations
Hoque, Z., & Parker, L. (Eds.) (n.d.). Performance Management in Nonprofit Organizations. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315765761
Recent developments in charity taxation in the United Kingdom: the law gives and the law takes away
Morris, D. (2014). Recent developments in charity taxation in the United Kingdom: the law gives and the law takes away. In Not-for-Profit Law (pp. 254-275). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9781107282117.015
Government Grants - an Abrogation or Management of Financial Risks?
Morris, D., McGregor-Lowndes, M., & Tarr, J. (2014). Government Grants - an Abrogation or Management of Financial Risks?. In Z. Hoque, & L. Parker (Eds.), Performance management in nonprofit organizations: global perspectives (pp. ch.16). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
The impact of cuts in legal aid funding on charities.
Morris, D., & Barr, W. (2013). The impact of cuts in legal aid funding on charities.. The Journal of social welfare & family law, 35(1), 79-94. doi:10.1080/09649069.2013.774737
The Impact of Legal Aid Cuts on Advice-Giving Charities in Liverpool: First Results
Sigafoos, J., & Morris, D. (2013). The Impact of Legal Aid Cuts on Advice-Giving Charities in Liverpool: First Results. Liverpool: Charity Law & Policy Unit. Retrieved from
The Impact of the Equality Act on Charities
Morris, D., Morris, A., & Sigafoos, J. (2013). The Impact of the Equality Act on Charities. Liverpool: Charity Law & Policy Unit. Retrieved from,Act,Charities.pdf
Charities and the Big Society: a doomed coalition?
Morris, D. (2012). Charities and the Big Society: a doomed coalition?. Legal Studies, 32(1), 132-153. doi:10.1111/j.1748-121x.2011.00216.x
'Admissions' and 'Exclusions'
Morris, D. (2012). 'Admissions' and 'Exclusions'. In C. Claus, G. Hughes, T. Johnson, & D. Morris (Eds.), Academy Schools - From Conversion to Successful Operation (pp. 28-39). London: Social Partnership Marketing LLP.
'Border Patrol Around the World - Charities and Private Benefit: Drawing a Line in the UK'
Morris, D. (2012). 'Border Patrol Around the World - Charities and Private Benefit: Drawing a Line in the UK'. In Border Patrol: Charitable Status Despite Inurement or Private Benefit? (pp. 30). New York: National Center on Philanthropy and the Law. Retrieved from
Charities and the Modern Equality Framework--Heading for a Collision?
Morris, D. (2012). Charities and the Modern Equality Framework--Heading for a Collision?. Current Legal Problems, 65(1), 295-331. doi:10.1093/clp/cus004
Building a big society: will charity's creeping reach generate a new paradigm for state schools?
Morris, D. (2011). Building a big society: will charity's creeping reach generate a new paradigm for state schools?. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 33(3), 209-226. doi:10.1080/09649069.2011.626239
'The Case of England and Wales - Striking the Right Balance: "Hard" Law versus "Soft" Law'
Morris, D. (2011). 'The Case of England and Wales - Striking the Right Balance: "Hard" Law versus "Soft" Law'. In S. Phillips, S. R. Smith, & S. P. Osborne (Eds.), Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector. International Perspectives (pp. 37-68). New York: Routledge.
VAT Treatment of Charities and Public Bodies in the UK
Morris, D. (2011). VAT Treatment of Charities and Public Bodies in the UK. In T. Analysts (Ed.), The VAT Reader. What a Federal Consumption Tax Would Mean for American (pp. 248-256). USA: Tax Analysts.
Ratio discrimination in charity fundraising: the inappropriate use of cost ratios has harmful side-effects
Steinberg, R., & Morris, D. (2010). Ratio discrimination in charity fundraising: the inappropriate use of cost ratios has harmful side-effects. Voluntary Sector Review, 1(1), 77-95. doi:10.1332/204080510x497028
'The First-tier Tribunal (Charity): Enhanced Access to Justice for Charities or a Case of David versus Goliath?'
Morris, D. (2010). 'The First-tier Tribunal (Charity): Enhanced Access to Justice for Charities or a Case of David versus Goliath?'. Civil Justice Quarterly, 29(4), 89-108.
Public benefit: the long and winding road to reforming the public benefit test for charity: a worthwhile trip or 'Is your journey really necessary?'
Morris, D. (2010). Public benefit: the long and winding road to reforming the public benefit test for charity: a worthwhile trip or 'Is your journey really necessary?'. In M. McGregor-Lowndes, & K. O'Halloran (Eds.), Modernising Charity Law: Recent Developments and Future Directions (pp. 103-127). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.