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Dr Dean Harris
PhD, MSc, MSci (Hons), PgC

School of AHPs and Nursing


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Medical imaging simulation for undergraduate Nursing education before and after Covid-19

Harris, D., & Manning-Stanley, A. (2021). Medical imaging simulation for undergraduate Nursing education before and after Covid-19. University of Liverpool.

Presentation material


Radiographic Simulation Software to Teach the Practical Application of Radiographic Physics: Past Experiences and Future Online Delivery

Harris, D., & Manning-Stanley, A. (2020). Radiographic Simulation Software to Teach the Practical Application of Radiographic Physics: Past Experiences and Future Online Delivery. Liverpool.

Presentation material

Use of simulation software in a socially distanced world…

Manning-Stanley, A., Pickering, V., & Harris, D. (2020). Use of simulation software in a socially distanced world…. Liverpool.

Presentation material


A dose audit to determine whether adult bariatric patients are receiving a higher radiation dose for pelvic examinations than the recommended National Dose Reference Levels (NDRL)

Burns, C., MacKay, S., & Harris, D. (2019). A dose audit to determine whether adult bariatric patients are receiving a higher radiation dose for pelvic examinations than the recommended National Dose Reference Levels (NDRL). Medical Physics and Engineering in Medicine conference, Bristol.

Presentation material


Implementing a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to UK sonography students: An exploratory study

Harris, D. L. (2018). Implementing a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to UK sonography students: An exploratory study. Leeds.

Presentation material

The impact of a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to sonography students

Harris, D. L., Smart, S., Gill, R., Miller, P., Bolton, G., Waring, L., & Marland, A. (2018). The impact of a clinically-orientated approach to teaching physics in ultrasound to sonography students. Poster session presented at the meeting of The UK Radiological Congress. Liverpool.


Student radiographer’s accuracy measuring Bohler's angle: implications for training and abnormality detection systems

Potts, M., Manning-Stanley, A., & Harris, D. (2018). Student radiographer’s accuracy measuring Bohler's angle: implications for training and abnormality detection systems. In UKRC Conference. Liverpool.

Conference Paper