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David Sherlock

Dr David Sherlock
BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, AFHEA


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Everything Compares to You: Development and Evaluation of an Online Comparative Judgment Application for Assessment.

Goodman, S., Gleave, T., Canning, S., & Sherlock, D. (2024). Everything Compares to You: Development and Evaluation of an Online Comparative Judgment Application for Assessment.. In Milwaukee, WI, US.

Conference Paper

ScLINGO? Go'ed, it's BoSS! Socialising International students into Scouse in the UK Health System

Sherlock, D., Ismail, N., McKinnell, S., Pountney, M., & Rylance-Graham, R. (2024). ScLINGO? Go'ed, it's BoSS! Socialising International students into Scouse in the UK Health System. In Learning and Teaching Conference 2024. Liverpool.

Conference Paper

The Impact of Language and Social Communication on the Sense of Belonging among International Students Using ScLINGO Application

Ismail, N., Sherlock, D., Rylance-Graham, R., McKinnell, S., & Pountney, M. (n.d.). The Impact of Language and Social Communication on the Sense of Belonging among International Students Using ScLINGO Application. In European Conference on Games Based Learning Vol. 18 (pp. 414-425). Academic Conferences International Ltd. doi:10.34190/ecgbl.18.1.3068

Conference Paper



Development of a VLE Recipe for xAPI: process and implications

Sherlock, D. M., & Griffiths, D. (n.d.). Development of a VLE Recipe for xAPI: process and implications. In Learning & Student Analytics Conference. University of Amsterdam.

Conference Paper


Problems and opportunities in the use of technology to manage informal learning

García-Peñalvo, F. J., Griffiths, D., Johnson, M., Sharples, P., & Sherlock, D. (2014). Problems and opportunities in the use of technology to manage informal learning. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 573-580). ACM. doi:10.1145/2669711.2669958

Conference Paper

Beyond the Personal Learning Environment: attachment and control in the classroom of the future

Johnson, M. W., & Sherlock, D. (2014). Beyond the Personal Learning Environment: attachment and control in the classroom of the future. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 22(2), 146-164. doi:10.1080/10494820.2012.745434

Journal article



Learner reflexivity, technology and 'making our way through the world'

Johnson, M., & Sherlock, D. (2009). Learner reflexivity, technology and 'making our way through the world'. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 19(4/5/6), 352. doi:10.1504/ijceell.2009.028832

Journal article