Hyper Stealth Dark Matter and Long-Lived Particles
Exploring lattice supersymmetry with variational quantum deflation
Schaich, D., & Culver, C. (2024). Exploring lattice supersymmetry with variational quantum deflation. In Proceedings of Science Vol. 453.
Stealth dark matter spectrum using Laplacian Heaviside smearing and irreducible representations
Brower, R. C., Culver, C., Cushman, K. K., Fleming, G. T., Hasenfratz, A., Howarth, D., . . . Witzel, O. (n.d.). Stealth dark matter spectrum using Laplacian Heaviside smearing and irreducible representations. Physical Review D, 110(9). doi:10.1103/physrevd.110.095001
Nonperturbative phase diagram of two-dimensional N=(2, 2) super-Yang-Mills theory
Dhindsa, N. S., Jha, R. G., Joseph, A., & Schaich, D. (2024). Nonperturbative phase diagram of two-dimensional N=(2, 2) super-Yang-Mills theory. Physical Review D, 110(5), 054507. doi:10.1103/physrevd.110.054507
Light scalar meson and decay constant in SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors
Brower, R. C., Owen, E., Rebbi, C., Culver, C., Schaich, D., Cushman, K. K., . . . Witzel, O. (2024). Light scalar meson and decay constant in SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors. Physical Review D, 110(5). doi:10.1103/physrevd.110.054501
Deconfinement Phase Transition in Bosonic BMN Model at General Coupling
Dhindsa, N. S., Joseph, A., Samlodia, A., & Schaich, D. (2024). Deconfinement Phase Transition in Bosonic BMN Model at General Coupling. In Unknown Conference (pp. 1020-1022). Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-97-0289-3_274
Hidden conformal symmetry from the lattice
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Cushman, K. K., Fleming, G. T., Gasbarro, A., Hasenfratz, A., . . . Witzel, O. (n.d.). Hidden conformal symmetry from the lattice. Physical Review D, 108(9). doi:10.1103/physrevd.108.l091505
Lattice Studies of 3D Maximally Supersymmetric Yang--Mills
Sherletov, A., & Schaich, D. (2023). Lattice Studies of 3D Maximally Supersymmetric Yang--Mills. In Proceedings of Science Vol. LATTICE2022 (pp. 221). Sissa Medialab. doi:10.22323/1.430.0221
Exploring conformality in lattice N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills
Schaich, D. (2023). Exploring conformality in lattice N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills. In Proceedings of The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2022) (pp. 220). Sissa Medialab. doi:10.22323/1.430.0220
Quantum Computing for the Wess--Zumino Model
Culver, C., & Schaich, D. (2023). Quantum Computing for the Wess–Zumino Model. In Proceedings of The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2022) (pp. 008). Sissa Medialab. doi:10.22323/1.430.0008
Advances in using density of states for large-N Yang--Mills
Springer, F., & Schaich, D. (2023). Advances in using density of states for large-N Yang–Mills. In Proceedings of The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2022) (pp. 223). Sissa Medialab. doi:10.22323/1.430.0223
Lattice studies of supersymmetric gauge theories
Schaich, D. (2023). Lattice studies of supersymmetric gauge theories. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, 232(3), 305-320. doi:10.1140/epjs/s11734-022-00708-1
Lattice QCD and Particle Physics
Kronfeld, A. S., Bhattacharya, T., Blum, T., Christ, N. H., DeTar, C., Detmold, W., . . . Zhao, Y. (2022). Lattice QCD and Particle Physics. Retrieved from
Investigations of supersymmetric Yang--Mills theories
Sherletov, A., & Schaich, D. (2022). Investigations of supersymmetric Yang--Mills theories. Retrieved from
Non-perturbative phase structure of the bosonic BMN matrix model
Dhindsa, N. S., Jha, R. G., Joseph, A., Samlodia, A., & Schaich, D. (2022). Non-perturbative phase structure of the bosonic BMN matrix model. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (5). doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2022)169
Thermal phase structure of dimensionally reduced super-Yang--Mills
Schaich, D., Jha, R. G., & Joseph, A. (2022). Thermal phase structure of dimensionally reduced super-Yang--Mills. In Proc. Sci. LATTICE Vol. 2021 (pp. 187). Retrieved from
Progress applying density of states for gravitational waves
Springer, F., & Schaich, D. (2022). Progress applying density of states for gravitational waves. In A. Rothkopf, N. Brambilla, L. Tolos, A. Tranberg, A. Kurkela, D. Roehrich, . . . V. Vento (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences Vol. 274 (pp. 08008). EDP Sciences. doi:10.1051/epjconf/202227408008
Density of states for gravitational waves
Springer, F., & Schaich, D. (2021). Density of states for gravitational waves. Retrieved from
Quantum computing for lattice supersymmetry
Culver, C., & Schaich, D. (2021). Quantum computing for lattice supersymmetry. Retrieved from
Large-N limit of two-dimensional Yang--Mills theory with four supercharges
Dhindsa, N. S., Jha, R. G., Joseph, A., & Schaich, D. (2021). Large-$N$ limit of two-dimensional Yang--Mills theory with four supercharges. Retrieved from
Eigenvalue spectrum and scaling dimension of lattice $\mathcal N = 4$ supersymmetric Yang--Mills
Bergner, G., & Schaich, D. (2021). Eigenvalue spectrum and scaling dimension of lattice N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (4). doi:10.1007/JHEP04(2021)260
Three-dimensional super-Yang--Mills theory on the lattice and dual black branes
Catterall, S., Giedt, J., Jha, R. G., Schaich, D., & Wiseman, T. (2020). Three-dimensional super-Yang-Mills theory on the lattice and dual black branes. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 102(10). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.102.106009
Exotic Phases of a Higgs-Yukawa Model with Reduced Staggered Fermions
Catterall, S., Butt, N., & Schaich, D. (2020). Exotic Phases of a Higgs-Yukawa Model with Reduced Staggered Fermions. In Proceedings of Science Vol. LATTICE2019 (pp. 044). Wuhan, China. doi:10.22323/1.363.0044
Near-conformal dynamics in a chirally broken system
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Cushman, K. K., Fleming, G. T., Gasbarro, A. D., Hasenfratz, A., . . . Witzel, O. (2021). Near-conformal dynamics in a chirally broken system. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 103(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.014504
Stealth dark matter confinement transition and gravitational waves
Brower, R. C., Cushman, K., Fleming, G. T., Gasbarro, A., Hasenfratz, A., Jin, X. Y., . . . Witzel, O. (2021). Stealth dark matter confinement transition and gravitational waves. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 103(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.014505
Thermal phase structure of a supersymmetric matrix model
Schaich, D., Jha, R. G., & Joseph, A. (2020). Thermal phase structure of a supersymmetric matrix model. In PoS LATTICE Vol. 2019 (pp. 069). Retrieved from
Stealth dark matter and gravitational waves
Schaich, D. (n.d.). Stealth dark matter and gravitational waves. In PoS LATTICE Vol. 2019 (pp. 068). doi:10.22323/1.363.0068
Lattice gauge theory for physics beyond the Standard Model
Brower, R. C., Hasenfratz, A., Neil, E. T., Catterall, S., Fleming, G., Giedt, J., . . . Witzel, O. (2019). Lattice gauge theory for physics beyond the Standard Model. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 55(11). doi:10.1140/epja/i2019-12901-5
<i>SO</i>(4) invariant Higgs-Yukawa model with reduced staggered fermions
Butt, N., Catterall, S., & Schaich, D. (2018). <i>SO</i>(4) invariant Higgs-Yukawa model with reduced staggered fermions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 98(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.114514
Linear sigma EFT for nearly conformal gauge theories
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Fleming, G. T., Gasbarro, A., Hasenfratz, A., Ingoldby, J., . . . Witzel, O. (2018). Linear sigma EFT for nearly conformal gauge theories. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 98(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.114510
Nonperturbative investigations of SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Fleming, G. T., Gasbarro, A., Hasenfratz, A., Jin, X. Y., . . . Witzel, O. (2019). Nonperturbative investigations of SU(3) gauge theory with eight dynamical flavors. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 99(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.014509
Testing holography using lattice super-Yang-Mills theory on a 2-torus
Catterall, S., Jha, R. G., Schaich, D., & Wiseman, T. (2018). Testing holography using lattice super-Yang-Mills theory on a 2-torus. Physical Review D, 97. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.086020
Nonperturbative β function of twelve-flavor SU(3) gauge theory
Hasenfratz, A., & Schaich, D. (2018). Nonperturbative β function of twelve-flavor SU(3) gauge theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018. doi:10.1007/jhep02(2018)132
Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed fermion number
Alexandru, A., Bergner, G., Schaich, D., & Wenger, U. (2018). Solution of the sign problem in the Potts model at fixed fermion number. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 97(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.114503
Novel phases in strongly coupled four-fermion theories
Catterall, S., & Schaich, D. (2017). Novel phases in strongly coupled four-fermion theories. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 96(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.96.034506
Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Fleming, G. T., Hasenfratz, A., Jin, X. Y., Kiskis, J., . . . Witzel, O. (2016). Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 93(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.93.114514
Detecting Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability
Appelquist, T., Berkowitz, E., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Fleming, G. T., Jin, X. -Y., . . . LSD, L. S. D. (2015). Detecting Stealth Dark Matter Directly through Electromagnetic Polarizability. Physical Review Letters, 115(17). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.171803
Lifting flat directions in lattice supersymmetry
Catterall, S., & Schaich, D. (2015). Lifting flat directions in lattice supersymmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015. doi:10.1007/JHEP07(2015)057
Stealth dark matter: Dark scalar baryons through the Higgs portal
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Fleming, G. T., Jin, X. -Y., Kiskis, J., . . . Witzel, O. (2015). Stealth dark matter: Dark scalar baryons through the Higgs portal. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 92(7). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.92.075030
Parallel software for lattice <i>N</i>=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Schaich, D., & De Grand, T. (2015). Parallel software for lattice <i>N</i>=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 190, 200-212. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2014.12.025
Nonperturbative β function of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theory
Hasenfratz, A., Schaich, D., & Veernala, A. (2015). Nonperturbative β function of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theory. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (6). doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2015)143
Lattice simulations with eight flavors of domain wall fermions in SU(3) gauge theory
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Fleming, G. T., Kiskis, J., Lin, M. F., Neil, E. T., . . . Witzel, O. (2014). Lattice simulations with eight flavors of domain wall fermions in SU(3) gauge theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.90.114502
<i>N</i>=4 supersymmetry on a space-time lattice
Catterall, S., Schaich, D., Damgaard, P. H., DeGrand, T., & Giedt, J. (2014). <i>N</i>=4 supersymmetry on a space-time lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.90.065013
Improving the continuum limit of gradient flow step scaling
Cheng, A., Hasenfratz, A., Liu, Y., Petropoulos, G., & Schaich, D. (2014). Improving the continuum limit of gradient flow step scaling. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (5). doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2014)137
Two-Color Gauge Theory with Novel Infrared Behavior
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Cheng, M., Fleming, G. T., Kiskis, J., . . . Witzel, O. (2014). Two-Color Gauge Theory with Novel Infrared Behavior. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 112(11). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.111601
Maximum-likelihood approach to topological charge fluctuations in lattice gauge theory
Brower, R. C., Cheng, M., Fleming, G. T., Lin, M. F., Neil, E. T., Osborn, J. C., . . . Witzel, O. (2014). Maximum-likelihood approach to topological charge fluctuations in lattice gauge theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.90.014503
Composite bosonic baryon dark matter on the lattice: <i>SU</i>(4) baryon spectrum and the effective Higgs interaction
Appelquist, T., Berkowitz, E., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Fleming, G. T., Kiskis, J., . . . Kribs, G. D. (2014). Composite bosonic baryon dark matter on the lattice: <i>SU</i>(4) baryon spectrum and the effective Higgs interaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 89(9). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.89.094508
Finite size scaling of conformal theories in the presence of a near-marginal operator
Cheng, A., Hasenfratz, A., Liu, Y., Petropoulos, G., & Schaich, D. (2014). Finite size scaling of conformal theories in the presence of a near-marginal operator. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.90.014509
Lattice Gauge Theories at the Energy Frontier
Appelquist, T., Brower, R., Catterall, S., Fleming, G., Giedt, J., Hasenfratz, A., . . . Schaich, D. (2013). Lattice Gauge Theories at the Energy Frontier. Retrieved from
Lattice calculation of composite dark matter form factors
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Cheng, M., Cohen, S. D., Fleming, G. T., . . . Wasem, J. (2013). Lattice calculation of composite dark matter form factors. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 88(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.014502
Scale-dependent mass anomalous dimension from Dirac eigenmodes
Cheng, A., Hasenfratz, A., Petropoulos, G., & Schaich, D. (2013). Scale-dependent mass anomalous dimension from Dirac eigenmodes. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (7). doi:10.1007/JHEP07(2013)061
MCRG study of 8 and 12 fundamental flavors
Petropoulos, G., Cheng, A., Hasenfratz, A., & Schaich, D. (2012). MCRG study of 8 and 12 fundamental flavors with mixed fundamental-adjoint gauge action in strong coupling. In Proceedings of The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(Lattice 2012) (pp. 051). Sissa Medialab. doi:10.22323/1.164.0051
Approaching Conformality with Ten Flavors
Appelquist, T., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Cheng, M., Cohen, S. D., Fleming, G. T., . . . Vranas, P. (2012). Approaching Conformality with Ten Flavors. Retrieved from
<i>WW</i> scattering parameters via pseudoscalar phase shifts
Appelquist, T., Babich, R., Brower, R. C., Buchoff, M. I., Cheng, M., Clark, M. A., . . . Wasem, J. (2012). <i>WW</i> scattering parameters via pseudoscalar phase shifts. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(7). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.85.074505
Novel phase in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with 12 light fermions
Cheng, A., Hasenfratz, A., & Schaich, D. (2012). Novel phase in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with 12 light fermions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(9). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.85.094509
Lattice simulations and infrared conformality
Appelquist, T., Fleming, G. T., Lin, M. F., Neil, E. T., & Schaich, D. A. (2011). Lattice simulations and infrared conformality. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 84(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.84.054501
Parity Doubling and the S Parameter below the Conformal Window
Appelquist, T., Babich, R., Brower, R. C., Cheng, M., Clark, M. A., Cohen, S. D., . . . Vranas, P. M. (2011). Parity Doubling and the S Parameter below the Conformal Window. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 106(23). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.231601
Strong dynamics and lattice gauge theory
Schaich, D. (2011). Strong dynamics and lattice gauge theory. Retrieved from
Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation of Graphene on the Hexagonal Lattice
Brower, R. C., Rebbi, C., & Schaich, D. (2011). Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation of Graphene on the Hexagonal Lattice. Retrieved from
Exploring strange nucleon form factors on the lattice
Babich, R., Brower, R. C., Clark, M. A., Fleming, G. T., Osborn, J. C., Rebbi, C., & Schaich, D. (2012). Exploring strange nucleon form factors on the lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.85.054510
Toward TeV Conformality
Appelquist, T., Avakian, A., Babich, R., Brower, R. C., Cheng, M., Clark, M. A., . . . Vranas, P. (2010). Toward TeV Conformality. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 104(7). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.071601
Improved lattice measurement of the critical coupling in φ<sub>2</sub><SUP>4</SUP> theory
Schaich, D., & Loinaz, W. (2009). Improved lattice measurement of the critical coupling in φ<sub>2</sub><SUP>4</SUP> theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 79(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.79.056008