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Impact of family childhood adversity on risk of violence and involvement with police in adolescence: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study.

Adjei, N. K., Jonsson, K. R., Opoku-Ware, J., Yaya, S., Chen, Y., Bennett, D., . . . Taylor-Robinson, D. (2025). Impact of family childhood adversity on risk of violence and involvement with police in adolescence: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study.. Journal of epidemiology and community health, jech-2024-223168. doi:10.1136/jech-2024-223168

Journal article


What factors are associated with children being taken into care by the state after initial contact with services? A survival analysis of Children's Social Care data in Liverpool.

McHale, P., Filipe, L., Hodgson, S., Bennett, D., & Barr, B. (2024). What factors are associated with children being taken into care by the state after initial contact with services? A survival analysis of Children's Social Care data in Liverpool.. BMJ public health, 2(2), e001130. doi:10.1136/bmjph-2024-001130

Journal article

Implications of child poverty reduction targets for public health and health inequalities in England: a modelling study between 2024 and 2033.

McCabe, R., Pollack, R., Broadbent, P., Thomson, R. M., Igelström, E., Pearce, A., . . . Katikireddi, S. V. (2024). Implications of child poverty reduction targets for public health and health inequalities in England: a modelling study between 2024 and 2033.. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 78(10), 632-640. doi:10.1136/jech-2024-222313

Journal article

Monitoring a Fragile Child Protection System: a Longitudinal Local Area Ecological Analysis of the Inequalities Impact of Children's Services Inspections on Statutory Child Welfare Interventions in England

Bennett, D. L., Schluter, D. K., Melis, G., Webb, C. J., Reddy, S., Barr, B., . . . Taylor-Robinson, D. (2022). Monitoring a Fragile Child Protection System: a Longitudinal Local Area Ecological Analysis of the Inequalities Impact of Children's Services Inspections on Statutory Child Welfare Interventions in England. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY. doi:10.1017/S0047279422000587

Journal article

Poverty and children entering care in England: A qualitative study of local authority policymakers’ perspectives of challenges in Children’s Services

Bennett, D. L., Wickham, S., Barr, B., & Taylor-Robinson, D. (2024). Poverty and children entering care in England: A qualitative study of local authority policymakers’ perspectives of challenges in Children’s Services. Children and Youth Services Review, 107689. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107689

Journal article


Impact of socio-economic conditions and perinatal factors on risk of becoming a child looked after: a whole population cohort study using routinely collected data in Wales.

Melis, G., Bedston, S., Akbari, A., Bennett, D., Lee, A., Lowthian, E., . . . Taylor-Robinson, D. (2023). Impact of socio-economic conditions and perinatal factors on risk of becoming a child looked after: a whole population cohort study using routinely collected data in Wales.. Public health, 224, 215-223. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2023.09.001

Journal article

Mental health impact of cuts to local government spending on cultural, environmental and planning services in England: a longitudinal ecological study

Fahy, K., Alexiou, A., Daras, K., Mason, K., Bennett, D., Taylor-Robinson, D., & Barr, B. (2023). Mental health impact of cuts to local government spending on cultural, environmental and planning services in England: a longitudinal ecological study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16340-0

Journal article



Funding for preventative Children's Services and rates of children becoming looked after: A natural experiment using longitudinal area-level data in England

Bennett, D. L., Webb, C. J. R., Mason, K. E., Schluter, D. K., Fahy, K., Alexiou, A., . . . Taylor-Robinson, D. (2021). Funding for preventative Children's Services and rates of children becoming looked after: A natural experiment using longitudinal area-level data in England. CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW, 131. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106289

Journal article

What did local government ever do for us?

Alexiou, A., Barr, B., Mason, K., Bennett, D., Fahy, K., & Taylor-Robinson, D. (2021). What did local government ever do for us?. Retrieved from

Website content

Impact of cuts to local government spending on Sure Start children’s centres on childhood obesity in England: a longitudinal ecological study

Mason, K. E., Alexiou, A., Bennett, D. L., Summerbell, C., Barr, B., & Taylor-Robinson, D. (n.d.). Impact of cuts to local government spending on Sure Start children’s centres on childhood obesity in England: a longitudinal ecological study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. doi:10.1136/jech-2020-216064

Journal article


Priorities for the child public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic recovery in England

Hefferon, C., Taylor, C., Bennett, D., Falconer, C., Campbell, M., Williams, J. G., . . . Taylor-Robinson, D. (2021). Priorities for the child public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic recovery in England. ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD, 106(6), 533-538. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2020-320214

Journal article


Strengthening Quality of Tuberculosis Laboratories Toward Accreditation in Viet Nam Implementation and Impact of the TB SLMTA Program

Gumma, V., Bennett, D. L., Nguyen Thi Phong, L., Duong Ngoc, C., Bond, K. B., Nguyen Thi Hoang, Y., . . . Albert, H. (2019). Strengthening Quality of Tuberculosis Laboratories Toward Accreditation in Viet Nam Implementation and Impact of the TB SLMTA Program. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY, 152(6), 808-817. doi:10.1093/ajcp/aqz104

Journal article

Antenatal care among Palestine refugees in Jordan: factors associated with UNRWA attendance

Tittle, V., Bennett, D. L., Hajat, S., Shishtawi, A., Zeidan, W., Abuzabaida, F., . . . Seita, A. (2019). Antenatal care among Palestine refugees in Jordan: factors associated with UNRWA attendance. EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN HEALTH JOURNAL, 25(2), 98-103. doi:10.26719/emhj.18.017

Journal article

Impact of External Quality Assurance on the Quality of Xpert MTB/RIF Testing in Viet Nam

Gumma, V., DeGruy, K., Bennett, D., Thanh, N. T. K., Albert, H., Bond, K. B., . . . Hung, N. V. (2019). Impact of External Quality Assurance on the Quality of Xpert MTB/RIF Testing in Viet Nam. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 57(3). doi:10.1128/JCM.01669-18

Journal article


Bumps and bicycles: Women's experience of cycle-commuting during pregnancy

Bennett, D. L. (2017). Bumps and bicycles: Women's experience of cycle-commuting during pregnancy. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH, 6, 439-451. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2017.02.003

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