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Daniel Hill

Dr Daniel Hill
BA (Oxon), MA (KCL), PhD (London)


+44 (0)151 794 2790

Professional Activities

Chair, Study Group in Philosophy of Religion of The Tyndale Fellowship

Conference Roles

  • Plenary Lecture, by Invitation (Tyndale Fellowship, 2016)
  • Invited Lecture on Logic and Reason in Theology, by Invitation (Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups in Christian Doctrine and Biblical Theology, 2009)
  • Guest Lecture, by Invitation (Riverside College, Halton, 2006)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Tyndale-Fellowship Study Group in Philosophy of Religion (Secretary, 2009 - present)
  • Aristotelian Society (Member, 2003 - present)
  • British Society for Philosophy of Religion (Member, 1997 - 2001)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Admission Officer.
  • Representative on Board of Studies, Board of Examiners, for Combined Honours.
  • Organizer of Open Days.
  • Tutor for Part-Time Tutors