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Dane Anderton

Dr Dane Anderton
BA (hons), MA, PhD, FHEA, CMBE, FeRSA

Director of ULMS MBA Programmes and Director of Studies Liverpool MBA
Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


Selected publications

  1. Place leadership for creative cluster development: The Baltic Triangle in Liverpool (Chapter - 2020)
  2. Changing leadership in peripheral city region development: The case of Liverpool’s high technology sectors (Journal article - 2017)
  3. Science in the city region: establishing Liverpool's life science ecology (Journal article - 2016)
  4. ‘Community Wealth Building’ and ‘Clever Tendering’ for an Inclusive Local Economy (Chapter - 2022)
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Lessons On The Digital World From The Charity Sector: The Corporate World Has A Lot To Learn

Nicholson, B., Kidston, L., Sachikonye, C., & Anderton, D. (2020). Lessons On The Digital World From The Charity Sector: The Corporate World Has A Lot To Learn. Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

Place leadership for creative cluster development: The Baltic Triangle in Liverpool

Anderton, D. (2020). Place leadership for creative cluster development: The Baltic Triangle in Liverpool. In Creative Cluster Development: Governance, Place-Making and Entrepreneurship (pp. 215-230).


Apps and smartphone technology acceptance: lecturers’ likelihood of using interactive polling systems in the lecture theatre

Anderton, D. (2020). Apps and smartphone technology acceptance: lecturers’ likelihood of using interactive polling systems in the lecture theatre. In Modern Day Challenges in Academia. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781788119191.00023


Leadership Is A Skillset Firms Across All Sectors Need To Invest In To Survive

Anderton, D. (2020). Leadership Is A Skillset Firms Across All Sectors Need To Invest In To Survive. [Forbes]. Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

Get me a job! Thinking about student employability

Anderton, D., & Marriott, S. (2020). Get me a job! Thinking about student employability. In Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change (pp. 67-81).



Partnered innovation with blue-chips: Creating collaborative advantage

Anderton, D., & Turner, P. (2018). Partnered innovation with blue-chips: Creating collaborative advantage. In UVAC National Conference. Manchester.

Conference Paper

Universities as Place Leaders in Emerging Countries: A Case of Sustainable Urban Development in India

Anderton, D., & Nair, M. (2018). Universities as Place Leaders in Emerging Countries: A Case of Sustainable Urban Development in India. In Regional Studies Association Research Network on Place Leadership. Manchester. Retrieved from

Conference Paper



Liddle, J., Potluka, O., Quinn, M., Anderton, D., & Bartling, H. (2017). Editorial. LOCAL ECONOMY, 32(4), 267-272. doi:10.1177/0269094217709256

Journal article

Policy-Engagement of University Courses that Deal with FDI/MNEs/Trade and International Business: Pilot Project for UNCTAD of Top US and UK Universities

Tuselmann, H., Anderton, D., Buzdugan, S., Cao, Q., Filiou, D., Roohanifar, M., & Golesorkhi, S. (2017). Policy-Engagement of University Courses that Deal with FDI/MNEs/Trade and International Business: Pilot Project for UNCTAD of Top US and UK Universities: Policy-Engagement of University Courses that Deal with FDI/MNEs/Trade and International Business: Pilot Project for UNCTAD of Top US and UK Universities.



Science in the city region: establishing Liverpool's life science ecology

Anderton, D. (2016). Science in the city region: establishing Liverpool's life science ecology. REGIONAL STUDIES REGIONAL SCIENCE, 3(1), 437-444. doi:10.1080/21681376.2016.1243454

Journal article


Game Over, New Game: An ecological perspective of video game industry resilience in Liverpool

Anderton, D. (2015). Game Over, New Game: An ecological perspective of video game industry resilience in Liverpool. In Regional Studies Association. London.

Conference Paper
