Corina Constantinescu is Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, at the University of Liverpool. Prior to being an academic, Corina worked as an actuary and led the life insurance department of one of the first private Romanian insurance companies. Since 2013, together with Professor Severine Arnold of HEC Lausanne, they are organizing the PARTY conferences for young researchers (unil.ch/party). During 2013-2016 she coordinated the RARE network, within a four year EU Framework 7 project, connecting 12 international institutions of great repute, to work on the theoretical side of the analysis of ruin probabilities in case of disasters or extreme shocks for insurance-like risk pools, by the introduction and analysis of new risk measures, and by (asymptotic) quantification of aggregated risk (www.liverpool.ac.uk/institute-for-financial-and-actuarial-mathematics/research/rare/). Since 2018, she is regularly teaching and supervising MSc students from the African Institute of Mathematical Science (AIMS) network. In 2020, she was one of the two academics named on the 100 Women to Watch list of the Cranfield University’s School of Management, as ideally suited to board positions on FTSE 350 companies. Given her practical perspective, many of her papers are published in actuarial journals, however she also publishes in applied probability journals. She serves as associate editor in a number of actuarial journals and is part of the publicity team of Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Her expertise is in analytical methods for deriving exact or asymptotic results for ruin probabilities, with light or heavy-tailed assumptions in complex insurance risk models. Some of her more recent research interests are around fair insurance pricing when gender is not considered a factor, as well as financial inclusion, specifically fair pricing and regulation of microfinance and microinsurance practices. During her sabbatical year, 2022-23, she was a visiting scholar within the Social Finance Programme, International Labour Organization, United Nations.
Watch here a video describing AIMS MSc projects supervised with ILO colleagues:
Prizes or Honours
- Lonseth Lecture (Oregon State University, 2023)
- Casualty Actuarial Society Ratemaking Call Paper Award (Casualty Actuarial Society, 2023)
- Visiting Scholar (International Labour Organization, 2022)
- Women to Watch 2020 (Cranfield University’s School of Management, 2020)
- Learning and Teaching Award (Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Liverpool, 2017)