A feasibility study for hybrid lighting systems
Mayhoub, M., & Carter, D. (2012). A feasibility study for hybrid lighting systems. Building and Environment, 53, 83-94. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.01.011
The costs and benefits of using daylight guidance to light office buildings
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). The costs and benefits of using daylight guidance to light office buildings. Building and Environment, 46(3), 698-710. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.09.014
A model to estimate direct luminous efficacy based on satellite data
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). A model to estimate direct luminous efficacy based on satellite data. Solar Energy, 85(2), 234-248. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2010.12.008
A model to estimate diffused luminous efficacy based on satellite data
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). A model to estimate diffused luminous efficacy based on satellite data. In 5th International SOLARIS Conference (pp. 194-201). Brno: SOLARIS.
Hybrid lighting systems: performance and design
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). Hybrid lighting systems: performance and design. Lighting Research and Technology.
Methods to estimate global and diffused luminous efficacy based on satellite data,
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). Methods to estimate global and diffused luminous efficacy based on satellite data,. Solar Energy, 85(11), 2940-2952.
Satellite data-based methods to predict global luminous efficacy
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2011). Satellite data-based methods to predict global luminous efficacy. In 5th International SOLARIS Conference (pp. 186-193). Brno,: SOLARIS.
Towards hybrid lighting systems: A review
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2010). Towards hybrid lighting systems: A review. Lighting Research & Technology, 42(1), 51-71. doi:10.1177/1477153509103724
Hybrid lighting systems: Costs and benefits
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2010). Hybrid lighting systems: Costs and benefits. In BulLight2010 Vol. 1. Varna: Bulgaria CIE National Committee.
Putting light down a pipe, Review of 'Hollow light guides' by Julian B Aizenburg
Carter, D. J. (2010). Putting light down a pipe, Review of 'Hollow light guides' by Julian B Aizenburg. Lighting Journal.
Um estudo de viabilidade dos sistemas de luminacao hibridos
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2010). Um estudo de viabilidade dos sistemas de luminacao hibridos. Electricidade Moderna, 38(418), 58-72.
Good lighting with less energy: Where next?
Richards, M., & Carter, D. (2009). Good lighting with less energy: Where next?. Lighting Research & Technology, 41(3), 285-286. doi:10.1177/1477153509343493
User attitudes toward tubular daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J., & Al Marwaee, M. (2009). User attitudes toward tubular daylight guidance systems. Lighting Research & Technology, 41(1), 71-88. doi:10.1177/1477153508096045
Discussion on 'An experimental study of a facade mounted light pipe' by V Duc Hien and S Chirarattannanon
Carter, D. J. (2009). Discussion on 'An experimental study of a facade mounted light pipe' by V Duc Hien and S Chirarattannanon. Lighting Research and Technology.
Hybrid lighting systems
Carter, D. J. (2009). Hybrid lighting systems. In Iluminat 2009. Cluj-Napoca: UTCJ.
Hybrid lighting systems: A feasibility study for Europe
Mayhoub, M. S., & Carter, D. J. (2009). Hybrid lighting systems: A feasibility study for Europe. In 11th Lux Europa Congress Vol. 1 (pp. 265-272). Istanbul: ATMK.
Carter, D. J. (2008). Editorial. Lighting Research and Technology, 40(4), 257.
Iluminacao controlada pelo usuario: estrategias para economia de energia
Carter, D. J. (2008). Iluminacao controlada pelo usuario: estrategias para economia de energia. Electricidade Moderna, 36(406), 96-113.
Tubular guidance systems for daylight: UK case studies
Carter, D. J. (2008). Tubular guidance systems for daylight: UK case studies. Building Research & Information, 36(5), 520-535. doi:10.1080/09613210801987855
D J Carter (2007), User attitudes toward tubular daylight guidance in offices
Carter, D. J. (2007). D J Carter (2007), User attitudes toward tubular daylight guidance in offices. In 25th Session of Commission International de l'Eclairage. Beijing, China: CIE.
Let the sun shine in: daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J. (2007). Let the sun shine in: daylight guidance systems. Lighting Journal, 72(1), 22-27.
Recent developments in daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J. (2007). Recent developments in daylight guidance systems. Inginria Iluminatului, 8(18), 15-24.
Sistmas tabulates de guia de luz natural e oscodigos de edificacoes,
Carter, D. J. (2007). Sistmas tabulates de guia de luz natural e oscodigos de edificacoes,. Electricidade Moderna, 35(402), 64-79.
Towards design criteria for daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J. (2007). Towards design criteria for daylight guidance systems. In Iluminat 2007 (pp. 54-62). Cluj-Napoca, Romania: CNRI/CIE.
Tubular guidance systems for daylight: Achieved and predicted installation performances
Al-Marwaee, M., & Carter, D. (2006). Tubular guidance systems for daylight: Achieved and predicted installation performances. Applied Energy, 83(7), 774-788. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2005.08.001
Light loss in complex heavily obstructed interiors: influence of obstruction density, obstruction height and luminaire type
Hadwan, M. K., & Carter, D. J. (2006). Light loss in complex heavily obstructed interiors: influence of obstruction density, obstruction height and luminaire type. Lighting Research & Technology, 38(1), 53-71. doi:10.1191/1365782806li156oa
A field study of tubular daylight guidance installations
Al-Marwaee, M., & Carter, D. J. (2006). A field study of tubular daylight guidance installations. Lighting Research and Technology, 38(3), 1-18.
Discussion on ' Hotspots in cylindrical mirror light pipes: description an removal' by PD Smith, GB Smith and J Franklin
Carter, D. J. (2006). Discussion on ' Hotspots in cylindrical mirror light pipes: description an removal' by PD Smith, GB Smith and J Franklin. Lighting Research and Technology.
Discussion on 'Light piping performance enhancement using a deflecting sheet' by L Venturi, M Wilson, A Jacobs and J Solomon
Carter, D. J. (2006). Discussion on 'Light piping performance enhancement using a deflecting sheet' by L Venturi, M Wilson, A Jacobs and J Solomon. Lighting Research and Technology.
Tubular daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J. (Ed.) (2006). Tubular daylight guidance systems (Vol. CIE173). Vienna: Commission International de l'Eclairage.
Tubular daylight guidance systems: impact on building codes and the environment
Al-Marwaee, M., & Carter, D. J. (2006). Tubular daylight guidance systems: impact on building codes and the environment. In Jeddah International Urban Forum (pp. 186-195). Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: IESA/CIE.
Discussion on ¿ Potential recommendations for illuminance reductions by load shedding
Carter, D. J. (2005). Discussion on ¿ Potential recommendations for illuminance reductions by load shedding. Lighting Research and Technology.
Lighting design for obstructed interiors
Carter, D. J. (Ed.) (2005). Lighting design for obstructed interiors (Vol. CIE161). Vienna: Commission International de l'Eclairage.
Toward prediction of light losses in complex heavily obstructed interiors
Carter, D. J., & Hadwan, M. K. (2005). Toward prediction of light losses in complex heavily obstructed interiors. In 10th Lux Europa Congress (pp. 4). Berlin: Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft.
Tubular daylight guidance systems: impact of building codes
Carter, D. J., & Al-Marwaee, M. (2005). Tubular daylight guidance systems: impact of building codes. In 10th Lux Europa Congress (pp. 4). Berlin: Deutsche Lichttechnishe Gesellschaft.
Developments in tubular daylight guidance systems
Carter, D. J. (2004). Developments in tubular daylight guidance systems. Building Research & Information, 32(3), 220-234. doi:10.1080/0961321042000189671
A study of opinion in offices with and without user control
Moore, T. A., Carter, D. J., & Slater, A. I. (2004). A study of opinion in offices with and without user control. Lighting Research and Technology, 36(2), 131-146.
Long-term patterns of use of occupant controlled office lighting
Moore, T., Carter, D. J., & Slater, A. I. (2003). Long-term patterns of use of occupant controlled office lighting. Lighting Research & Technology, 35(1), 43-57. doi:10.1191/1477153503li061oa
Photogrammetry as an aid to lighting design for complex obstructed interiors
Hadwan, M. K., Knight, M. W., & Carter, D. J. (2002). Photogrammetry as an aid to lighting design for complex obstructed interiors. Lighting Research & Technology, 34(3), 221-228. doi:10.1191/1365782802lt049oa
The measured and predicted performance of passive solar light pipe systems
Carter, D. J. (2002). The measured and predicted performance of passive solar light pipe systems. Lighting Research & Technology, 34(1), 39-51. doi:10.1191/1365782802li029oa
A field study of occupant controlled lighting in offices
Moore, T. A., Carter, D. J., & Slater, A. I. (2002). A field study of occupant controlled lighting in offices. Lighting Research and Technology, 34(3), 191-205.
Photogrammetry as an aid to design of lighting for complex interiors
Hadwan, M. K., Knight, M. W., & Carter, D. J. (2002). Photogrammetry as an aid to design of lighting for complex interiors. Lighting Research and Technology, 34(3), 211-230.
Photogrammetry as an aid to lighting design for industrial interiors
Knight, M., & Carter, D. J. (2002). Photogrammetry as an aid to lighting design for industrial interiors. In 20th eCAADe Conference Proceedings (pp. 494-501). Warsaw, Poland: University of Warsaw.