Selected publications
- Global risk model for vector-borne transmission of Zika virus reveals the role of El Niño 2015 (Journal article - 2017)
- Impact of climate change on global malaria distribution (Journal article - 2014)
- Modelling the effects of past and future climate on the risk of bluetongue emergence in Europe (Journal article - 2012)
- Suitability of European climate for the Asian tiger mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus</i>: recent trends and future scenarios (Journal article - 2012)
- Twentieth century Sahel rainfall variability as simulated by the ARPEGE AGCM, and future changes (Journal article - 2010)
Aedes albopictus is rapidly invading its climatic niche in France: wider implications for biting nuisance and arbovirus control in Western Europe
Reacting to climate change and temperature extremes: A case study on the tiger mosquito in Italy&#173;
Garrido Zornoza, M., Caminade, C., & Tompkins, A. (2025). Reacting to climate change and temperature extremes: A case study on the tiger mosquito in Italy&#173;. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10908
Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Services and One Health
McMahon, B. J., Caminade, C., de Meneghi, D., Doyle, C., Garnier, J., Hitziger, M., . . . McIntyre, K. M. (2024). Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Services and One Health. In Principles of One Health for a better planet (pp. 146-182). CABI. doi:10.1079/9781800623002.0008
The invasions of<i>Aedes aegypti</i>and<i>Aedes albopictus</i>in Cyprus: current situation, risk modelling and public health implications for the wider Eastern Mediterranean region
The effect of climate change and temperature extremes on <i>Aedes albopictus</i> populations: a regional case study for Italy.
Garrido Zornoza, M., Caminade, C., & Tompkins, A. M. (2024). The effect of climate change and temperature extremes on <i>Aedes albopictus</i> populations: a regional case study for Italy.. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 21(220), 20240319. doi:10.1098/rsif.2024.0319
Arboviruses, Vectors, Poverty and Climate Change
Butler,, C. D., Caminade, C., & Morse, A. P. (2024). Arboviruses, Vectors, Poverty and Climate Change. In Climate Change and Global Health (pp. 202-218). CABI. doi:10.1079/9781800620025.0016
Climate Change and Global Health
Butler, C., & Higgs, K. (Eds.) (2024). Climate Change and Global Health. doi:10.1079/9781800620025.0000
The effect of explicit convection on simulated malaria transmission across Africa
Talib, J., Abatan, A. A., HoekSpaans, R., Yamba, E. I., Egbebiyi, T. S., Caminade, C., . . . Morse, A. P. (2024). The effect of explicit convection on simulated malaria transmission across Africa. PLOS ONE, 19(4), e0297744. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0297744
Climate-influenced vector-borne diseases in Africa: a call to empower the next generation of African researchers for sustainable solutions.
Obame-Nkoghe, J., Agossou, A. E., Mboowa, G., Kamgang, B., Caminade, C., Duke, D. C., . . . Voua Otomo, P. (2024). Climate-influenced vector-borne diseases in Africa: a call to empower the next generation of African researchers for sustainable solutions.. Infectious diseases of poverty, 13(1), 26. doi:10.1186/s40249-024-01193-5
Ability of a dynamical climate sensitive disease model to reproduce historical Rift Valley Fever outbreaks over Africa
Chemison, A., Ramstein, G., Jones, A., Morse, A., & Caminade, C. (n.d.). Ability of a dynamical climate sensitive disease model to reproduce historical Rift Valley Fever outbreaks over Africa. Scientific Reports, 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-53774-x
Risk factors for tick attachment in companion animals in Great Britain: a spatiotemporal analysis covering 2014–2021
Arsevska, E., Hengl, T., Singleton, D. A., Noble, P. -J. M., Caminade, C., Eneanya, O. A., . . . Radford, A. D. (n.d.). Risk factors for tick attachment in companion animals in Great Britain: a spatiotemporal analysis covering 2014–2021. Parasites & Vectors, 17(1). doi:10.1186/s13071-023-06094-4
Is the Ollerenshaw fasciolosis forecasting model fit for the 21st century?
Howell, A., Caminade, C., Brulisauer, F., Mitchell, S., & Williams, D. (2023). Is the Ollerenshaw fasciolosis forecasting model fit for the 21st century?. VETERINARY RECORD, 193(1). doi:10.1002/vetr.2781
Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa
Caminade, C., Morse, A. P., Fevre, E. M., Mor, S., Baylis, M., & Kelly-Hope, L. (2023). Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7652
Impact of global warming and Greenland ice sheet melting on malaria and Rift Valley Fever
Chemison, A., Defrance, D., Ramstein, G., & Caminade, C. (2023). Impact of global warming and Greenland ice sheet melting on malaria and Rift Valley Fever. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5923
Prevalence of Human and Animal Fasciolosis in Butajira and Gilgel Gibe Health Demographic Surveillance System Sites in Ethiopia.
Abaya, S. W., Mereta, S. T., Tulu, F. D., Mekonnen, Z., Ayana, M., Girma, M., . . . Graham-Brown, J. (2023). Prevalence of Human and Animal Fasciolosis in Butajira and Gilgel Gibe Health Demographic Surveillance System Sites in Ethiopia.. Tropical medicine and infectious disease, 8(4), 208. doi:10.3390/tropicalmed8040208
Risk factors for tick attachment in companion animals in Great Britain: a spatiotemporal analysis covering 2014-2021
Effects of Land-Use and Environmental Factors on Snail Distribution and Trematode Infection in Ethiopia
Mereta, S. T., Abaya, S. W., Tulu, F. D., Takele, K., Ahmednur, M., Melka, G. A., . . . Mor, S. M. (2023). Effects of Land-Use and Environmental Factors on Snail Distribution and Trematode Infection in Ethiopia. TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE, 8(3). doi:10.3390/tropicalmed8030154
Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa.
Caminade, C., Morse, A., Fevre, E., Mor, S., Baylis, M., & Kelly-Hope, L. (2023). Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa.. In The EGU23 General Assembly Vol. EGU23-7652. Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7652
Impact of an acceleration of ice sheet melting on monsoon systems
Chemison, A., Defrance, D., Ramstein, G., & Caminade, C. (2022). Impact of an acceleration of ice sheet melting on monsoon systems. EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, 13(3), 1259-1287. doi:10.5194/esd-13-1259-2022
Impact of an acceleration of ice sheet melting on monsoon systems
Oceanic Influence on Seasonal Malaria Incidence in West Africa
Diouf, I., Suarez-Moreno, R., Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., Caminade, C., Wade, M., Thiaw, W. M., . . . Ndiaye, M. K. N. (2022). Oceanic Influence on Seasonal Malaria Incidence in West Africa. WEATHER CLIMATE AND SOCIETY, 14(1), 287-302. doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-20-0160.1
Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and more populated world: a multi-model, multi-scenario intercomparison modelling study.
Colon-Gonzalez, J. F., Sewe, M. O., Tompkins, M. A., Sjodin, H., Casallas, A., Rocklov, J., . . . Lowe, R. (2021). Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and more populated world: a multi-model, multi-scenario intercomparison modelling study. LANCET PLANETARY HEALTH, 5(7), E404-E414. Retrieved from
Impact of an accelerated melting of Greenland on malaria distribution over Africa
Chemison, A., Ramstein, G., Tompkins, A. M., Defrance, D., Camus, G., Charra, M., & Caminade, C. (2021). Impact of an accelerated melting of Greenland on malaria distribution over Africa. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 12(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24134-4
Impact of climatic, demographic and disease control factors on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in large cities worldwide.
Metelmann, S., Pattni, K., Brierley, L., Cavalerie, L., Caminade, C., Blagrove, M. S. C., . . . Baylis, M. (2021). Impact of climatic, demographic and disease control factors on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in large cities worldwide.. One Health, 100221. doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100221
Assessing the suitability for <i>Aedes albopictus</i> and dengue transmission risk in China with a delay differential equation model
Metelmann, S., Liu, X., Lu, L., Caminade, C., Liu, K., Cao, L., . . . Liu, Q. (2021). Assessing the suitability for <i>Aedes albopictus</i> and dengue transmission risk in China with a delay differential equation model. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES, 15(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009153
How to Model the Impact of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases?
Caminade, C. (2022). How to Model the Impact of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases?. In CLIMATE, TICKS AND DISEASE (Vol. 12, pp. 26-31). doi:10.1079/9781789249637.0004
Climate change and vector-borne diseases
Caminade, C. (2020). Climate change and vector-borne diseases. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2020(1). doi:10.1289/isee.2020.virtual.o-sy-1585
Modelling the impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of tsetse in Northern Zimbabwe
Longbottom, J., Caminade, C., Gibson, H. S., Weiss, D. J., Torr, S., & Lord, J. S. (2020). Modelling the impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of tsetse in Northern Zimbabwe. Parasites & Vectors, 13(1). doi:10.1186/s13071-020-04398-3
Potential for Zika virus transmission by mosquitoes in temperate climates
Blagrove, M. S. C., Caminade, C., Diggle, P., Patterson, E. I., Sherlock, K., Chapman, G., . . . Baylis, M. (2020). Potential for Zika virus transmission by mosquitoes in temperate climates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1930). doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.0119
Climate Variability and Malaria over West Africa
Diouf, I., Rodriguez Fonseca, B., Caminade, C., Thiaw, W. M., Deme, A., Morse, A. P., . . . Ndiaye, M. K. N. (2020). Climate Variability and Malaria over West Africa. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE, 102(5), 1037-1047. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.19-0062
The Moderate Impact of the 2015 El Nino over East Africa and Its Representation in Seasonal Reforecasts
Macleod, D., & Caminade, C. (2019). The Moderate Impact of the 2015 El Nino over East Africa and Its Representation in Seasonal Reforecasts. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 32(22), 7989-8001. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0201.1
Abstracts of Oral Presentations
Abstracts of Oral Presentations (2019). Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 113(Supplement_1), S1-S98. doi:10.1093/trstmh/trz094
Impact of ENSO 2016-17 on regional climate and malaria vector dynamics in Tanzania
Kreppel, K., Caminade, C. M., Govella, N., Morse, A. P., Ferguson, H., & Baylis, M. (2019). Impact of ENSO 2016-17 on regional climate and malaria vector dynamics in Tanzania. Environmental Research Letters, 14(7). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab26c7
Modeling Potential Habitat for Amblyomma Tick Species in California
Pascoe, E. L., Marcantonio, M., Caminade, C., & Foley, J. E. (2019). Modeling Potential Habitat for Amblyomma Tick Species in California. INSECTS, 10(7). doi:10.3390/insects10070201
The UK’s suitability for Aedes albopictus in current and future climates
Metelmann, S., Caminade, C. M., Jones, A. E., Medlock, J. M., Baylis, M., & Morse, A. P. (2019). The UK’s suitability for Aedes albopictus in current and future climates. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(152). doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0761
Bluetongue risk under future climates
Jones, A., Turner, J., Caminade, C. M., Heath, A., Wardeh, M., Kluiters, G., . . . Baylis, M. (2019). Bluetongue risk under future climates. Nature Climate Change, 9(2), 153-157. doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0376-6
The effect of temperature, farm density and foot-and-mouth disease restrictions on the 2007 UK bluetongue outbreak
Turner, J., Jones, A. E., Heath, A. E., Wardeh, M., Caminade, C., Kluiters, G., . . . Baylis, M. (2019). The effect of temperature, farm density and foot-and-mouth disease restrictions on the 2007 UK bluetongue outbreak. Scientific Reports, 9. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-35941-z
Impact of recent and future climate change on vector-borne diseases
Caminade, C., McIntyre, K. M., & Jones, A. E. (2019). Impact of recent and future climate change on vector-borne diseases. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 1436(1), 157-173. doi:10.1111/nyas.13950
Lag effect of climatic variables on dengue burden in India
Kakarla, S. G., Caminade, C., Mutheneni, S. R., Morse, A. P., Upadhyayula, S. M., Kadiri, M. R., & Kumaraswamy, S. (2019). Lag effect of climatic variables on dengue burden in India. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION, 147. doi:10.1017/S0950268819000608
Fasciola and fasciolosis in ruminants in Europe: Identifying research needs
Beesley, N. J., Caminade, C., Charlier, J., Flynn, R. J., Hodgkinson, J. E., Martinez-Moreno, A., . . . Williams, D. J. L. (2018). Fasciola and fasciolosis in ruminants in Europe: Identifying research needs. TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, 65, 199-216. doi:10.1111/tbed.12682
Predicting the distribution of <i>Phortica variegata</i> and potential for <i>Thelazia callipaeda</i> transmission in Europe and the United Kingdom
Palfreyman, J., Graham-Brown, J., Caminade, C., Gilmore, P., Otranto, D., & Williams, D. J. L. (2018). Predicting the distribution of <i>Phortica variegata</i> and potential for <i>Thelazia callipaeda</i> transmission in Europe and the United Kingdom. PARASITES & VECTORS, 11. doi:10.1186/s13071-018-2842-4
Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Advances in Modelling Climate-Change Impacts
Tjaden, N. B., Caminade, C., Beierkuhnlein, C., & Thomas, S. M. (2018). Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Advances in Modelling Climate-Change Impacts. TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY, 34(3), 227-245. doi:10.1016/
Comparison of Malaria Simulations Driven by Meteorological Observations and Reanalysis Products in Senegal
Diouf, I., Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., Deme, A., Caminade, C., Morse, A. P., Cisse, M., . . . Gaye, A. T. (2017). Comparison of Malaria Simulations Driven by Meteorological Observations and Reanalysis Products in Senegal. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 14(10). doi:10.3390/ijerph14101119
Dengue burden in India: recent trends and importance of climatic parameters
Mutheneni, S. R., Morse, A. P., Caminade, C., & Upadhyayula, S. M. (2017). Dengue burden in India: recent trends and importance of climatic parameters. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 6(1). doi:10.1038/emi.2017.57
The role of climate change in a developing threat: the case of bluetongue in Europe
Baylis, M., Caminade, C., Turner, J., & Jones, A. E. (2017). The role of climate change in a developing threat: the case of bluetongue in Europe. REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE-OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIZOOTIES, 36(2), 467-478. doi:10.20506/rst.36.2.2667
Co-occurrence of viruses and mosquitoes at the vectors' optimal climate range: An underestimated risk to temperate regions?
Blagrove, M. S. C., Caminade, C., Waldmann, E., Sutton, E. R., Wardeh, M., & Baylis, M. (2017). Co-occurrence of viruses and mosquitoes at the vectors' optimal climate range: An underestimated risk to temperate regions?. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(6). doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0005604
Reply to Gautret et al
Caminade, C., McIntyre, K. M., & Jones, A. E. (2017). Global Warming and Global Decrease in Vector-Borne Disease Prevalence and Mortality Reply. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 215(4), 661-662. doi:10.1093/infdis/jix022
Global risk model for vector-borne transmission of Zika virus reveals the role of El Nino 2015 (vol 114, pg 119, 2016)
Caminade, C., Turner, J., Metelmann, S., Hesson, J. C., Blagrove, M. S. C., Solomon, T., . . . Baylis, M. (2017). Global risk model for vector-borne transmission of Zika virus reveals the role of El Nino 2015 (vol 114, pg 119, 2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 114(7), E1301-E1302. doi:10.1073/pnas.1700746114
Global risk model for vector-borne transmission of Zika virus reveals the role of El Niño 2015
Caminade, C. M., Turner, J., Metelmann, S., Hesson, J. C., Blagrove, M. S. C., Solomon, T., . . . Baylis, M. (2017). Global risk model for vector-borne transmission of Zika virus reveals the role of El Niño 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(1), 119-124. doi:10.1073/pnas.1614303114
Climate Change Contribution to the Emergence or Re-Emergence of Parasitic Diseases.
Short, E. E., Caminade, C., & Thomas, B. N. (2017). Climate Change Contribution to the Emergence or Re-Emergence of Parasitic Diseases.. Infectious diseases, 10, 1178633617732296. doi:10.1177/1178633617732296
Towards a comprehensive climate impacts assessment of solar geoengineering
Irvine, P. J., Kravitz, B., Lawrence, M. G., Gerten, D., Caminade, C., Gosling, S. N., . . . Smith, S. J. (2017). Towards a comprehensive climate impacts assessment of solar geoengineering. EARTHS FUTURE, 5(1), 93-106. doi:10.1002/2016EF000389
Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases: Where Are We Next Heading?
Caminade, C., McIntyre, M. K., & Jones, A. E. (2016). Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases: Where Are We Next Heading?. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 214(9), 1300-1301. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiw368
EPIDEMIOLOGY Malaria in a warmer West Africa
Caminade, C., & Jones, A. E. (2016). EPIDEMIOLOGY Malaria in a warmer West Africa. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 6(11), 984-985. doi:10.1038/nclimate3095
Modeling of spatio-temporal variation in plague incidence in Madagascar from 1980 to 2007
Giorgi, E., Kreppel, K., Diggle, P. J., Caminade, C., Ratsitorahina, M., Rajerison, M., & Baylis, M. (2016). Modeling of spatio-temporal variation in plague incidence in Madagascar from 1980 to 2007. SPATIAL AND SPATIO-TEMPORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, 19, 125-135. doi:10.1016/j.sste.2016.10.001
Emergence or improved detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in the Himalayan highlands?
Baylis, M., Barker, C. M., Caminade, C., Joshi, B. R., Pant, G. R., Rayamajhi, A., . . . Impoinvil, D. E. (2016). Emergence or improved detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in the Himalayan highlands?. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE, 110(4), 209-211. doi:10.1093/trstmh/trw012
A dynamic, climate-driven model of Rift Valley fever
Leedale, J., Jones, A. E., Caminade, C., & Morse, A. P. (2016). A dynamic, climate-driven model of Rift Valley fever. Geospatial Health, 11(1s), 78-93. doi:10.4081/gh.2016.394
Projecting malaria hazard from climate change in eastern Africa using large ensembles to estimate uncertainty
Leedale, J., Tompkins, A. M., Caminade, C., Jones, A. E., Nikulin, G., & Morse, A. P. (2016). Projecting malaria hazard from climate change in eastern Africa using large ensembles to estimate uncertainty. GEOSPATIAL HEALTH, 11, 102-114. doi:10.4081/gh.2016.393
A model to assess the efficacy of vaccines for control of liver fluke infection
Turner, J., Howell, A., McCann, C., Caminade, C., Bowers, R. G., Williams, D., & Baylis, M. (2016). A model to assess the efficacy of vaccines for control of liver fluke infection. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6. doi:10.1038/srep23345
Climate‐driven changes to the spatio‐temporal distribution of the parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contortus, in sheep in Europe
Rose, H., Caminade, C., Bolajoko, M. B., Phelan, P., Van-Dijk, J., Baylis, M., . . . Morgan, E. R. (2016). Climate‐driven changes to the spatio‐temporal distribution of the parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contortus, in sheep in Europe. Global Change Biology, 22(3), 1271-1285. doi:10.1111/gcb.13132
Variability and Predictability of West African Droughts: A Review on the Role of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., Mohino, E., Mechoso, C. R., Caminade, C., Biasutti, M., Gaetani, M., . . . Voldoire, A. (2015). Variability and Predictability of West African Droughts: A Review on the Role of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 28(10), 4034-4060. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00130.1
Demonstration of successful malaria forecasts for Botswana using an operational seasonal climate model
MacLeod, D. A., Jones, A., Di Giuseppe, F., Caminade, C., & Morse, A. (2015). Demonstration of successful malaria forecasts for Botswana using an operational seasonal climate model. Environmental Research Letters, 10(4). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/4/044005
Recent and projected future climatic suitability of North America for the Asian tiger mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus</i>
Ogden, N. H., Milka, R., Caminade, C., & Gachon, P. (2014). Recent and projected future climatic suitability of North America for the Asian tiger mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus</i>. PARASITES & VECTORS, 7. doi:10.1186/s13071-014-0532-4
Towards seasonal forecasting of malaria in India
Lauderdale, J. M., Caminade, C., Heath, A. E., Jones, A. E., MacLeod, D. A., Gouda, K. C., . . . Morse, A. P. (2014). Towards seasonal forecasting of malaria in India. MALARIA JOURNAL, 13. doi:10.1186/1475-2875-13-310
Impact of climate change on global malaria distribution
Caminade, C., Kovats, S., Rocklov, J., Tompkins, A. M., Morse, A. P., Jesus Colon-Gonzalez, F., . . . Lloyd, S. J. (2014). Impact of climate change on global malaria distribution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9), 3286-3291. doi:10.1073/pnas.1302089111
Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks in Mauritania and Related Environmental Conditions
Caminade, C., Ndione, J. A., Diallo, M., MacLeod, D. A., Faye, O., Ba, Y., . . . Morse, A. P. (2014). Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks in Mauritania and Related Environmental Conditions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 11(1), 903-918. doi:10.3390/ijerph110100903
A non-stationary relationship between global climate phenomena and human plague incidence in Madagascar
Kreppel, K. S., Caminade, C., Telfer, S., Rajerison, M., Rahalison, L., Morse, A., & Baylis, M. (2014). A Non-Stationary Relationship between Global Climate Phenomena and Human Plague Incidence in Madagascar. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES, 8(10). doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003155
Severity, duration and frequency of drought in SE England from 1697 to 2011
Todd, B., Macdonald, N., Chiverrell, R. C., Caminade, C., & Hooke, J. M. (2013). Severity, duration and frequency of drought in SE England from 1697 to 2011. CLIMATIC CHANGE, 121(4), 673-687. doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0970-6
Severity, duration and frequency of drought in SE England from 1697 to 2011
Todd, B., Macdonald, N., Chiverrell, R. C., Caminade, C., & Hooke, J. M. (2013). Severity, duration and frequency of drought in SE England from 1697 to 2011. Climatic Change, 121(4), 673-687. doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0970-6
Climate Induced Effects on Livestock Population and Productivity in the Mediterranean Area
Lacetera, N., Segnalini, M., Bernabucci, U., Ronchi, B., Vitali, A., Tran, A., . . . Nardone, A. (2013). Climate Induced Effects on Livestock Population and Productivity in the Mediterranean Area. In Advances in Global Change Research (pp. 135-156). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5772-1_7
In the Eye of the Tiger
Arnold, C. (2013). In the Eye of the Tiger. Science News, 183(13), 26. Retrieved from
Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean
Navarra, A., & Tubiana, L. (Eds.) (2013). Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean. In . Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5772-1
The Effect of Vaccination Coverage and Climate on Japanese Encephalitis in Sarawak, Malaysia
Impoinvil, D. E., Ooi, M. H., Diggle, P. J., Caminade, C., Cardosa, M. J., Morse, A. P., . . . Solomon, T. (2013). The Effect of Vaccination Coverage and Climate on Japanese Encephalitis in Sarawak, Malaysia. PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES, 7(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002334
CK, T. S., A, T., K, B., C, C., A, M., HH, A., . . . HA, H. (2012). CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND MALARIA INCIDENCE IN PERI-URBAN, URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES AROUND KUMASI, GHANA: A CASE STUDY AT THREE HEALTH FACILITIES; EMENA, ATONSU AND AKROPONG. International Journal of Parasitology Research, 4(2), 83-89. doi:10.9735/0975-3702.4.2.83-89
Useful decadal climate prediction at regional scales? A look at the ENSEMBLES stream 2 decadal hindcasts
MacLeod, D. A., Caminade, C., & Morse, A. P. (2012). Useful decadal climate prediction at regional scales? A look at the ENSEMBLES stream 2 decadal hindcasts. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 7(4). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044012
Suitability of European climate for the Asian tiger mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus</i>: recent trends and future scenarios
Caminade, C., Medlock, J. M., Ducheyne, E., McIntyre, K. M., Leach, S., Baylis, M., & Morse, A. P. (2012). Suitability of European climate for the Asian tiger mosquito <i>Aedes albopictus</i>: recent trends and future scenarios. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE, 9(75), 2708-2717. doi:10.1098/rsif.2012.0138
The QWeCI Project: seamlessly linking climate science to society
Heath, A. E., Morse, A. P., Caminade, C., Jones, A. E., & MacLeod, D. (2012). The QWeCI Project: seamlessly linking climate science to society. In EGU General Assembly 2012 (pp. 1559). Vienna.
Modelling the effects of past and future climate on the risk of bluetongue emergence in Europe
Guis, H., Caminade, C., Calvete, C., Morse, A. P., Tran, A., & Baylis, M. (2012). Modelling the effects of past and future climate on the risk of bluetongue emergence in Europe. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE, 9(67), 339-350. doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0255
Entomological Survey of Malaria Vectors within the Kumasi Metropolitan Area - A study of three communities: Emena, Atonsu and Akropong
Tay, S. C. K., Danuor, S. K., Morse, A., Caminade, C., Badu, K., & Abruquah, H. H. (2012). Entomological Survey of Malaria Vectors within the Kumasi Metropolitan Area - A study of three communities: Emena, Atonsu and Akropong. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (USA), 1(2), 144-154. Retrieved from
Simulating infectious disease risk based on climatic drivers: from numerical weather prediction to long term climate change scenario
Caminade, C., Ndione, J. A., Diallo, M., MacLeod, D., Faye, O., Ba, Y., . . . Morse, A. P. (2012). Simulating infectious disease risk based on climatic drivers: from numerical weather prediction to long term climate change scenario. In EGU. Austria: Springer. Retrieved from
When will European countries exceed the 2.C temperature increase?
Caminade, C., & Morse, A. P. (2012). When will European countries exceed the 2.C temperature increase?. In EGU (pp. 2012-2099). Vienna: Springer. Retrieved from
The Spatial Heterogeneity between Japanese Encephalitis Incidence Distribution and Environmental Variables in Nepal
Impoinvil, D. E., Solomon, T., Schluter, W. W., Rayamajhi, A., Bichha, R. P., Shakya, G., . . . Baylis, M. (2011). The Spatial Heterogeneity between Japanese Encephalitis Incidence Distribution and Environmental Variables in Nepal. PLOS ONE, 6(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022192
Interannual and decadal SST-forced responses of the West African monsoon
Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., Janicot, S., Mohino, E., Losada, T., Bader, J., Caminade, C., . . . Voldoire, A. (2011). Interannual and decadal SST-forced responses of the West African monsoon. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 12(1), 67-74. doi:10.1002/asl.308
Mapping Rift Valley fever and malaria risk over West Africa using climatic indicators
Caminade, C., Ndione, J. A., Kebe, C. M. F., Jones, A. E., Danuor, S., Tay, S., . . . Morse, A. P. (2011). Mapping Rift Valley fever and malaria risk over West Africa using climatic indicators. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 12(1), 96-103. doi:10.1002/asl.296
Impact of climate change on human and animal health
McIntyre, K. M., Setzkorn, C., Baylis, M., Waret-Szkuta, A., Caminade, C., Morse, A. P., . . . Morand, S. (2010). Impact of climate change on human and animal health. VETERINARY RECORD, 167(15), 586. doi:10.1136/vr.c5523
Impact of climate change upon vector born diseases in Europe and Africa using ENSEMBLES Regional Climate Models
Caminade, C., Morse, A., Baylis, M., & Guis, H. (2010). Impact of climate change upon vector born diseases in Europe and Africa using ENSEMBLES Regional Climate Models. In European Geosciences Union Assembly 2010 (pp. 2010-9263). Vienna: Springer. Retrieved from
Maximising the use of climate science for all end users.
Visman, E., Morse, A., Caminade, C., & Edwards, M. (2010). Maximising the use of climate science for all end users.. CLIVAR Exchanges, 52(15), 6-10. Retrieved from
The effects of climate change on animal health: current situation and recommendations
Guis, H., Caminade, C., Gerbier, G., Lancelot, R., & Tran, A. (2010). The effects of climate change on animal health: current situation and recommendations. CIHEAM letters, 12, 7-9. Retrieved from
Twentieth century Sahel rainfall variability as simulated by the ARPEGE AGCM, and future changes
Caminade, C., & Terray, L. (2010). Twentieth century Sahel rainfall variability as simulated by the ARPEGE AGCM, and future changes. CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 35(1), 75-94. doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0545-4
Using Regional Climate Models for Disease Risk production in Europe
Caminade, C., Morse, A., Guis, H., Dijk, Y. V., & Baylis, M. (2010). Using Regional Climate Models for Disease Risk production in Europe. In 10th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases (MEEGIDX) (pp. O119). Amsterdam: elsevier. Retrieved from
Influence of increased greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols concentration upon diurnal temperature range over Africa at the end of the 20th century
Caminade, C., & Terray, L. (2006). Influence of increased greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols concentration upon diurnal temperature range over Africa at the end of the 20th century. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 33(15). doi:10.1029/2006GL026381
West African monsoon response to greenhouse gas and sulphate aerosol forcing under two emission scenarios
Caminade, C., Terray, L., & Maisonnave, E. (2006). West African monsoon response to greenhouse gas and sulphate aerosol forcing under two emission scenarios. CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 26(5), 531-547. doi:10.1007/s00382-005-0083-7