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Colin Adams

Professor Colin Adams
BA (Hons), DPhil (Oxon) FSA


+44 (0)151 794 2439


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Nile River Transport under the Romans

Adams, C. (2017). Nile River Transport under the Romans. In A. Wilson, & A. Bowman (Eds.), Trade, Commerce, and the State in the Roman World (pp. 175-208). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Blood of the Provinces: The Roman Auxilia and the Making of Provincial Society from Augustus to the Severans

Adams, C. E. P. (2016). Blood of the Provinces: The Roman Auxilia and the Making of Provincial Society from Augustus to the Severans. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 121(1), 301-302. doi:10.1093/ahr/121.1.301

Journal article

Migration in Roman Egypt: Problems and Possibilities

Adams, C. E. P. (2016). Migration in Roman Egypt: Problems and Possibilities. In L. de Ligt, & L. Tacoma (Eds.), Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire (pp. 264-284). Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004307377_013


Travel and Communication in Late Antiquity

Adams, C. E. P. (2016). Travel and Communication in Late Antiquity. In N. Christie, J. Magness, & E. al (Eds.), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Late Antique Archaeology (pp. 25 pages). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.





Adams, C. E. P. (2012). Transport. In W. Scheidel (Ed.), Cambridge Companion to the Ancient Economy (pp. 218-240). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Bureaucracy, Corruption and Accountability in Historical Perspective

Adams, C. E. P., Proctor, M., & Rowe, M. (Eds.) (2011). Bureaucracy, Corruption and Accountability in Historical Perspective. Cambridge.

Edited special journal issue

Engaging Citizens to Enhance Public Sector Accountability and Prevent Corruption in the Delivery of Public Services

Multi. (2011). Engaging Citizens to Enhance Public Sector Accountability and Prevent Corruption in the Delivery of Public Services. New York: United Nations.



Bureaucracy and Power in Diocletian's Egypt

Adams, C. E. P., & al, E. (2010). Bureaucracy and Power in Diocletian's Egypt. In T. Gagos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology (pp. 1-6). Toronto: ASP.



War and Society

Adams, C. E. P. (2008). War and Society. In J. B. Campbell, & L. Trittle (Eds.), Blackwell Companion to Ancient Warfare (pp. 20). Oxford: Blackwell.



Irregular Levies and the Impact of the Roman Army in Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (2007). Irregular Levies and the Impact of the Roman Army in Egypt. In L. de Blois, & E. Lo Cascio (Eds.), The Impact of the Roman Army (200 BC - AD 476): Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects (pp. 11). Amsterdam: Gieben.


Land Transport in Roman Egypt: Economics and Administration in a Roman Province

Adams, C. E. P. (2007). Land Transport in Roman Egypt: Economics and Administration in a Roman Province. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Travel Narrows the Mind: Cultural Tourism in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (2007). Travel Narrows the Mind: Cultural Tourism in Graeco-Roman Egypt. In C. E. P. Adams, & J. Roy (Eds.), Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece and the Near East (pp. 32). Oxford: Oxbow Books.


Travel and the Perception of Sace in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (2007). Travel and the Perception of Sace in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. In M. Rathmann (Ed.), Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike (pp. 15). Mainz: von Habelt.


Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece and the Near East

Adams, C., & Roy, J. (Eds.) (2007). Travel, Geography and Culture in Ancient Greece and the Near East. Oxford: Oxbow Books.



Transition and change in Diocletian's Egypt: province and empire in the late Third Century

Adams, C. E. P. (2004). Transition and change in Diocletian's Egypt: province and empire in the late Third Century. In S. Swain, & M. Edwards (Eds.), Approaching Late Antiquity: the Transformation from Early to Late Empire (pp. 82-108). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



'There and Back Again': Getting Around in Roman Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (2001). 'There and Back Again': Getting Around in Roman Egypt. In C. E. P. Adams, & R. Laurence (Eds.), Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire (pp. 138-166). London and New York: Routledge.


Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire

Adams, C. E. P., & Laurence, R. (Eds.) (2001). Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire. London and New York: Routledge.



Who bore the burden? The organisation of stone transport in Roman Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (2000). Who bore the burden? The organisation of stone transport in Roman Egypt. In D. Mattingly, & J. Salmon (Eds.), Economies Beyond Agriculture in the Classical World (pp. 171-191). London and New York: Routledge.



Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg

Katzoff, R., Petroff, Y., & Schaps, D. (1999). Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg. Unknown Journal, 49(1), 237-239.

Journal article

Supplying the Roman Army: Bureaucracy in Roman Egypt

Adams, C. E. P. (1999). Supplying the Roman Army: Bureaucracy in Roman Egypt. In A. Goldsworthy, & I. Haynes (Eds.), The Roman Army as a Community (Vol. 34, pp. 119-126). Portsmouth, R I: Journal of Roman Archaeology.


Two customs-house receipts from the Bodleian

Adams, C. E. P., & Gonis, N. (1999). Two customs-house receipts from the Bodleian. Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 126, 213-218.

Journal article


Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt

Alston, R. (1996). Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt. Unknown Journal, 86, 222.

Journal article


Supplying the Roman Army: O. Petr. 245

Adams, C. E. P. (1995). Supplying the Roman Army: O. Petr. 245. Zietschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 109, 119-124.

Journal article