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Professional Activities

I have given invited talks at Kings College London, University of Birmingham, European University Institute, University of Manchester, University of Sussex, The 10th Critical Finance Studies Conference, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Roskilde University, Southern Denmark University, Stockholm School of Economics and University of Warwick. I have also given invited talks at a series of policy institutions, including the Brazilian Central Bank, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, workshops organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Institute for Futures Studies and Katalys.

I undertake peer-reviews on a regularly basis for funding bodies (ESRC, Slovak Academy of Sciences Programme), academic journals (e.g. Organization Studies, Organization, International Journal of Management Review, Science, Technology & Human Values, Comparative European Politics, Public Administration, New Political Economy, Capital and Class, Millennium, Globalizations and Sociology) and book publishers (Routledge, Palgrave, Edward Elgar and Pluto Press). I am member of the editorial board for Review of Capital as Power.

I am also undertaking consultancy work. I have seen to their successful conclusion two related major projects for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK Embassy to Brazil), Brazilian Central Bank and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM):

1. "Challenges for strengthening Mercosul financial integration – lessons from the European experience", Consultation undertaken under the Project Trade Liberalisation and Economic Development in Mercosul, an Agreement between the Brazilian Central Bank and the British Embassy in Brazil (PPY BRA 1018)

2. “Analysing the International Integration of Brazilian Financial Markets”, Consultation undertaken for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Brazilian Central Bank and Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (PPY CENTRAL 1445)Presentations of Consultancy Reports to stakeholders


  • RECASP (Editorial Board Member, 2013 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • European Group of Organization Studies (Member, 2015 - present)
  • European International Studies Association (Member, 2015 - present)
  • International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy (Member, 2013 - present)
  • Research Network “European Integration and Global Political Economy, Council for European Studies (Board Member (founding co-chair), 2011 - present)
  • Critical Politcal Economy Group (Member, 2005 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Co-chair of the Publics and Practices Research Cluster in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology
  • Member of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Outcomes Group
  • Member of ULMS Research Funding Committee
  • Convenor of Organisation and Management Group Speaker Series