Failing kidneys: Hotspots, blind spots and biopolitics of indifference.
Kierans, C., & Padilla-Altamira, C. (2024). Failing kidneys: Hotspots, blind spots and biopolitics of indifference.. Medical anthropology quarterly, 38(1), 24-39. doi:10.1111/maq.12820
Anthropological perspectives on CKDnt in Mexico: time for a paradigm shift on the social determinants of health
Kierans, C., & Padilla-Altamira, C. (n.d.). Anthropological perspectives on CKDnt in Mexico: time for a paradigm shift on the social determinants of health. Frontiers in Nephrology, 3. doi:10.3389/fneph.2023.1155687
Becoming Gods: Medical Training in Mexican Hospitals
Kierans, C. (2022). Becoming Gods: Medical Training in Mexican Hospitals. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY QUARTERLY, 36(4). doi:10.1111/maq.12734
Artificial intelligence and health inequities in primary care: a systematic scoping review and framework
d'Elia, A., Gabbay, M., Rodgers, S., Kierans, C., Jones, E., Durrani, I., . . . Frith, L. (2022). Artificial intelligence and health inequities in primary care: a systematic scoping review and framework. FAMILY MEDICINE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 10(SUPPL_1). doi:10.1136/fmch-2022-001670
d'Elia, A., Frith, L., Gabbay, M., Rodgers, S., Kierans, C., & Colombet, Z. (2022). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND HEALTH INEQUITIES IN PRIMARY CARE: A SCOPING REVIEW AND FRAMEWORK. In JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH Vol. 76 (pp. A49-A50). doi:10.1136/jech-2022-SSMabstracts.101
Sex and gender differences in chronic kidney disease and access to care around the globe
Garcia Garcia, G., Iyengar, A., Kaze, F., Kierans, C., Padilla-Altamira, C., & Luyckx, V. A. (2022). Sex and gender differences in chronic kidney disease and access to care around the globe. SEMINARS IN NEPHROLOGY, 42(2), 101-113. doi:10.1016/j.semnephrol.2022.04.001
Describing chronic kidney disease of unknown origin: anthropological noticing and the 'residual' category
Kierans, C., & Padilla-Altamira, C. (2021). Describing chronic kidney disease of unknown origin: anthropological noticing and the 'residual' category. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, 21(3), 360-375. doi:10.1177/1468794120972605
Doing things with description: practices, politics, and the art of attentiveness
Vitellone, N., Mair, M., & Kierans, C. (2021). Doing things with description: practices, politics, and the art of attentiveness. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, 21(3), 313-323. doi:10.1177/1468794120975972
Chronic Failures: Kidneys, Regimes of Care, and the Mexican State
Kierans, C. (2019). Chronic Failures: Kidneys, Regimes of Care, and the Mexican State. Rutgers University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctvscxqxz
Domesticating organ transplant: familial sacrifice and national aspiration in Mexico
Kierans, C. (2019). Domesticating organ transplant: familial sacrifice and national aspiration in Mexico. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, 25(2), 404-405. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.13048
What really matters? A mixed methods study of treatment preferences and priorities among people with epilepsy in the UK
Ring, A., Jacoby, A., Baker, G., Holmes, E., Hughes, D., Kierans, C., & Marson, A. (2019). What really matters? A mixed methods study of treatment preferences and priorities among people with epilepsy in the UK. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, 95, 181-191. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.03.033
Insider Trading: How Mortuaries, Medicine and Money Have Built a Global Market in Human Cadaver Parts
Kierans, C. (2018). Insider Trading: How Mortuaries, Medicine and Money Have Built a Global Market in Human Cadaver Parts. MEDICAL HISTORY, 62(4), 514-515. doi:10.1017/mdh.2018.49
The Intimate Uncertainties of Kidney Care: Moral Economy and Treatment Regimes in Comparative Perspective
Kierans, C. (2018). The Intimate Uncertainties of Kidney Care: Moral Economy and Treatment Regimes in Comparative Perspective. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(2), 65-84. doi:10.3167/ajec.2018.270205
Cultivating Ambivalence: Some methodological considerations for anthropology
Kierans, C., & Bell, K. (2017). Cultivating Ambivalence: Some methodological considerations for anthropology. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7(2), 23-44. doi:10.14318/hau7.2.006
Care beyond the hospital ward: understanding the socio-medical trajectory of herpes simplex virus encephalitis
Cooper, J., Kierans, C., Defres, S., Easton, A., Kneen, R., Solomon, T., & grp, E. N. C. E. P. H. -U. K. S. (2017). Care beyond the hospital ward: understanding the socio-medical trajectory of herpes simplex virus encephalitis. BMC Health Services Research, 17. doi:10.1186/s12913-017-2608-2
Valued Matter: Anthropological Insights on the (Bio)political Economy of Organ Exchange
Kierans, C. (2017). Valued Matter: Anthropological Insights on the (Bio)political Economy of Organ Exchange. In R. Shaw (Ed.), Bioethics Beyond Altruism: Donating and Transforming Human Biological Materials (pp. 265-288). Palgrave MacMillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55532-4_11
Renal Care in an Unequal World: Anthropological Reflections
Kierans, C. (2017). Renal Care in an Unequal World: Anthropological Reflections. In CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN DISADVANTAGED POPULATIONS (pp. 263-271). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-804311-0.00025-X
Ageing, masculinity and Parkinson's disease: embodied perspectives
Gibson, G., & Kierans, C. (2017). Ageing, masculinity and Parkinson's disease: embodied perspectives. SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS, 39(4), 532-546. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12508
The hidden practices and experiences of healthcare practitioners dealing with fuel poverty
Mc Conalogue, D., Kierans, C., & Moran, A. (2016). The hidden practices and experiences of healthcare practitioners dealing with fuel poverty. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 38(2), 206-211. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdv059
Diagnostic Pathways as Social and Participatory Practices: The Case of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Cooper, J., Kierans, C., Defres, S., Easton, A., Kneen, R., & Solomon, T. (2016). Diagnostic Pathways as Social and Participatory Practices: The Case of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis. PLoS One, 11(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151145
Organ donation, ethnicity and the negotiation of death: ethnographic insights from the UK
Cooper, J., & Kierans, C. (2016). Organ donation, ethnicity and the negotiation of death: ethnographic insights from the UK. Mortality, 21(1), 1-18. doi:10.1080/13576275.2015.1021314
Social and Cultural Perspectives on Health, Technology and Medicine
Kierans, C., Bell, K., & Kingdon, C. (n.d.). Social and Cultural Perspectives on Health, Technology and Medicine. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315673882
Transplantation, Organ Donation and (In)human Experience: Re-writing Boundaries through Embodied Perspectives on Kidney Failure
Kierans, C. (2016). Transplantation, Organ Donation and (In)human Experience: Re-writing Boundaries through Embodied Perspectives on Kidney Failure. In Culture, Bodies and the Sociology of Health (pp. 21-44). doi:10.4324/9781315575506-3
Biopolitics and Capital: Poverty, Mobility and the Body-in-transplantation in Mexico
Kierans, C. (2015). Biopolitics and Capital: Poverty, Mobility and the Body-in-transplantation in Mexico. BODY & SOCIETY, 21(3), 42-65. doi:10.1177/1357034X13508457
Kidney transplant patients without social protection in health: what do patients say about the economic hardships and impact?
Javier Mercado-Martinez, F., Hernandez-Ibarra, E., Ascencio-Mera, C. D., Diaz-Medina, B. A., Padilla-Altamira, C., & Kierans, C. (2014). Kidney transplant patients without social protection in health: what do patients say about the economic hardships and impact?. CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA, 30(10), 2092-2100. doi:10.1590/0102-311X00150713
Organ Donation and Race
Kierans, C. (2014). Organ Donation and Race. In W. Cockerham, & R. Dingwall (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell's Encyclopaedia of Health, Illness, Behaviour and Society. Wiley-Blackwell.
Review - Gender, State and Medicine in Highland Equador: modernizing women, modernizing the state, 1895-1950
Kierans, C. (2014). Review - Gender, State and Medicine in Highland Equador: modernizing women, modernizing the state, 1895-1950. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.
Organ Transplantation in Mexico: the anthropology of an ambivalent technology
Kierans, C. (2014). Organ Transplantation in Mexico: the anthropology of an ambivalent technology. In L. Schumacher, & O. Decker (Eds.), Korperokonomien: Der Korper im Zeitalter seiner Handelbarkeit (pp. 123-143). Germany: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Gender, State and Medicine in Highland Ecuador: Modernizing Women, Modernizing the State, 1895-1950
Kierans, C. (2014). Gender, State and Medicine in Highland Ecuador: Modernizing Women, Modernizing the State, 1895-1950. BULLETIN OF HISPANIC STUDIES, 91(1), 109-110. Retrieved from
Correction: When Health Systems Are Barriers to Health Care: Challenges Faced by Uninsured Mexican Kidney Patients
Kierans, C., Padilla-Altamira, C., Garcia-Garcia, G., Ibarra-Hernandez, M., & Mercado, F. J. (n.d.). Correction: When Health Systems Are Barriers to Health Care: Challenges Faced by Uninsured Mexican Kidney Patients. PLoS ONE, 8(10). doi:10.1371/annotation/453f8721-a450-469c-9fd7-5cf43b21f957
Understanding the practices of Healthcare Practitioners regarding fuel poverty in Tameside and Glossop; A qualitative study
Mc Conalogue, D. M., & Kierans, C. (2013). Understanding the practices of Healthcare Practitioners regarding fuel poverty in Tameside and Glossop; A qualitative study. European Journal of Public Health, 23(suppl_1). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckt124.055
When health systems are barriers to health care: challenges faced by uninsured Mexican kidney patients.
Kierans, C., Padilla-Altamira, C., Garcia-Garcia, G., Ibarra-Hernandez, M., & Mercado, F. J. (2013). When health systems are barriers to health care: challenges faced by uninsured Mexican kidney patients.. PloS one, 8(1), e54380. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054380
The emergence of the 'ethnic donor': the cultural production and relocation of organ donation in the UK.
Kierans, C., & Cooper, J. (2013). The emergence of the 'ethnic donor': the cultural production and relocation of organ donation in the UK.. Anthropology & medicine, 20(3), 221-231. doi:10.1080/13648470.2013.845480
Patients' uses of information as researchable domains of social practice
Mair, M., & Kierans, C. (2012). Patients' uses of information as researchable domains of social practice. HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL, 18(4), 271-283. doi:10.1177/1460458212445400
Organ donation, genetics, race and culture: The making of a medical problem (Respond to this article at
Kierans, C., & Cooper, J. (2011). Organ donation, genetics, race and culture: The making of a medical problem (Respond to this article at Anthropology Today, 27(6), 11-14. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8322.2011.00837.x
Anthropology, organ transplantation and the immune system: resituating commodity and gift exchange.
Kierans, C. (2011). Anthropology, organ transplantation and the immune system: resituating commodity and gift exchange.. Social science & medicine (1982), 73(10), 1469-1476. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.09.008
'Organ donation, genetics, race and culture: The making of a medical problem'
Kierans, C., & Cooper, J. (2011). 'Organ donation, genetics, race and culture: The making of a medical problem'. Anthropology Today, 27(6), 21-24.
Anthropology, organ transplantation and the immune system: resituating commodity and gift exchange
Kierans, C. (2011). Anthropology, organ transplantation and the immune system: resituating commodity and gift exchange. Social Science and Medicine, 73(1469-1).
The ‘Social Life’ of Scouse: Understanding Contemporary Liverpool through Changing Food Practices
Kierans, C., & Haeney, J. (2010). The ‘Social Life’ of Scouse: Understanding Contemporary Liverpool through Changing Food Practices. Cultural Sociology, 4(1), 101-122. doi:10.1177/1749975509356864
(3)'Transplantation, Organ Donation and (In)human Experience: Rewriting Boundaries through Embodied Perspectives on Kidney Failure'
Kierans, C. (2010). (3)'Transplantation, Organ Donation and (In)human Experience: Rewriting Boundaries through Embodied Perspectives on Kidney Failure'. In E. Ettorre (Ed.), Culture, Bodies and Sociologies of Health (pp. 1-21). London: Sage.
Food as a Marker of Social Change in Regenerating Cities: eating Scouse in Liverpool
Kierans, C., & Haeney, J. (2010). Food as a Marker of Social Change in Regenerating Cities: eating Scouse in Liverpool. Cultural Sociology, 1(4), 101-122.
Evaluating Mihealth Newcastle: assessing the effectiveness of new health information and communication technology in providing support to patients with breast cancer receiving treatment in Newcastle
KIerans, C., & Mair, M. (2008). Evaluating Mihealth Newcastle: assessing the effectiveness of new health information and communication technology in providing support to patients with breast cancer receiving treatment in Newcastle. Liverpool: Liverpool University. Retrieved from
Formal health services in informal settings: findings from the Preston Men's Health Project
Kierans, C., Robertson, S., & Mair, M. D. (2007). Formal health services in informal settings: findings from the Preston Men's Health Project. The Journal of Men's Health & Gender, 4(4), 440-447. doi:10.1016/j.jmhg.2007.08.006
Descriptions as data: developing techniques to elicit descriptive materials in social research
Mair, M., & Kierans, C. (2007). Descriptions as data: developing techniques to elicit descriptive materials in social research. Visual Studies, 22(2), 120-136. doi:10.1080/14725860701507057
Critical reflections on the field of tobacco research: The role of tobacco control in defining the tobacco research agenda
Mair, M., & Kierans, C. (2007). Critical reflections on the field of tobacco research: The role of tobacco control in defining the tobacco research agenda. Critical Public Health, 17(2), 103-112. doi:10.1080/09581590601045204
Medical Anthropology: regional perspectives and shared concerns
Kierans, C. (2007). Medical Anthropology: regional perspectives and shared concerns. Medical Sociology Online, 4.
Masculinity, Ethnicity, Health and Use of Health Services
Kierans, C. (2006). Masculinity, Ethnicity, Health and Use of Health Services.
Lies, damned lies and statistics? Reliability and personal accounts of smoking among young people
Mair, M., Barlow, A., Woods, S. E., Kierans, C., Milton, B., & Porcellato, L. (2006). Lies, damned lies and statistics? Reliability and personal accounts of smoking among young people. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 62(4), 1009-1021. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.07.002
'Mihealth': understanding local contexts of use in HICTs for breast cancer.
Kierans, C., & Mair, M. (2006). 'Mihealth': understanding local contexts of use in HICTs for breast cancer.. Health Information on the Net., (54), 3-5.
Evaluating Mihealth Liverpool: Assessing the Effectiveness of New Health Information and Communication Technology in Providing Support to Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Treatment in Liverpool
Mair, M., & Kierans, C. (2006). Evaluating Mihealth Liverpool: Assessing the Effectiveness of New Health Information and Communication Technology in Providing Support to Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Treatment in Liverpool. Liverpool. Retrieved from
Narrating kidney disease: the significance of sensation and time in the emplotment of patient experience.
Kierans, C. (2005). Narrating kidney disease: the significance of sensation and time in the emplotment of patient experience.. Culture, medicine and psychiatry, 29(3), 341-359. doi:10.1007/s11013-005-9171-8
Elmdale: a search for an understanding of community through protest and resistance
Kierans, C., & McCormack, P. (2003). Elmdale: a search for an understanding of community through protest and resistance. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 6, 113-129.
Culture and the state: Institutionalizing 'the underclass' in the new Ireland<sup>1</sup>
Saris, A. J., Bartley, B., Kierans, C., Walsh, C., & McCormack, P. (2002). Culture and the state: Institutionalizing 'the underclass' in the new Ireland<sup>1</sup>. City, 6(2), 173-191. doi:10.1080/1360481022000011137
Sensory and narrative identity: The narration of illness process among chronic renal sufferers in Ireland
Kierans, C. M., & Maynooth, N. U. I. (2001). Sensory and narrative identity: The narration of illness process among chronic renal sufferers in Ireland. Anthropology & Medicine, 8(2-3), 237-253. doi:10.1080/13648470120101381
Information and Communication Technologies: implications for Irish supply chains
Kierans, C. (2000). Information and Communication Technologies: implications for Irish supply chains.
The Culture of Protest in West Dublin
Saris, A. J., Bartley, B., Kierans, C., Walsh, C., & McCormack, P. (2000). The Culture of Protest in West Dublin. In M. Peillon, & E. Slater (Eds.), Irish Sociological Chronicles, Vol II (pp. ****). Dublin: Dublin Institute for Public Administration.
Report on Life Histories of Drug-Users and Drug Networks in Cherry Orchard and Ballyfermot, Dublin.
Saris, A. J., Bartely, B., Kierans, C., McCormack, P., & Breathnach, C. (1999). Report on Life Histories of Drug-Users and Drug Networks in Cherry Orchard and Ballyfermot, Dublin..