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Christopher Michael

Em P Christopher Michael
MA, D Phil, F Inst P


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Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarks: simulation and analysis details

Boucaud, P., Dimopoulos, P., Farchioni, F., Frezzotti, R., Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G., . . . Wenger, U. (2008). Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarks: simulation and analysis details. Computer Physics Communications, 179(10), 695-715. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2008.06.013

Journal article

The η′ meson from lattice QCD

Jansen, K., Michael, C., & Urbach, C. (2008). The η′ meson from lattice QCD. The European Physical Journal C, 58(2), 261-269. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0764-6

Journal article

Decay constants from twisted mass QCD

Dimopoulos, P., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Simula, S., & Urbach, C. (2008). Decay constants from twisted mass QCD. In Lattoice 2008 (pp. 133-140). NA: PoS.

Conference Paper

Light baryon masses with dynamical twisted mass fermions

Alexandrou, C., Baron, R., Bloissier, B., Brinet, M., Carbonell, J., Dimopoulos, P., . . . Wenger, U. (2008). Light baryon masses with dynamical twisted mass fermions. Phys. Rev D, D 78(014509), 1-17. Retrieved from doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.78.014509

Journal article

Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD

Jansen, K., Michael, C., Shindler, A., & Wagner, M. (2008). Static-light meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD. In Lattice 2008 (pp. 122-129). NA: PoS.

Conference Paper

The static-light meson spectrum from twisted mass lattice QCD

Jansen, K., Michael, C., Shindler, A., & Wagner, M. (2008). The static-light meson spectrum from twisted mass lattice QCD. JHEP, 058, 1-19. Retrieved from doi:%2010.1088/1126-6708/2008/12/058

Journal article


Dynamical Twisted Mass Fermions with Light Quarks

Boucaud, P., Dimopoulos, P., Farchioni, F., Frezzotti, R., Gimenez, V., Herdoiza, G., . . . collaboration, E. T. M. (2007). Dynamical Twisted Mass Fermions with Light Quarks. Phys.Lett.B, 650, 304-311. Retrieved from

Journal article

Hadronic decays from the lattice

Michael, C. (2007). Hadronic decays from the lattice. In Quark Nuclear Physics (pp. 793-798). Spain: Eur. Phys. J.

Conference Paper

Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from<i>N</i><sub><i>f</i></sub>= 2 lattice QCD with twisted mass fermions

Collaboration, E. T. M., Blossier, B., Boucaud, P., Dimopoulos, P., Farchioni, F., Frezzotti, R., . . . Wenger, U. (n.d.). Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from<i>N</i><sub><i>f</i></sub>= 2 lattice QCD with twisted mass fermions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(04), 020. doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2008/04/020

Journal article

Neutral mesons and disconnected diagrams in Twisted Mass QCD

Michael, C., & Urbach, C. (2007). Neutral mesons and disconnected diagrams in Twisted Mass QCD. In LAT07 (pp. 122-129). Germany: PoS.

Conference Paper


Decay constants of P-wave heavy-light mesons from unquenched lattice QCD

Herdoiza, G., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (2006). Decay constants of P-wave heavy-light mesons from unquenched lattice QCD. Phys Rev, D 74, 014510 1-6.

Journal article

Hadronic decays from the lattice

Michael, C. (2006). Hadronic decays from the lattice. In Proc. Quark Nuclear Physics 2006, (pp. 6). Madrid: EPJ A (Hadrons and Nuclei). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Lattice study of the masses of singlet $0^{++}$ mesons

Hart, A., McNeile, C., Michael, C., & Pickavance, J. (2006). Lattice study of the masses of singlet $0^{++}$ mesons. Phys Rev, D74(114504), 1-9.

Journal article

Properties of light scalar mesons from lattice QCD

McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (2006). Properties of light scalar mesons from lattice QCD. Phys Rev, D 74, 1-9.

Journal article


Flavour Breaking Effects of Wilson twisted mass fermions

Jansen, K., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Nagai, K., Papinutto, M., Pickavance, J., . . . Wetzorke, I. (2005). Flavour Breaking Effects of Wilson twisted mass fermions. Phys.Lett.B, 624, 334-341. Retrieved from

Journal article

Bs meson excited states from the lattice

Green, A. M., Ignatius, J., Jahma, M., Koponen, J., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (2005). Bs meson excited states from the lattice. In XXIIIrd Int. Symp. on Lattice Field Theory (pp. 6). Dublin: Proceddings of Science.

Conference Paper

Hadronic Decays

Michael, C. (2005). Hadronic Decays. In XXIIIrd Int. Symp. on Lattice Field Theory (pp. 14). Dublin: Proceedings of Science.

Conference Paper


Irving, A. C., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (Eds.) (2005). LAT2005. In XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (pp. 999). Trieste: SISSA. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Proceedings of Lattice 2005, Dublin

Irving, A. C., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (Eds.) (2005). Proceedings of Lattice 2005, Dublin. Trieste, Italy: Proceedings of Science. Retrieved from


Twisted mass fermions: neutral pion masses from disconnected contributions

Farchioni, F., Jansen, K., McNeile, C., Michael, C., Montvay, I., Nagai, K., . . . Wetzorke, I. (2005). Twisted mass fermions: neutral pion masses from disconnected contributions. In XXIIIrd Int. Symp. on Lattice Field Theory Vol. PoS(LA (pp. 6). Dublin: Proceedings of Science.

Conference Paper


Improved Wilson QCD simulations with light quark masses

Allton, C. R., Hart, A., Hepburn, D., Irving, A. C., Joo, B., McNeile, C., . . . Wright, S. V. (2004). Improved Wilson QCD simulations with light quark masses. Phys.Rev.D, 70, 014501. Retrieved from

Journal article

Estimate of the flavour singlet contributions to the hyperfine splitting in charmonium

Michael, C., & McNeile, C. (2004). Estimate of the flavour singlet contributions to thehyperfine splitting in charmonium. Physical Review, D70(034506), 1-11.

Journal article

Hadronic decay of a scalar B meson from the lattice

McNeile, C., Michael, C., & Thompson, G. (2004). Hadronic decay of a scalar B meson from the lattice. Physical Review, D70(054501), 1-5.

Journal article


Excited B mesons from the lattice

Collaboration, U. K. Q. C. D., Green, A. M., Koponen, J., McNeile, C., Michael, C., & Thompson, G. (2003). Excited B mesons from the lattice. Phys.Rev.D, 69, 094505. Retrieved from

Journal article

Beyond the quark model of hadrons from lattice QCD

Michael, C. (2003). Beyond the quark model of hadrons from lattice QCD. In J. Speth, C. Elster, & T. Walcher (Eds.), QNP2002 (pp. 6). Julich: Eur. Phys. Jour..

Conference Paper

The Charge and Matter radial distributions of Heavy-Light mesons calculated on a lattice with dynamical fermions

Green, A. M., Koponen, J., Pennanen, P., & Michae, C. (2003). The Charge and Matter radial distributions of Heavy-Light mesonscalculated on a lattice with dynamical fermions. Eur. Phys. J., C28, 79.

Journal article

The radial distributions of a heavy-light meson on a lattice

Koponen, J., Green, A. M., Michael, C., & Pennanen, P. (2003). The radial distributions of a heavy-light meson on a lattice. In D. Richards, & E. al (Eds.), LAT02 (pp. 638-640). Boston: Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.).

Conference Paper


Hadronic decay of a vector meson from the lattice

Collaboration, U. K. Q. C. D., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (2002). Hadronic decay of a vector meson from the lattice. Phys.Lett.B, 556, 177-184. Retrieved from

Journal article

Masses of singlet and non-singlet 0++ particles

Collaboration, U. K. Q. C. D., Hart, A., McNeile, C., & Michael, C. (2002). Masses of singlet and non-singlet 0++ particles. In Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. Vol. 119 (pp. 266-268). Retrieved from

Conference Paper