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Chris Halloran

Professor Chris Halloran
BSc, MB ChB (commend), MD, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Gen Surg), SFHEA, FRSCEd (ad hom)

Professional Activities

Chair Supra-Regional Pancreato-Biliary Multi Disciplinary Team

I work closely with the specialist nurses and MDT co-ordinators in the triage process and preparation for the sMDT and the continued implementation of the monthly virtual IPMN and pathology MDTs. I liaise with the radiological and gastroenterology leads and develop referral guidelines notably: IPMN, fast track pancreatectomy and acute pancreatitis.

Conference Roles

  • Ukrainian Medical Association, by Invitation (Ukrainian Medical Association, 2009)
  • International Study Group in Pancreatic Surgery, by Invitation (2016 - 2029)
  • GBIHPBA, by Invitation (2013 - 2014)
  • Secretary for the Liverpool and North West Society of Surgeons, by Invitation (2013 - 2014)


  • TRIALS (Invited YES, 2016 - 2020)
  • Scientific Reports - Nature (Invited YES, 2015 - 2020)

Event Roles

  • President of the Liverpool and Northwest Society of Surgeons (Talk/Lecture)
  • European pancreatic Club (Workshop, 2016)

Examination Roles

  • Examiner FRCS (PGT)
  • Royal College of Surgeons of England, Fellowship Royal College of Surgeons (PGT, 2021 - present)
  • University of Edinburgh, MD (PGT, 2011)
  • University of Edinburgh, MRes (PGT, 2010)
  • MRCS, Court of Examiners Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) (PGT, 2014 - 2020)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Treasurer (2022 - 2027)
  • ACCEA Sub Committee Merseyside & Cheshire (Advisory Committee for Clinical Excellence Awards, 2020 - present)
  • Committee member. Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Invited (St James's University Hospital, 2022 - 2025)

Grant Application Assessments

  • External Post-submission (2016 - 2019)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Clinical Impact Lead (School / Institute, 2021 - present)
  • Clinical Lead (School / Institute, 2019 - present)
  • GI Clinical Lead (University, 2016 - 2029)
  • Academic advisor undergraduate (MBChB) (University, 2017 - 2022)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • Health Education North West (Mersey Deanary) (2009 - present)
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (expert on IICT panel) (2018 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • International Association of Pancreatology (Member, 2004 - present)
  • Pancreatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Full Member, 1999 - present)
  • Association of Upper GI Surgeons (Full Member, 1999 - present)
  • European Pancreatic Club (Full Member, 1999 - present)
  • Royal College of Surgeons of England (Fellow, 1998 - present)
  • General Medical Council (Accredited Practitioner, 1995 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Deputy lead for MBChB course, ITM education committee (2018 - 2021)