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Pharaonic Egypt

Pharaonic Egypt (2024). In Slavery and Dependence in Ancient Egypt (pp. 37-118). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781139506809.003


The Late Period

The Late Period (2024). In Slavery and Dependence in Ancient Egypt (pp. 119-175). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781139506809.004



Local Administration

Eyre, C. (2020). Local Administration. In I. Shaw, & E. Bloxam (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology (pp. 23 pages). Oxford University Press, USA.



Egyptian Self-Presentation Dynamics and Streategies

Eyre, C. J. (2019). Egyptian Self-Presentation Dynamics and Streategies. In Living Forever Self-Presentation in Ancient Egypt (pp. 9-23). Cairo: American University in Cairo.



The material authority of written texts in pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2018). The material authority of written texts in pharaonic Egypt. In F. A. J. Hoogendijk, & S. M. T. van Gompel (Eds.), The Materiality of Texts from Ancient Egypt Vol. Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava (pp. 1-11). Leiden, Boston: Brill. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

The Accessibility of Ramesside Narrative

Eyre, C. J. (2018). The Accessibility of Ramesside Narrative. In S. Kubisch, & U. Rummel (Eds.), The Ramesside Period in Egypt Studies into Cultural and Historical Processes of the 19th and 20th Dynasties. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Heidelberg, 5th to 7th June 2015 Vol. 41 (pp. 89-102). Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter.

Conference Paper


Calculated Frightfulness and the Display of Violence

Eyre, C. J. (2017). Calculated Frightfulness and the Display of Violence. In T. A. Bacs, & H. Beinlich (Eds.), 8th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: Constructing Authority. Prestige, Reputation and the Perception of Power in Egyptian Kingship (pp. 89-122). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. doi:10.2307/j.ctvckq3fs.9

Conference Paper

Tutankhamun's Regent: Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb

Martin, G. T., van Dijk, J., Eyre, C. J., & Frazer, K. J. (2017). Tutankhamun's Regent: Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb (EES Excavation Memoir 111 ed.). W. J. Tait (Ed.), London: Egypt Exploration Society.



Reciprocity, Retribution and Feud

Eyre, C. J. (2016). Reciprocity, Retribution and Feud. In P. Collombert, D. Lefèvre, S. Polis, & J. Winand (Eds.), Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l’honneur de Pascal Vernus (pp. 163-179). Leuven: Peeters.



Economy and Society in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2015). Economy and Society in Pharaonic Egypt. In P. Kousoulis, & N. Lazaridis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists Vol. 1 (pp. 707-725). Leuven: Peeters.

Conference Paper


'Arbeiterhütten im Tal der Könige: Ein Beitrag zur Altägyptischen Sozialgeschichte aufgrund von neuem Quellenmaterial aus der Mitte der 20. Dynastie (ca. 1150 v. Chr)' by Andreas Dorn

Eyre, C. (2013). 'Arbeiterhütten im Tal der Könige: Ein Beitrag zur Altägyptischen Sozialgeschichte aufgrund von neuem Quellenmaterial aus der Mitte der 20. Dynastie (ca. 1150 v. Chr)' by Andreas Dorn. Unknown Journal, 99, 317-319.

Journal article

The Practice of Literature: The Relationship between Content, Form, Audience and Performance

Eyre, C. J. (2013). The Practice of Literature: The Relationship between Content, Form, Audience and Performance. In R. Enmarch, & V. Lepper (Eds.), Ancient Egyptian Literature: Theory and Practice. Oxford: OUP/British Academy.


The Use of Documents in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2013). The Use of Documents in Pharaonic Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Women and prayer in pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. (2013). Women and prayer in pharaonic Egypt. In E. Frood, & A. McDonald (Eds.), Decorum and Experience: Essays in ancient culture for John Baines (pp. 109-116). Oxford: Griffith Institute.



'Dire le droit en Egypte pharaonique, by Alexandra Philip-Stephan

Eyre, C. (2012). 'Dire le droit en Egypte pharaonique, by Alexandra Philip-Stephan. Unknown Journal, 2(71), 372-373.

Journal article

Review of R. Demaree and D. Valbelle, 'Les registres de recensement du village de Deir-el-Medineh'

Eyre, C. J. (2012). Review of R. Demaree and D. Valbelle, 'Les registres de recensement du village de Deir-el-Medineh'. Unknown Journal, 1-2(69), 62-65.

Journal article

Society, Economy, and Administrative Process in Late Ramesside Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2012). Society, Economy, and Administrative Process in Late Ramesside Egypt. In E. H. Cline, & D. O'Connor (Eds.), Ramesses III: The Life and Times of Egypt's Last Hero (pp. 101-150). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.



Patronage, Power, and Corruption in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. (2011). Patronage, Power, and Corruption in Pharaonic Egypt. International Journal of Public Administration, 34(11), 701-711. doi:10.1080/01900692.2011.598286

Journal article

Children and Literature in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. (2011). Children and Literature in Pharaonic Egypt. In M. Collier, & S. Snape (Eds.), Ramesside Studies in Honour of K.A. Kitchen. Bolton: Rutherford Press.


Source Mining in Egyptian Texts: The Reconstruction of Social and Religious Behaviour in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. (2011). Source Mining in Egyptian Texts: The Reconstruction of Social and Religious Behaviour in Pharaonic Egypt. In B. Backes, A. Verbovsek, C. Jones, J. Assmann, & H. Roeder (Eds.), Methodik und Didaktik in der Egyptologie (pp. 599-615). Munich: Fink.



The economy: pharaonic

Eyre, C. (2010). The economy: pharaonic. In A. B. Lloyd (Ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt (Vol. I, pp. 291-308). Malden MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.


Who Built the Great Temples of Egypt?

Eyre, C. J. (2010). Who Built the Great Temples of Egypt?. In B. Menu (Ed.), L'Organisation du Travail en Egypte Ancienne et en Mesopotamie. Cairo: IFAO.



Again the xtm of the Tomb. Public Space and Social Access

Eyre, C. J. (2009). Again the xtm of the Tomb. Public Space and Social Access. In D. Kessler, A. Verbovsek, & S. Wimmer (Eds.), Texte-Theben-Tonfragmente: Festschrift fuer Guenter Burkard (pp. 107-117). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


Belief and the dead in pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2009). Belief and the dead in pharaonic Egypt. In M. -C. Poo (Ed.), Rethinking Ghosts in World Religions (pp. 33-46). Leiden, Boston: Brill.


On the inefficiency of bureaucracy

Eyre, C. (2009). On the inefficiency of bureaucracy. In P. Piacentini, & C. Orsenigo (Eds.), Egyptian Archives (pp. 15-30). Milan: Cisalpino.



Review of K. Szpakowska, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

Eyre, C. J. (2008). Review of K. Szpakowska, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. Unknown Journal, 48.

Journal article


Die Erzaehlung des Wenamun: Ein Literaturwerk im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Geschichte und Religion

Schipper, B. U. (2007). Die Erzaehlung des Wenamun: Ein Literaturwerk im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Geschichte und Religion. Unknown Journal, 126.2, 261-262.

Journal article

The Evil Stepmother and the Rights of a Second Wife

Eyre, C. J. (2007). The Evil Stepmother and the Rights of a Second Wife. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 93(1), 223-243. doi:10.1177/030751330709300112

Journal article

Women and Prayer in Pharaonic Egypt

Eyre, C. (2007). Women and Prayer in Pharaonic Egypt. In The International Academic Ceremony to Honour Prof. Dr. M.A. Nur el-Din (pp. 20). Cairo and Alexandria: University of Alexandria.

Conference Paper


Review: A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law

Eyre, C. (2006). Review: A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Journal of Semitic Studies, 51(1), 174-176. doi:10.1093/jss/fgi089

Journal article


Einfuerhrung in die altaegyptisches Literaturgeschichte I Altes und Mittleres Reich

Burkard, G., & Thissen, H. J. (2005). Einfuerhrung in die altaegyptisches Literaturgeschichte I Altes und Mittleres Reich. Unknown Journal, 100, 385-387.

Journal article

How relevant was personal status to the functioning of the rural economy in pharaonic Egypt?

Eyre, C. (2005). How relevant was personal status to the functioning of the rural economy in pharaonic Egypt?. In B. Menu (Ed.), La dependance rurale en Egypte ancienne dans l'Antiguite proche-orientale (pp. 157-186). Cairo: Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale.


Les parties du discours en moyen egyptien: autopsie d'une theorie

Vernus, P. (2005). Les parties du discours en moyen egyptien: autopsie d'une theorie. Unknown Journal, 90, 20-22.

Journal article


Judgement to the satisfaction of all

Eyre, C. (2004). Judgement to the satisfaction of all. Droit et Cultures, 47, 20, 91-107.

Journal article


The Cannibal Hymn: a cultural and literary study

Eyre, C. (2002). The Cannibal Hymn: a cultural and literary study. Liverpool: Liverpool UP.


The performance of the peasant

Eyre, C. (2002). The performance of the peasant. In A. M. Gnirs (Ed.), Reading the Eloquent Peasant: proceedings of the International Conference The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant at the University of California, Los Angeles, 27-29 March 1997 (Vol. 8, pp. 9-25). Goettingen: Seminar fuer Aegyptologie und Koptologie.



'Pouvoir central et pouvoirs locaux: problèmes historiographiques et méthodologiques'

Eyre, C. (2000). 'Pouvoir central et pouvoirs locaux: problèmes historiographiques et méthodologiques'. Méditerranées, 24, 15-39.

Journal article


'Irony in the Story of Wenamun: the politics of religion in the 21st Dynasty', (IFAO, Cairo, 1999), 235-252.

Eyre, C. (1999). 'Irony in the Story of Wenamun: the politics of religion in the 21st Dynasty', (IFAO, Cairo, 1999), 235-252.. In J. Assmann, & E. Blumenthal (Eds.), Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen Ägypten (pp. 235-252). Cairo: IFAO.


'The village economy in pharaonic Egypt',

Eyre, C. (1999). 'The village economy in pharaonic Egypt',. In A. Bowman, & E. Rogan (Eds.), Agriculture in Egypt: from pharaonic to modern times (Vol. 96, pp. 33-60). Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy.


Review of Warburton DA, State and Economy in Ancient Egypt: fiscal vocabulary of the New Kingdom

Eyre, C. (1999). Review of Warburton DA, State and Economy in Ancient Egypt: fiscal vocabulary of the New Kingdom. Unknown Journal, 42/4, 575-577.

Journal article


'The market women of pharaonic Egypt'

Eyre, C. (1998). 'The market women of pharaonic Egypt'. In N. Grimal, & B. Menu (Eds.), Le commerce en Égypte ancienne (pp. 173-191). Cairo: IFAO.


Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists

Eyre, C. J. (Ed.) (1998). Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists. Leuven: Peeters.



'Peasants and "modern" leasing strategies in Ancient Egypt'

Eyre, C. (1997). 'Peasants and "modern" leasing strategies in Ancient Egypt'. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 40(4), 367-390.

Journal article


'Is Egyptian historical literature "historical" or "literary"?'

Eyre, C. (1996). 'Is Egyptian historical literature "historical" or "literary"?'. In A. Loprieno (Ed.), Ancient Egyptian Literature: history and forms (Vol. 10, pp. 415-433). Leiden: EJ Brill.


'Ordre et désordre dans la campagne égyptienne'

Eyre, C. (1996). 'Ordre et désordre dans la campagne égyptienne'. Méditerranées, 6/7, 179-193.

Journal article


'The agricultural cycle, farming, and water management in the Ancient Near East'

Eyre, C. (1995). 'The agricultural cycle, farming, and water management in the Ancient Near East'. In J. M. Sasson, J. Baines, G. Beckman, & K. S. Rubinson (Eds.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (Vol. 1, pp. 175-189). New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan.



'Feudal tenure and absentee landlords'

Eyre, C. (1994). 'Feudal tenure and absentee landlords'. In S. Allam (Ed.), Grund und Boden in Altaegypten (pp. 107-133). Tübingen: Im Selbstverlag des Herausgebers.


'The water regime for orchards and plantations in Pharaonic Egypt'

Eyre, C. (1994). 'The water regime for orchards and plantations in Pharaonic Egypt'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 80, 57-80.

Journal article

'Weni's Career and Old Kingdom Historiography'

Eyre, C. (1994). 'Weni's Career and Old Kingdom Historiography'. In C. Eyre, A. Leahy, & L. M. Leahy (Eds.), The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the culture and heritage of Ancient Egypt in honour of A.F. Shore (pp. 107-124). London: Egypt Exploration Society.


'Word Order Hierarchies and Word Order Change in the History of Egyptian'

Eyre, C. J. (1994). 'Word Order Hierarchies and Word Order Change in the History of Egyptian'. Lingua Aegyptia, 4, 117-132.

Journal article

The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the culture and heritage of Ancient Egypt in honour of A.F. Shore

Eyre, C., Leahy, A., & Leahy, L. M. (Eds.) (1994). The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the culture and heritage of Ancient Egypt in honour of A.F. Shore. London: Egypt Exploration Society.



'The Adoption Papyrus in Social Context'

Eyre, C. (1992). 'The Adoption Papyrus in Social Context'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 78, 207-221.

Journal article

'Yet again the wax crocodile. P. Westcar 3, 12ff.'

Eyre, C. (1992). 'Yet again the wax crocodile. P. Westcar 3, 12ff.'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 78, 280-281.

Journal article


'Was ancient Egyptian really a primitive language?'

Eyre, C. (1991). 'Was ancient Egyptian really a primitive language?'. Lingua Aegyptia, 1, 97-123.

Journal article


'The Semna stelae: quotation, genre, and functions of literature'

Eyre, C. (1990). 'The Semna stelae: quotation, genre, and functions of literature'. In S. Israelit-Groll (Ed.), Studies in Egyptology presented to Miriam Lichtheim (Vol. 1, pp. 134-165). Jerusalem: Magnes Press.



'Papyrus Deir el-Medîna XXIV: an appeal for wages?'

Eyre, C. (1987). 'Papyrus Deir el-Medîna XXIV: an appeal for wages?'. Göttinger Miszellen, 98, 11-21.

Journal article

'Work and the organisation of work in the Old Kingdom'

Eyre, C. J. (1987). 'Work and the organisation of work in the Old Kingdom'. In M. A. Powell (Ed.), Labor in the Ancient Near East (Vol. 68, pp. 5-47). New Haven: American Oriental Society.


Work and the organisation of work in the New Kingdom'

Eyre, C. J. (1987). Work and the organisation of work in the New Kingdom'. In M. A. Powell (Ed.), Labor in the ancient Near East (Vol. 68, pp. 167-221). New Haven: American Oriental Society.



'A draughtsman's letter from Thebes' 195 207.

Eyre, C. (1984). 'A draughtsman's letter from Thebes' 195 207.. Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, 11, 195-207.

Journal article

Crime and adultery in ancient Egypt'

Eyre, C. (1984). Crime and adultery in ancient Egypt'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 70, 92-105.

Journal article


'Four notes on literacy'

Baines, J., & Eyre, C. J. (1983). 'Four notes on literacy'. Göttinger Miszellen, 65-96.

Journal article

'Four notes on literacy'

Baines, J., & Eyre, C. J. (1983). 'Four notes on literacy'. Göttinger Miszellen, 61, 65-96.

Journal article


'An accounts papyrus from Thebes'

Eyre, C. (1980). 'An accounts papyrus from Thebes'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 66, 108-119.

Journal article

'The reign-length of Ramesses VII'

Eyre, C. (1980). 'The reign-length of Ramesses VII'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 66, 168-170.

Journal article


'An Egyptianism in the Amarna letters?'

Eyre, C. (1976). 'An Egyptianism in the Amarna letters?'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 62, 183-184.

Journal article

'Fate, crocodiles and the judgement of the dead. Some mythological allusions in Egyptian literature'

Eyre, C. (1976). 'Fate, crocodiles and the judgement of the dead. Some mythological allusions in Egyptian literature'. Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, 4, 103-114.

Journal article

'Report on papyrus finds' in G.T. Martin, 'Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Horemheb, 1975, preliminary report'

Eyre, C. (1976). 'Report on papyrus finds' in G.T. Martin, 'Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Horemheb, 1975, preliminary report'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 12.

Journal article


'A neglected construction in Late Egyptian'

Eyre, C. (1975). 'A neglected construction in Late Egyptian'. Göttinger Miszellen, 18, 11-14.

Journal article