Subcortical Alterations in Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy and Associated Changes in Brain Connectivity and Cognition
de Bézenac, C. E., Leek, N., Adan, G. H., Mohanraj, R., Biswas, S., Marson, A. G., & Keller, S. S. (2024). Subcortical Alterations in Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy and Associated Changes in Brain Connectivity and Cognition. Human Brain Mapping, 45(16). doi:10.1002/hbm.70069
Subcortical alterations in newly diagnosed epilepsy and associated changes in brain connectivity and cognition
Brain alterations in regions associated with end-organ diabetic microvascular disease in diabetes mellitus: A UK Biobank study.
Burgess, J., de Bezenac, C., Keller, S. S., Frank, B., Petropoulos, I. N., Garcia-Finana, M., . . . Alam, U. (2024). Brain alterations in regions associated with end-organ diabetic microvascular disease in diabetes mellitus: A UK Biobank study.. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, 40(2), e3772. doi:10.1002/dmrr.3772
Children's engagement and caregivers' use of language-boosting strategies during shared book reading: A mixed methods approach
Lingwood, J., Lampropoulou, S., De Bezenac, C., Billington, J., & Rowland, C. (2022). Children's engagement and caregivers' use of language-boosting strategies during shared book reading: A mixed methods approach. JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE. doi:10.1017/S0305000922000290
From basic sciences and engineering to epileptology: A translational approach
Assi, E. B., Schindler, K., de Bezenac, C., Denison, T., Desai, S., Keller, S. S., . . . Rummel, C. (2023). From basic sciences and engineering to epileptology: A translational approach. EPILEPSIA. doi:10.1111/epi.17566
'Looking before and after': Can simple eye tracking patterns distinguish poetic from prosaic texts?
Corcoran, R., de Bezenac, C., & Davis, P. (2023). 'Looking before and after': Can simple eye tracking patterns distinguish poetic from prosaic texts?. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1066303
Advanced Brain Age and Chronic Poststroke Aphasia Severity.
Busby, N., Wilmskoetter, J., Gleichgerrcht, E., Rorden, C., Roth, R., Newman-Norlund, R., . . . Bonilha, L. (2022). Advanced Brain Age and Chronic Poststroke Aphasia Severity.. Neurology, 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201693. doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000201693
Protocol for an observational cohort study investigating biomarkers predicting seizure recurrence following a first unprovoked seizure in adults
Adan, G. H., de Bézenac, C., Bonnett, L., Pridgeon, M., Biswas, S., Das, K., . . . Marson, T. (2022). Protocol for an observational cohort study investigating biomarkers predicting seizure recurrence following a first unprovoked seizure in adults. BMJ Open, 12(12), e065390. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065390
Altered Structural Brain Networks in Refractory and Nonrefractory Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy
McKavanagh, A., Kreilkamp, B. A. K., Chen, Y., Denby, C., Bracewell, M., Das, K., . . . Keller, S. S. (2022). Altered Structural Brain Networks in Refractory and Nonrefractory Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy. BRAIN CONNECTIVITY, 12(6), 549-560. doi:10.1089/brain.2021.0035
Event-based modeling in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrates progressive atrophy from cross-sectional data
Lopez, S. M., Aksman, L. M., Oxtoby, N. P., Vos, S. B., Rao, J., Kaestner, E., . . . Altmann, A. (2022). Event-based modeling in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrates progressive atrophy from cross-sectional data. EPILEPSIA, 63(8), 2081-2095. doi:10.1111/epi.17316
Association Between Anatomical Location of Surgically Induced Lesions and Postoperative Seizure Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Gleichgerrcht, E., Drane, D. L., Keller, S. S., Davis, K. A., Gross, R., Willie, J. T., . . . Bonilha, L. (2022). Association Between Anatomical Location of Surgically Induced Lesions and Postoperative Seizure Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. NEUROLOGY, 98(2), E141-E151. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000013033
Automated subcortical volume estimation from 2D MRI in epilepsy and implications for clinical trials
Brownhill, D., Chen, Y., Kreilkamp, B. A. K., de Bezenac, C., Denby, C., Bracewell, M., . . . Keller, S. S. (2021). Automated subcortical volume estimation from 2D MRI in epilepsy and implications for clinical trials. Neuroradiology. doi:10.1007/s00234-021-02811-x
Association of Epilepsy Surgery With Changes in Imaging-Defined Brain Age
de Bezenac, C. E., Adan, G., Weber, B., & Keller, S. S. (2021). Association of Epilepsy Surgery With Changes in Imaging-Defined Brain Age. NEUROLOGY, 97(6), E554-E563. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000012289
Altered functional connectome hierarchy with gene expression signatures in newly-diagnosed focal epilepsy
Fiber ball white matter modeling in focal epilepsy
Bryant, L., McKinnon, E. T., Taylor, J. A., Jensen, J. H., Bonilha, L., de Bezenac, C., . . . Keller, S. S. (2021). Fiber ball white matter modeling in focal epilepsy. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, 42(8), 2490-2507. doi:10.1002/hbm.25382
Thalamohippocampal atrophy in focal epilepsy of unknown cause at the time of diagnosis.
Leek, N. J., Neason, M., Kreilkamp, B. A. K., de Bezenac, C., Ziso, B., Elkommos, S., . . . Keller, S. S. (2020). Thalamohippocampal atrophy in focal epilepsy of unknown cause at the time of diagnosis.. European journal of neurology. doi:10.1111/ene.14565
Thalamohippocampal atrophy in focal epilepsy of unknown cause at the time of diagnosis
Leek, N., Kreilkamp, B., Neason, M., de Bezenac, C., Ziso, B., Elkommos, S., . . . Keller, S. (2020). Thalamohippocampal atrophy in focal epilepsy of unknown cause at the time of diagnosis. doi:10.1101/2020.07.24.20159368
Illness Perception Mediates the Relationship Between the Severity of Symptoms and Perceived Health Status in Patients With Behçet Disease.
Yankouskaya, A., Boughey, A., McCagh, J., Neal, A., de Bezenac, C., & Davies, S. J. (2019). Illness Perception Mediates the Relationship Between the Severity of Symptoms and Perceived Health Status in Patients With Behçet Disease.. Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases, 25(8), 319-324. doi:10.1097/rhu.0000000000000872
Investigating imaging network markers of cognitive dysfunction and pharmacoresistance in newly diagnosed epilepsy: a protocol for an observational cohort study in the UK.
de Bézenac, C., Garcia-Finana, M., Baker, G., Moore, P., Leek, N., Mohanraj, R., . . . Keller, S. (2019). Investigating imaging network markers of cognitive dysfunction and pharmacoresistance in newly diagnosed epilepsy: a protocol for an observational cohort study in the UK.. BMJ open, 9(10), e034347. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034347
The Pragmatics of Pragmatic Language and the Curse of Ambiguity: An fMRI Study
Powell, J. L., Furlong, J., de Bezenac, C. E., O'Sullivan, N., & Corcoran, R. (2019). The Pragmatics of Pragmatic Language and the Curse of Ambiguity: An fMRI Study. NEUROSCIENCE, 418, 96-109. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.08.039
Reading: Brain, Mind and Body
Davis, P., Corcoran, R., Rylance, R., Zeman, A., Kidd, D., & de Bezenac, C. (2019). Reading: Brain, Mind and Body. In READING AND MENTAL HEALTH (pp. 293-320). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-21762-4_13
The Necessity of Ambiguity in Self-Other Processing: A Psychosocial Perspective With Implications for Mental Health
de Bezenac, C. E., Swindells, R. A., & Corcoran, R. (2018). The Necessity of Ambiguity in Self-Other Processing: A Psychosocial Perspective With Implications for Mental Health. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 9. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02114
Perceived neighbourhood affluence, mental health and wellbeing influence judgements of threat and trust on our streets: An urban walking study
Corcoran, R., Mansfield, R., De Bezenac, C., Anderson, E., Overbury, K., & Marshall, G. (2018). Perceived neighbourhood affluence, mental health and wellbeing influence judgements of threat and trust on our streets: An urban walking study. PLoS One, 13(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202412
Illness Perception Mediates the Relationship Between the Severity of Symptoms and Perceived Health Status in Patients With Behcet Disease
Yankouskaya, A., Boughey, A., McCagh, J., Neal, A., de Bezenac, C., & Davies, S. J. (2019). Illness Perception Mediates the Relationship Between the Severity of Symptoms and Perceived Health Status in Patients With Behcet Disease. JCR-JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, 25(8), 319-324. doi:10.1097/RHU.0000000000000872
Agency performance modulates resting-state variation in prefrontal brain regions
de Bezenac, C. E., Sluming, V., Alhazmi, F., & Corcoran, R. (2018). Agency performance modulates resting-state variation in prefrontal brain regions. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 111, 16-25. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.12.035
I Am There ... but Not Quite: An Unfaithful Mirror That Reduces Feelings of Ownership and Agency
O'Sullivan, N., de Bezenac, C., Piovesan, A., Cutler, H., Corcoran, R., Fenyvesi, D., & Bertamini, M. (2018). I Am There ... but Not Quite: An Unfaithful Mirror That Reduces Feelings of Ownership and Agency. PERCEPTION, 47(2), 197-215. doi:10.1177/0301006617743392
‘I’m not a therapist you know... I’m an artist’: Facilitating well-being and basic psychological needs satisfaction through community arts participation
Swindells, R., Lawthom, R., Parkinson, C., Clennon, O., Kagan, C., & De Bézenac, C. (2016). ‘I’m not a therapist you know... I’m an artist’: Facilitating well-being and basic psychological needs satisfaction through community arts participation. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 7(3), 347-367. doi:10.1386/jaah.7.3.347_1
Neural response to modulating the probability that actions of self or other result in auditory tones: A parametric fMRI study into causal ambiguity.
de Bezenac, C., Sluming, V., Gouws, A., & Corcoran, R. (2016). Neural response to modulating the probability that actions of self or other result in auditory tones: A parametric fMRI study into causal ambiguity.. NeuroImage, 119, 64-78. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.07.003
Music, Motivation and Competence Acquisition across Genres.
de Bézenac, C., & Swindells, R. (2016). Music, Motivation and Competence Acquisition across Genres.. In Advanced Musical Performance: Investigations in Higher Education Learning. Routledge.
Ambiguity between self and other: Individual differences in action attribution
de Bezenac, C. E., Sluming, V., O'Sullivan, N., & Corcoran, R. (2015). Ambiguity between self and other: Individual differences in action attribution. CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION, 35, 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2015.04.010
Music and affordances
Windsor, W. L., & de Bézenac, C. (2012). Music and affordances. Musicae Scientiae, 16(1), 102-120. doi:10.1177/1029864911435734
Institutional culture and learning II: inter-relationships between perceptions of the learning environment and undergraduate musicians' attitudes to performance
Papageorgi, I., Haddon, E., Creech, A., Morton, F., De Bezenac, C., Himonides, E., . . . Welch, G. (2010). Institutional culture and learning II: inter-relationships between perceptions of the learning environment and undergraduate musicians' attitudes to performance. Music Education Research, 12(4), 427-446. doi:10.1080/14613808.2010.520432
Institutional culture and learning I: perceptions of the learning environment and musicians' attitudes to learning
Papageorgi, I., Haddon, E., Creech, A., Morton, F., de Bezenac, C., Himonides, E., . . . Welch, G. (2010). Institutional culture and learning I: perceptions of the learning environment and musicians' attitudes to learning. Music Education Research, 12(2), 151-178. doi:10.1080/14613801003746550
Computer-controlled video as a multimodal interface in live acousmatic music
Stefani, E., & De Bézenac, C. (2010). Computer-controlled video as a multimodal interface in live acousmatic music. In International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2010 (pp. 526-529).
Perceptions and predictions of expertise in advanced musical learners
Papageorgi, I., Creech, A., Haddon, E., Morton, F., De Bezenac, C., Himonides, E., . . . Welch, G. (2010). Perceptions and predictions of expertise in advanced musical learners. Psychology of Music, 38(1), 31-66. doi:10.1177/0305735609336044
No pain, no gain? Motivation and self-regulation in music learning
de Bézenac, C., & Swindells, R. (2009). No pain, no gain? Motivation and self-regulation in music learning. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 10(16), 1-33.
Investigating musical performance: commonality and diversity among classical and non-classical musicians
Creech, A., Papageorgi, I., Duffy, C., Morton, F., Hadden, E., Potter, J., . . . Welch, G. (2008). Investigating musical performance: commonality and diversity among classical and non-classical musicians. Music Education Research, 10(2), 215-234. doi:10.1080/14613800802079080
Musical genre and gender as factors in higher education learning in music
Welch, G., Papageorgi, I., Haddon, L., Creech, A., Morton, F., de Bézenac, C., . . . Himonides, E. (2008). Musical genre and gender as factors in higher education learning in music. Research Papers in Education, 23(2), 203-217. doi:10.1080/02671520802048752
From music student to professional: the process of transition
Creech, A., Papageorgi, I., Duffy, C., Morton, F., Haddon, E., Potter, J., . . . Welch, G. (2008). From music student to professional: the process of transition. British Journal of Music Education, 25(3), 315-331. doi:10.1017/s0265051708008127