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Garance Marechal

Dr Garance Marechal
MA (Distinction), MBA, MSc (Distinction), Ph.D (Distinction)


+44 (0)151 795 3808


Critical approaches to Strategy, Gender and Critical Management Studies (CMS)

My current research work in strategy investigates sensemaking, strategizing and reflexive processes in professional firms from a critical and discursive perspective.

I also have an interest in gender, having recently co-authored a paper in Human Relations advocating an enhanced metaphorical arsenal on masculinity.

Ethnography, Reflexivity, Aesthetics, Visual Methodologies and Art-based approaches

My interests in qualitative methodology specialize in autoethnography, the use of reflection and reflexivity more generally, and sensuous approaches including visual methodologies (photography).

I have co -convened a variety of workshops and streams at conferences on visual methodology, including a NARTI workshop in 2012, a stream at the Art of Management and Organixation in 2010 and 2012, and on Art-based approaches and Aesthetics more generally, at the EGOS colloquium in 2009 and at the CMS conference in 2013.

I also co-authored a paper on research poetry in qualitative inquiry in 2010.

Materiality, Space, Terroir and History

As a trained sociologist, I also have a particular interest in the concepts of place, space, materiality and terroir, and in material spaces of particular historical and symbolic significance, and heritage.

One of my recent projects involved a visual ethnography of the material traces of the original French Paris metro (underground), emphasizing the historical terroir and living memory of the Paris underground, as well as the sociological, political and aesthetic contexts that infused its design and identity between 1850 and 1900.

Title: The Paris Underground as an Urban Artefact: Living Memory, Liminality and Imaginary (2009)

One of my recent publications analyses the political aesthetics of the barriers, barricades and placards, walls and murals, separating and reconciliating urban communities and signalling aspects of identity and difference in Northern Ireland (Belfast), I personally took most of the photographs featuring in the book chapter.

Title: Linstead, S. and Marechal, G. 2015. The Rhythm of the Martyrs? Barricades, Boundaries and Art-Based Interventions in Communities with a History of Violence. In: Lightfoot, G. Moriceau, J-L, and Lilley, S. (eds) Demos Against Organization: Festschrift for Hugo Letiche. Bern: Peter Lang.

Research collaborations

Prof. Stephen Linstead

The University of York

Co-author and co-editor (two Special Issues with Organization Studies and Culture and Organization)