“Every Discipline […] is a Lineage of Begetting”: The Generation(s) of Francophone Caribbean Studies in the UK and Ireland
Forsdick, C. (2024). “Every Discipline […] is a Lineage of Begetting”: The Generation(s) of Francophone Caribbean Studies in the UK and Ireland. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 28(3), 482-502. doi:10.1080/17409292.2024.2342680
Translingual poetics and the politics of language: the case of Katalin Molnár
Forsdick, C. (2024). Translingual poetics and the politics of language: the case of Katalin Molnár. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 28(2), 242-257. doi:10.1080/17409292.2024.2311531
Between transnational and postcolonial: mnemonic dynamics in <i>Mémoires d’outre-mer</i>
Forsdick, C. (2023). Between transnational and postcolonial: mnemonic dynamics in <i>Mémoires d’outre-mer</i>. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 27(5), 636-648. doi:10.1080/17409292.2023.2261312
Writing the World with Michaël Ferrier
Roger, C., DalMolin, E., Arribert-Narce, F., Forsdick, C., Kawakami, A., & Munro, M. (2023). Writing the World with Michaël Ferrier. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 27(5), 617-625. doi:10.1080/17409292.2023.2261306
The Languages of COVID-19: Translational and Multilingual Perspectives on Global Healthcare
Forsdick, C., Blumczynski, P., & Wilson, S. (2023). The Languages of COVID-19: Translational and Multilingual Perspectives on Global Healthcare. TRANSLATOR. doi:10.1080/13556509.2023.2238562
Translating COVID-19: From Contagion to Containment.
Arnaldi, M., Engebretsen, E., & Forsdick, C. (2022). Translating COVID-19: From Contagion to Containment.. The Journal of medical humanities, 43(3), 387-404. doi:10.1007/s10912-022-09742-5
Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in Modern France
Achille, E., Forsdick, C., & Moudileno, L. (Eds.) (2020). Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in Modern France. Liverpool University Press. Retrieved from
In conversation: translating cultures
Spadaro, B., Burdett, C., Creese, A., Forsdick, C., & Phipps, A. (2019). In conversation: translating cultures. TRANSLATOR, 25(4), 420-433. doi:10.1080/13556509.2019.1735211
Introduction: thematic approaches to translation
Forsdick, C., & Spadaro, B. (2019). Introduction: thematic approaches to translation. TRANSLATOR, 25(4), 303-310. doi:10.1080/13556509.2019.1766902
Forsdick, C. (2019). Afterword. JOURNAL FOR CULTURAL RESEARCH, 23(2), 220-223. doi:10.1080/14797585.2019.1665891
Vertical travel
Forsdick, C. (2019). Vertical travel. In A. Pettinger, & T. Youngs (Eds.), The Routledge Research Companion to Travel Writing (pp. 99-112). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
Revisiting Plozévet
Forsdick, C. R. A. (2018). Revisiting Plozévet. French Cultural Studies, 29(4), 345-359. doi:10.1177/0957155818794150
French Studies: a quarterly review
Forsdick, C. R. A., & Yee, J. (Eds.) (2018). French Studies: a quarterly review (Vol. 72). OUP. Retrieved from
Postcolonializing the <i>bagne</i>
Forsdick, C. (2018). Postcolonializing the <i>bagne</i>. French Studies, 72(2), 237-255. doi:10.1093/fs/kny001
Towards A Postcolonial Nineteenth Century: Introduction
Forsdick, C., & Yee, J. (2018). TOWARDS A POSTCOLONIAL NINETEENTH CENTURY: INTRODUCTION. FRENCH STUDIES, 72(2), 167-175. doi:10.1093/fs/kny005
Haiti and comics: the search for (new graphic) narratives
Forsdick, C. R. A. (2017). Haiti and comics: the search for (new graphic) narratives. Yale French Studies, 131/132, 189-212. Retrieved from
Global France, Global French: beyond the monolingual
Forsdick, C. (2017). Global France, Global French: beyond the monolingual. Contemporary French Civilization, 42(1), 13-29. doi:10.3828/cfc.2017.2
The Black Jacobins Reader
Forsdick, C., & Hogsbjerg, C. (2017). The Black Jacobins Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
Man and Animals (Being Human Debate at FACT, Liverpool for BBC Radio 3)
Peverley, S. L., Mulhall, L., Forsdick, C., Cochrane, A., Szollosy, M., de Wolf, E., & Mitter, R. (2016). Man and Animals (Being Human Debate at FACT, Liverpool for BBC Radio 3). [Radio Broadcast (BBC Radio 3)]. Retrieved from
Toussaint Louverture A Political Biography
Forsdick, C., & Høgsbjerg, C. (2016). Toussaint Louverture A Political Biography. Revolutionary Lives.
Translating Disciplines: An Interview with Charles Forsdick
Forsdick, C., & Hanrahan, M. (2016). Translating Disciplines: An Interview with Charles Forsdick. French Studies Bulletin, 37(139), 33-39. doi:10.1093/frebul/ktw009
Sergei Eisenstein and the Haitian Revolution: 'The Confrontation Between Black and White Explodes Into Red'
Forsdick, C., & Hogsbjerg, C. (2014). Sergei Eisenstein and the Haitian Revolution: 'The Confrontation Between Black and White Explodes Into Red'. History Workshop Journal, 78(1), 157-185. doi:10.1093/hwj/dbu011
Travel, slavery, memory: thanatourism in the French Atlantic
Forsdick, C. (2014). Travel, slavery, memory: thanatourism in the French Atlantic. Postcolonial Studies, 17(3), 251-265. doi:10.1080/13688790.2014.993427
Influence: Cultural and ideological agendas (1920-1940)
Murphy, D., Ezra, E., & Forsdick, C. (2014). Influence: Cultural and ideological agendas (1920-1940). In Colonial Culture in France Since the Revolution (pp. 268-275).
Late Glissant: History, “World Literature,” and the Persistence of the Political
Forsdick, C. (2010). Late Glissant: History, “World Literature,” and the Persistence of the Political. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 14(3), 121-134. doi:10.1215/07990537-2010-027
Siting Postcolonial Memory: Remembering New Caledonia in the Work of Didier Daeninckx
Forsdick, C. (2010). Siting Postcolonial Memory: Remembering New Caledonia in the Work of Didier Daeninckx. Modern & Contemporary France, 18(2), 175-192. doi:10.1080/09639481003714781
After the Dance
Forsdick, C. (2010). After the Dance. In M. Munro (Ed.), Edwidge Danticat: A Reader's Guide. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.
Contemporary French Travel Writing
Forsdick, C. (Ed.) (2009). Contemporary French Travel Writing. London: Taylor and Francis.
French Perceptions of Niagara
Forsdick, C. (2009). French Perceptions of Niagara. In D. Seed, & S. Castillo (Eds.), American Travel and Empire (pp. 56-77). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Postcolonial Thought in the French-Speaking World
Forsdick, C., & Murphy, D. (Eds.) (2009). Postcolonial Thought in the French-Speaking World. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Interpreting 2004: Politics, Memory, Scholarship
Forsdick, C. (2008). Interpreting 2004: Politics, Memory, Scholarship. Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, 27, 1-13. doi:10.2979/sax.2008.-.27.1
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Foreword'. In L. Spaas (Ed.), How Belgium Colonized the Mind of the Congo: Seeking the Memory of an African People (pp. 8). Lewiston: Edwin Mellen.
'Gérard Macé, exote'
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Gérard Macé, exote'. In D. Viart (Ed.), Gérard Macé, la > (pp. 17). Paris: Éditions des Lettres Modernes.
'Haiti and Departmentalization: the spectral presence of Toussaint Louverture'
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Haiti and Departmentalization: the spectral presence of Toussaint Louverture'. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 11(3).
'Postcolonial Toussaint'
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Postcolonial Toussaint'. In M. Munro, & E. Hackett-Walcott (Eds.), Echoes of the Haitian Revolution, 1804-2004 (pp. 19). St Augustine: University of the West Indies Press.
'Situating Human Zoos'
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Situating Human Zoos'. In P. Blanchard, N. Bancel, G. Boetsch, E. Deroo, S. Lemaire, & C. Forsdick (Eds.), Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empire (pp. 16). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
'Travel, Tourism, Migration: Between the English Channel and 'la Manche'
Forsdick, C. (2008). 'Travel, Tourism, Migration: Between the English Channel and 'la Manche'. In C. Geoffroy, & R. Sibley (Eds.), Going Abroad: Travel, Tourism, Migration (pp. 12). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar's Press.
Haiti Now!
Forsdick, C., Walcott-Hackshaw, E., & Munro, M. (Eds.) (2008). Haiti Now!. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empire
Blanchard, P., Bancal, N., Boetsch, G., Deroo, E., Lemaire, S., & Forsdick, C. (Eds.) (2008). Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empire. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Oasis Interdites d'Ella Maillart
Forsdick, C. (2008). Oasis Interdites d'Ella Maillart. Geneva: Editions Zoé.
Situating Haiti: on some early nineteenth-century representations of Toussaint Louverture
Forsdick, C. (2007). Situating Haiti: on some early nineteenth-century representations of Toussaint Louverture. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 10(1), 17-34. doi:10.1386/ijfs.10.1and2.17_1
'Sang sang ô sang noir de mes frères: representing the colonial massacre in Francophone literature and culture'
Forsdick, C. (2007). 'Sang sang ô sang noir de mes frères: representing the colonial massacre in Francophone literature and culture'. In L. Milne (Ed.), Representations of Violence, Culture and Identity in the Francophone Ex-Colonies (Vol. 2007, pp. 31-57). Bern: Peter Lang.
Camus and Sartre
Forsdick, C. (2007). Camus and Sartre. In E. Hughes (Ed.), Cambridge Companion to Camus (pp. 118-130). Cambridge: CUP.
Colonial History, Postcolonial Memory: Contemporary Perspectives
Forsdick, C. (2007). Colonial History, Postcolonial Memory: Contemporary Perspectives. Francophone Postcolonial Studies.
Forsdick, C. (2007). Exoticism. In G. Brulotte, & J. Phillips (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature (pp. 440-442). London: Routledge.
The French Empire
Forsdick, C. (2007). The French Empire. In J. McLeod (Ed.), Routledge Companion to Postcolonial Studies (pp. 32-45). London: Routledge.
Toussaint at the Crossroads
Forsdick, C. (2007). Toussaint at the Crossroads. Small Axe.
'(In)connaissance de l'Asie': Barthes and Bouvier, China and Japan'
Forsdick, C. (2006). '(In)connaissance de l'Asie': Barthes and Bouvier, China and Japan'. Modern and Contemporary France, 14(1), 63-77.
New Approaches to Twentieth-Century Travel Literature in French: Genre, History, Theory
Forsdick, C., Basu, F., & Shilton, S. (2006). New Approaches to Twentieth-Century Travel Literature in French: Genre, History, Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
Postface: Etudes littéraires francophones et notion de postcolonial
Forsdick, C. (2006). Postface: Etudes littéraires francophones et notion de postcolonial. FPS, 4(2).
The travelling revolutionary: translations of Toussaint Louverture
Forsdick, C. (2006). The travelling revolutionary: translations of Toussaint Louverture. In M. Munro, & E. Hackett-Walcott (Eds.), Re-interpreting the Haitian Revolution and its Cultural Aftershocks (pp. 150-167). Saint Augustine: UWI Press.
Between ‘French’ and ‘Francophone’: French Studies and the Postcolonial Turn
Forsdick, C. (2005). Between ‘French’ and ‘Francophone’: French Studies and the Postcolonial Turn. French Studies, 59(4), 523-530. doi:10.1093/fs/kni222
De la plume comme des pieds: essaysism as a peripatetic genre¿
Forsdick, C. (2005). De la plume comme des pieds: essaysism as a peripatetic genre¿. In C. Forsdick, & A. Stafford (Eds.), The Modern Francophone Essay: Movement, Instability, Performance (pp. 45-59). Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.
Des études françaises aux études francophones: le cas britannique
Forsdick, C. (2005). Des études françaises aux études francophones: le cas britannique. Cahiers de l¿Association internationale des études françaises, 329-340.
Exoticizing the Domestique : Bécassine, Brittany and the Beauty of the Dead
Forsdick, C. (2005). Exoticizing the Domestique : Bécassine, Brittany and the Beauty of the Dead. In C. Forsdick, L. Grove, & L. McQuillan (Eds.), The Francophone Bande Dessinée (pp. 23-37). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History
Marshall, B. (Ed.) (2005). France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History. new york: abc-clio.
Grounding a World: Essays on the Work of Kenneth White
Bowd, G., Forsdick, C., & Bissell, N. (Eds.) (2005). Grounding a World: Essays on the Work of Kenneth White. Glasgow: Alba Publications.
Projected Journeys
Forsdick, C. (2005). Projected Journeys. In J. Gratton, & M. Sheringham (Eds.), Projects and Experiments in Twentieth-Century French Culture (pp. xxx). Oxford: Berghahn.
The Black Jacobin in Paris
Forsdick, C. (2005). The Black Jacobin in Paris. Journal of Romance Studies, 5(3), 9-24.
The Francophone Bande Dessinée
Forsdick, C., Grove, L., & McQuillan, E. (Eds.) (2005). The Francophone Bande Dessinée. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
The Modern Francophone Essay: Movement, Instability, Performance
Forsdick, C., & Stafford, A. (Eds.) (2005). The Modern Francophone Essay: Movement, Instability, Performance. Bern: Peter Lang.
Travel in twentieth-century French and Francophone cultures : the persistence of diversity
Forsdick, C. (2005). Travel in twentieth-century French and Francophone cultures : the persistence of diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Victor Segalen and Kenneth White¿, in
Forsdick, C. (2005). Victor Segalen and Kenneth White¿, in. In G. Bowd, C. Forsdick, & N. Bissell (Eds.), Grounding a World: Essays on the Work of Kenneth White (pp. 136-155). Glasgow: Alba Publications.
'Finding a Way Out: Nicolas Bouvier and Contemporary Travel Literature in French'
Forsdick, C. (2004). 'Finding a Way Out: Nicolas Bouvier and Contemporary Travel Literature in French'. In M. Topping (Ed.), Eastern Voyages, Western Visions: French Writing and Painting of the Orient (pp. 325-345). Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.
Francophone Postcolonial Studies: a Critical Introduction
Forsdick, C., & Murphy, D. (Eds.) (2003). Francophone Postcolonial Studies: a Critical Introduction. London: Arnold.
Transatlantic displacement and the problematics of space', in Mary Gallagher (ed.), Ici-Là: Place and Displacement in Caribbean Writing in French
Forsdick, C. (2003). Transatlantic displacement and the problematics of space', in Mary Gallagher (ed.), Ici-Là: Place and Displacement in Caribbean Writing in French. In M. Gallagher (Ed.), Ici-Là: Place and Displacement in Caribbean Writing in French (pp. 181-209). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
'Direction les oubliettes de l'histoire': witnessing the past in the contemporary French polar
Forsdick, C. (2001). 'Direction les oubliettes de l'histoire': witnessing the past in the contemporary French polar. French Cultural Studies, 12(36), 333-350. doi:10.1177/095715580101203608