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There’s no smoke without fire: A deep time perspective on the effects of fires on air quality, human health and habitability in the Palaeolithic and prehistory

Hoare, S., Preysler, J. B., Kabukcu, C., Emmerich Kamper, T., Sinclair, A. G. M., & Torres Navas, C. (2023). There’s no smoke without fire: A deep time perspective on the effects of fires on air quality, human health and habitability in the Palaeolithic and prehistory. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52, 104261. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104261

Journal article

Early cultivation & palaeoenvironment on the western-central Anatolian farming frontier: archaeobotany at Neolithic Ekşi Höyük

Kabukcu, C. (2023). Early cultivation & palaeoenvironment on the western-central Anatolian farming frontier: archaeobotany at Neolithic Ekşi Höyük. Heritage Turkey, 13. doi:10.18866/biaa2023.18

Journal article

Past environments in the transition to agriculture: preliminary investigations in the Taş Tepeler landscape, southeast Anatolia

Ayala, G., Wainwright, J., Farid, S., Kabukcu, C., & Karul, N. (2023). Past environments in the transition to agriculture: preliminary investigations in the Taş Tepeler landscape, southeast Anatolia. Heritage Turkey, 13. doi:10.18866/biaa2023.19

Journal article


Early Chalcolithic plant economy at Aktopraklık Höyük in northwest Anatolia: preliminary findings

Kabukcu, C., Asouti, E., Percival, E., Grice, E., & Karul, N. (2022). Early Chalcolithic plant economy at Aktopraklık Höyük in northwest Anatolia: preliminary findings. In S. M. Valamoti, A. Dimoula, & M. Ntinou (Eds.), Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond. Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods (pp. 105-112). Leiden: Sidestone Press. Retrieved from



Data analysis and integration at Çatalhöyük

Kabukcu, C., Lukas, D., & Mazzucato, C. (n.d.). Data analysis and integration at Çatalhöyük. In I. Hodder (Ed.), The Matter of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.


Quaternary International

Asouti, E., & Kabukcu, C. (Eds.) (2021). Quaternary International (Vol. 593-594). Elsevier. Retrieved from

Edited special journal issue

The archaeobotany of Çatalhöyük: results from 2009–2017 excavations and final synthesis

Bogaard, A., Charles, M., Filipović, D., Fuller, D., González Carretero, L., Kabukcu, C., . . . Vaiglova, P. (2021). The archaeobotany of Çatalhöyük: results from 2009–2017 excavations and final synthesis. In Peopling the Landscape of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons (Vol. 13, pp. 91-124). London: British Institute at Ankara.



The Zagros Epipalaeolithic revisited: new excavations and 14C dates from Palegawra cave in Iraqi Kurdistan

Asouti, E., Baird, D., Kabukcu, C., Swinson, K., Martin, L., García-Suárez, A., . . . Rasheed, K. (2020). The Zagros Epipalaeolithic revisited: new excavations and 14C dates from Palegawra cave in Iraqi Kurdistan. PLoS One, 15(9), 1-99. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239564

Journal article

The Seasonality of Wetland and Riparian Taskscapes at Catalhoyuk

Wolfhagen, J., Veropoulidou, R., Ayala, G., Filipovic, D., Kabukcu, C., Lancelotti, C., . . . Wainwright, J. (2020). The Seasonality of Wetland and Riparian Taskscapes at Catalhoyuk. NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY, 83(2), 98-109. Retrieved from

Journal article


The cultural and ecological context of early plant domestication

Asouti, E., & Kabukcu, C. (2019). The cultural and ecological context of early plant domestication. Heritage Turkey, 9, 32. doi:10.18866/biaa2019.16

Journal article


The impact of environmental change on Palaeolithic and Mesolithic plant use and the transition to agriculture at Franchthi Cave, Greece

Asouti, E., Ntinou, M., & Kabukcu, C. (2018). The impact of environmental change on Palaeolithic and Mesolithic plant use and the transition to agriculture at Franchthi Cave, Greece. PLoS One, 13(11), 1-38. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0207805

Journal article

Understanding resource choice at the transition from foraging to farming: An application of palaeodistribution modelling to the Neolithic of the Konya Plain, south-central Anatolia, Turkey

Collins, C., Asouti, E., Grove, M., Kabukcu, C., Bradley, L., & Chiverrell, R. (2018). Understanding resource choice at the transition from foraging to farming: An application of palaeodistribution modelling to the Neolithic of the Konya Plain, south-central Anatolia, Turkey. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 96, 57-72. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2018.02.003

Journal article

Agricultural origins on the Anatolian plateau

Baird, D., Fairbairn, A., Jenkins, E., Martin, L., Middleton, C., Pearson, J., . . . Elliott, S. (2018). Agricultural origins on the Anatolian plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 115(14), E3077-E3086. doi:10.1073/pnas.1800163115

Journal article

Identification of woodland management practices and tree growth conditions in archaeological fuel waste remains: A case study from the site of Çatalhöyük in central Anatolia, Turkey

Kabukcu, C. (2018). Identification of woodland management practices and tree growth conditions in archaeological fuel waste remains: A case study from the site of Çatalhöyük in central Anatolia, Turkey. Quaternary International, 463B, 282-297. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2017.03.017

Journal article

Wood Charcoal Analysis in Archaeology

Kabukcu, C. (2018). Wood Charcoal Analysis in Archaeology. In Unknown Book (pp. 133-154). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75082-8_7



Woodland use and agricultural economies in Anatolia

Kabukcu, C. (2017). Woodland use and agricultural economies in Anatolia. Heritage Turkey, 7, 22. doi:10.18866/biaa2017.13

Journal article


The Aftermath of the 8.2 Event: Cultural and Environmental Effects in the Anatolian Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic

Willett, P. T., Ingmar, F., Kabukcu, C., Orton, D., Rogasch, J., Stroud, E., . . . Biehl, P. F. (2016). The Aftermath of the 8.2 Event: Cultural and Environmental Effects in the Anatolian Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic. In P. F. Biehl, & O. P. Nieuwenhuyse (Eds.), Climate and Cultural Change in Prehistoric Europe and the Near East (pp. 95-116). Albany: State University of New York Press.



Early Holocene woodland vegetation and human impacts in the arid zone of the southern Levant

Asouti, E., Kabukcu, C., White, E. C., Kuijt, I., Finlayson, B., & Makarewicz, C. (2015). Early Holocene woodland vegetation and human impacts in the arid zone of the southern Levant. The Holocene, 25(10), 1565-1580. doi:10.1177/0959683615580199

Journal article


Prehistoric vegetation change and woodland management in central Anatolia

Kabukcu, C. (2014). Prehistoric vegetation change and woodland management in central Anatolia. Heritage Turkey, 4, 6. doi:10.18866/biaa2015.081

Journal article

Holocene semi-arid oak woodlands in the Irano-Anatolian region of Southwest Asia: natural or anthropogenic?

Asouti, E., & Kabukcu, C. (2014). Holocene semi-arid oak woodlands in the Irano-Anatolian region of Southwest Asia: natural or anthropogenic?. Quaternary Science Reviews, 90, 158-182. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.001

Journal article


Juniper smoke, skulls and wolves' tails. The Epipalaeolithic of the Anatolian plateau in its South-west Asian context; insights from Pinarbasi

Baird, D., Asouti, E., Astruc, L., Baysal, A., Baysal, E., Carruthers, D., . . . Pirie, A. (2013). Juniper smoke, skulls and wolves' tails. The Epipalaeolithic of the Anatolian plateau in its South-west Asian context; insights from Pinarbasi. LEVANT, 45(2), 175-209. doi:10.1179/0075891413Z.00000000024

Journal article


The Anatolian archaeobotany (ANAR) research network

Asouti, E., Kabukcu, C., & Ergun, M. (2012). The Anatolian archaeobotany (ANAR) research network. Heritage Turkey, 2, 8. doi:10.18866/biaa2015.030

Journal article


Early Agriculture in Northern Syria: Botanical Remains from Jerablus Tahtani

Kabukcu, C. (2011, October 3). Early Agriculture in Northern Syria: Botanical Remains from Jerablus Tahtani. (Trent University).

Thesis / Dissertation