Selected publications
- Experiencing the Macromarketing Dimensions of Sustainability: Lessons Learned From Field Trips to the Ultra Novel (Journal article - 2022)
- “The club on the hill”: footballing place as an arena for sustainable and ethical action (Journal article - 2022)
- Antecedents of value co-creation activities for online fashion brands (Journal article - 2020)
- Alternative paradigms for sustainability: The Māori worldview (Journal article - 2020)
- Enacted voluntary simplicity - exploring the consequences of requesting consumers to intentionally consume less (Journal article - 2016)
Boundary Objects at Play in the World's Greenest Football Club
Samuel, A., White, G. R. T., Thomas, R., McGouran, C., & Bull, M. (n.d.). Boundary Objects at Play in the World's Greenest Football Club. Strategic Change. doi:10.1002/jsc.2618
Directing ethical consumption through the development of ethical foodscapes
Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R., & White, G. R. T. (2023). Directing ethical consumption through the development of ethical foodscapes. In Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption (pp. 136-157). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781802202021.00015
Experiencing the Macromarketing Dimensions of Sustainability: Lessons Learned From Field Trips to the Ultra Novel
Samuel, A., Thomas, R. J., McGouran, C., & White, G. R. T. (2022). Experiencing the Macromarketing Dimensions of Sustainability: Lessons Learned From Field Trips to the Ultra Novel. JOURNAL OF MARKETING EDUCATION, 44(3), 322-336. doi:10.1177/02734753211049825
“The club on the hill”: footballing place as an arena for sustainable and ethical action
Samuel, A., McGouran, C., Thomas, R. J., & White, G. R. T. (2022). “The club on the hill”: footballing place as an arena for sustainable and ethical action. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. doi:10.1108/qmr-01-2022-0015
Manifesting Feminist Marketing Futures: Undertaking A ‘Visionary’ Inventory
Parsons, E., Pirani, D., Ashman, R., Daskalopoulou, A., Kerrane, K., & McGouran, C. (2022). Manifesting Feminist Marketing Futures: Undertaking A ‘Visionary’ Inventory. In P. Maclaran, L. Stevens, & O. Kravets (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Routledge.
Manifesting feminist marketing futures
Parsons, E., Pirani, D., Ashman, R., Daskalopoulou, A., Kerrane, K., & McGouran, C. (2022). Manifesting feminist marketing futures. In The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism (pp. 460-476). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003042587-36
Enriching the ‘Epistemic Culture’ of CCT: Revisiting Consumer and Researcher Subjectivity via the Work of Sara Ahmed
Parsons, E., Pirani, D., Daskalopoulou, A., McGouran, C., Kerrane, K., & Ashman, R. (2020). Enriching the ‘Epistemic Culture’ of CCT: Revisiting Consumer and Researcher Subjectivity via the Work of Sara Ahmed. In Consumer Culture Theory. Leicester.
Antecedents of value co-creation activities for online fashion brands
Thomas, L., Brooks, S., & McGouran, C. (2020). Antecedents of value co-creation activities for online fashion brands. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(5), 384-398. doi:10.1080/0965254X.2018.1477823
Alternative paradigms for sustainability: The Māori worldview
Kennedy, A. -M., McGouran, C., & Kemper, J. A. (2020). Alternative paradigms for sustainability: The Māori worldview. European Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 822-825. doi:10.1108/EJM-01-2018-0043
Enacted voluntary simplicity - exploring the consequences of requesting consumers to intentionally consume less
McGouran, C., & Prothero, A. (2016). Enacted voluntary simplicity - exploring the consequences of requesting consumers to intentionally consume less. European Journal of Marketing, 50(1-2), 189-212. doi:10.1108/EJM-09-2013-0521
Simplifying Sustainably during a Crisis
McGouran, C. (2015). Simplifying Sustainably during a Crisis. In JOURNAL OF MACROMARKETING Vol. 35 (pp. 143). Retrieved from