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Catherine Cropper

Dr Catherine Cropper

Senior Lecturer
Central Teaching Laboratory


+44 (0)151 794 3659

+44 (0)151 795 1002 Ext. 51002


I teach analytical chemistry in years 1-3 and coordinate the year 1 inorganic lab course. As the Central Teaching Laboratories academic for chemistry I aim to improve the lab curriculum for all students by developing new experiments using state-of-the-art equipment, reflective of the research taking place in the department of chemistry. Working with students, we are currently developing a lab curriculum that is sustainable, inclusive and useful for all undergraduates.

Modules for 2024-25

Applied Analytical Chemistry

Module code: CHEM286

Role: Teaching

Introductory Inorganic Chemistry

Module code: CHEM111

Role: Teaching

Introductory Organic Chemistry

Module code: CHEM130

Role: Teaching

Introductory Spectroscopy

Module code: CHEM170

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Key Skills for Chemists 1

Module code: CHEM180

Role: Teaching

Measurements in Chemistry

Module code: CHEM246

Role: Teaching