I teach:
Veterinary undergraduate: companion animal welfare, the influence of companion animals on society, veterinary epidemiology, study design and statistics, research project supervision.
Bioveterinary science undergraduate: the influence of companion animals on society, research project supervision.
MSc: Animals and human society.
Modules for 2024-25
Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health
Module code: LIFE328
Role: Teaching
Supervised Theses
- Can DAVE (Dog-Assisted Virtual Environment) be used in the assessment of human behaviour towards dogs?
- Can DAVE (Dog-Assisted Virtual Environment) be used in the assessment of human behaviour towards dogs?
- Companion animals and child development : existing knowledge and analysis of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort
- Dog bites : perception and prevention
- Understanding the approach taken to ageing dogs in primary veterinary care using mixed-methods health informatics