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Dr Carmen Rios Garcia
BA, MA, MA, PhD, DPSI, NRPSI (I), APCI, FCIL, CL-Translator, CL-Education


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Crossing borders: Maternal identities and linguistic boundaries

Rios Garcia, M. (2023, June 16). Crossing borders: Maternal identities and linguistic boundaries. In Maternal Narratives on Screen Hybrid Symposium. Manchester Metropolitan University.

Conference Paper


Anaphoric reference in the L1 English-L2 Spanish classroom

Rios Garcia, M., & Sánchez Ortiz, M. (2018, September 29). Anaphoric reference in the L1 English-L2 Spanish classroom. In Lancaster University-Ghent University Symposium. Lancaster University.

Conference Paper


Translating and interpreting in the medical environment: Not for the faint-hearted!

Rios Garcia, M. (2017). Translating and interpreting in the medical environment: Not for the faint-hearted!.


Language and identity in Spain

Rios Garcia, M. (2017). Language and identity in Spain.



Regional Identity Cultural Exchange: Developing a Falla for Lancashire

Rios Garcia, M., Gual del Olmo, M., Catala, M., & Green Close, G. C. (2016, December 1). Regional Identity Cultural Exchange: Developing a Falla for Lancashire [Exhibition]. Lancaster.


A Falla for Lancaster

Rios Garcia, M., Green Close, G. C., & Gual del Olmo, M. (2016, November 4). A Falla for Lancaster [Exhibition]. Light Up Lancaster, Lancaster.


Twenty years of stigma: The perception of the Murcian Spanish accent by its speakers

Rios Garcia, M., & McCray, G. (2016, June 15). Twenty years of stigma: The perception of the Murcian Spanish accent by its speakers. In Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. University of Murcia.

Conference Paper


Generic vs. specific reference: definitely L1-related?

Rios Garcia, M. (2012). Generic vs. specific reference: definitely L1-related?.



Definiteness in L2 English: Parsing genericity

Rios Garcia, M. (2011, July 3). Definiteness in L2 English: Parsing genericity. In 12th International Pragmatics Conference. University of Manchester.

Conference Paper

Discourse anaphora in Peninsular Spanish interactions: Signalling alignment through anaphor selection

Rios-Garcia, C. (2011). Discourse anaphora in Peninsular Spanish interactions: Signalling alignment through anaphor selection. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, 43(1), 183-197. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2010.07.027

Journal article


Islands in the stream of Spanish-English contact in the USA

Rios Garcia, M., Young-Scholten, M., & Scholten, B. (2010). Islands in the stream of Spanish-English contact in the USA. Poster session presented at the meeting of Borders and Identities Conference. Newcastle University.



Review of Spanish Pragmatics, by R. Márquez and M. E. Placencia

Rios Garcia, M. (2007). Review of Spanish Pragmatics, by R. Márquez and M. E. Placencia. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 20(1), 85-87.

Book Review


Anaphoric repair in Spanish conversation

Rios Garcia, M. (2005). Anaphoric repair in Spanish conversation. In ntes y después del Quijote, en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda. Valencia, Spain.

Conference Paper


Review of Cómo escribir bien en español. Manual de redacción, by Graciela Reyes

Rios Garcia, M. (2000). Review of Cómo escribir bien en español. Manual de redacción, by Graciela Reyes. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool), 77, 291.

Book Review


Hedging in Spanish political discourse

Rios Garcia, M. (1999, November 6). Hedging in Spanish political discourse. In Semantics and Pragmatics of Spanish International Conference. Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.

Conference Paper


Anaphora in Spanish: A contrastive approach

Rios Garcia, M. (1998, January 4). Anaphora in Spanish: A contrastive approach. In 26th Meeting of the Romance Linguistics Seminar. University of Cambridge.

Conference Paper


Hedges <i>and All That</i>

Ríos, C. (1997). Hedges <i>and All That</i>. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation, 43(1), 1-13. doi:10.1075/babel.43.1.02rio

Journal article


Review of Newspaper Spanish: A vocabulary of administrative and commercial idiom, by C. Kelly, M. Lunati and C. Redknap.

Rios Garcia, M. (1995). Review of Newspaper Spanish: A vocabulary of administrative and commercial idiom, by C. Kelly, M. Lunati and C. Redknap.. Donaire, 5, 84-85.

Book Review


¿Qué hace, exactamente, el traductor jurídico?

Rios Garcia, M., Cano Mora, V., & Hickey, L. (1994). ¿Qué hace, exactamente, el traductor jurídico?. Livius: Revista de Estudios de Traducción.

Journal article