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Cagatay Iris

Dr Cagatay Iris


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+44 (0)151 794 6151


Dr Iris has been an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS), joined the school in August 2019. Prior to joining ULMS, Iris was a postdoctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He obtained a PhD in Management Science from Technical University of Denmark in 2016 and a MSc in Industrial Engineering in 2012.

Dr Iris is the Director of Studies (DoS) for the MSc in Business Analytics and Big Data (BABD) since 2022 and teaches both on campus and online. Iris is also the Postgraduate taught (PGT) lead in Operations and Supply Chain Management group since 2023.

Çağatay (Pronunciation: Chatai) Iris has research interests in transportation and logistics (including freight transportation, next-generation ports, shipping, hinterlands, urban logistics, crowdshipping), shared economy, alternative fuels and energy management. He mostly uses mathematical optimisation and data analytics methods to improve performance of these systems. He has also undertaken technoeconomic analyses of the energy supply chain and route to market for alternative fuels. His research papers are published in journals such as Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Annals of Operations Research, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Computers & Industrial Engineering, etc.

Dr. Iris is a senior editorial board member of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, being on board since 2017 and Multimodal Transportation since 2022. He is an associate editor of European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE) since 2023. He has participated in projects funded by The Innovation Launchpad Network+, Innovate UK (KTP), Danish Maritime Fund and EU such as Smart Load, Danish Maritime Cluster. He has also participated in the organization of Maritime Public Leaders Programme of Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore. He has been involved in industrial projects with maritime industry, distribution centres and automotive industry.

News from Iris:

1) Guest editor: We organise a special issue on Intelligent Disaster Management: Integrated Emergency Logistics and Operations Systems at Transportation Research Part E. I am one of the guest editors.
The details of the call for papers: Call for papers, deadline July 2024

2) Call for abstracts for the session: Energy Management in Ports and Shipping (code: 12b59882) at

33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30th June - 3rd July, 2024 https://

Dear all,

I am organising and chairing a session about Energy Management in Ports and Shipping at EURO conference (https://

Presentations on the applications of operational research and data analytics methods on ports-shipping-energy interface, energy efficiency at ports and operations planning for sustainable maritime are all welcome.

Look forward to seeing you in lovely Copenhagen! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to mail me at

Code of the session: 12b59882.
Deadline for abstract submission: 3rd March 2024

Some references:

3) Guest editor: We organise a special issue on - Resilient Supply Chain and Logistics Operations under Pandemic Disruptions: Modelling, Optimization and Data Analytics - at Computers & Industrial Engineering journal (IF: 7.2) and I am serving as one of the guest editors. We encourage submissions of contribution that provide rigorous model development, decision-making tools and case studies based on optimization approaches, artificial intelligence, and data-driven methods on resilient supply chain and logistics operations: Call for papers released on 15 August 2022