Dr Iris has been an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS), joined the school in August 2019. Prior to joining ULMS, Iris was a postdoctoral research fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He obtained a PhD in Management Science from Technical University of Denmark in 2016 and a MSc and BSc in Industrial Engineering in 2012.
Dr Iris is the Director of Studies (DoS) for the MSc in Business Analytics and Big Data (BABD) since 2022 and teaches both on campus and online. Iris is also the Postgraduate taught (PGT) lead in Operations and Supply Chain Management group since 2023.
Çağatay (Pronunciation: Chatai) Iris has research interests in transportation and logistics (including freight transportation, next-generation ports, shipping, hinterlands, urban logistics, crowdshipping), shared economy, alternative fuels and energy management. He mostly uses mathematical optimisation and data analytics methods to improve performance of these systems. He has also undertaken technoeconomic analyses of the energy supply chain and route to market for alternative fuels. His research papers are published in journals such as Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Annals of Operations Research, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Computers & Industrial Engineering, etc.
Dr. Iris is a senior editorial board member of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, being on board since 2017 and Multimodal Transportation since 2022. He is an associate editor of European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE) since 2023. He has participated in projects funded by The Innovation Launchpad Network+, Innovate UK (KTP), Danish Maritime Fund and EU such as Smart Load, Danish Maritime Cluster. He has also participated in the organization of Maritime Public Leaders Programme of Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore. He has been involved in industrial projects with maritime industry, distribution centres and automotive industry.
News from Iris:
Dear all,
I am organising and chairing sessions of Green maritime and port logistics at EURO2025 in Leeds.
Please use following code to submit your abstract to our session: 420630da
34rd European Conference on Operational Research
Leeds, UK, 22th June – 25 June, 2025
You can contact me at c.iris@liverpool.ac.uk for more details.
You are invited to take part in the Maritime and Port Logistics stream in the 34rd European Conference on Operational Research (Leeds, UK). This stream welcomes presentations of operations research applications related to maritime and port logistics. Researchers, academics, and practitioners in any branch of operations research, e.g., mathematical modelling, heuristics, decision analysis, etc., are invited to submit abstracts to the following sessions.
Dear all,
Some references:
Prizes or Honours
- Global partnership fund (University of Liverpool and McMaster University, 2024)