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Brendan Maartens

Dr Brendan Maartens


+44 (0)151 795 9632 Ext. 59632


Selected publications

  1. Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Book - 2020)
  2. ‘What the country wanted’: The houses of parliament, the press and the origins of media management in Britain, c. 1780–1900 (Journal article - 2019)
What type of publication do you want to show?


Measuring Media Tactics to Improve Propaganda Strategies: The British Wartime Social Survey and ‘Publicity in Reverse’, 1941-45

Maartens, B. (2024). Measuring Media Tactics to Improve Propaganda Strategies: The British Wartime Social Survey and ‘Publicity in Reverse’, 1941-45. In M. Cronqvist, F. M. Norén, & E. Stjernholm (Eds.), Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century (First ed., pp. 171-188). New York: Routledge.



Your Country Needs You! How the British Army Recruited Soldiers and the Role that Propaganda Played in Recruiting

Maartens, B. (2023). Your Country Needs You! How the British Army Recruited Soldiers and the Role that Propaganda Played in Recruiting. [In-person and live streamed]. Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

'Picturing Military Service: The Emotional Appeal of Army Recruitment'

Maartens, B. (2023). 'Picturing Military Service: The Emotional Appeal of Army Recruitment'. [Source: Thinking Through Photography]. Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

‘What’s Your Warrior?’ Selling Service in the United States Army using Social Media, Superheroes, and Computer Games

Maartens, B. (2023). ‘What’s Your Warrior?’ Selling Service in the United States Army using Social Media, Superheroes, and Computer Games. In D. Lilleker, & A. Veneti (Eds.), Edward Elgar Research Handbook in Visual Politics (First ed., pp. 321-333). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Propaganda, its Effects and the Wartime Social Survey, 1940-45

Maartens, B. (2022, September 26). Propaganda, its Effects and the Wartime Social Survey, 1940-45. In A History of Media Tactics. Lund University, Sweden.

Conference Paper



Narratives of Service, Sacrifice and Security: Reflecting on the Legacy of Military Recruitment

Maartens, B. J. (2020). Narratives of Service, Sacrifice and Security: Reflecting on the Legacy of Military Recruitment. In Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (pp. 209-222). Oxon: Routledge.


Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Maartens, B. J., & Bivins, T. (Eds.) (2020). Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (First ed.). Oxon: Routledge.


Your Country(s) Need You! The Case for a Global Analysis of Military Recruitment Campaigning

Maartens, B. J. (2020). Your Country(s) Need You! The Case for a Global Analysis of Military Recruitment Campaigning. In Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (First ed., pp. 3-16). Routledge.


Your Media Need You! How Recruiters Use Advertising, Public Relations and Propaganda to Promote Service and Allegiance

Maartens, B. (2020). Your Media Need You! How Recruiters Use Advertising, Public Relations and Propaganda to Promote Service and Allegiance. In Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (pp. 17-30). Oxon: Routledge.


‘It’s Like a Good School, Only Better’: Recruiting Boys to the British Armed Forces under the First Attlee Government, 1946-50

Maartens, B. J. (2020). ‘It’s Like a Good School, Only Better’: Recruiting Boys to the British Armed Forces under the First Attlee Government, 1946-50. In Propaganda and Public Relations in Military Recruitment: Promoting Military Service in the 20th and 21st Centuries (pp. 117-130). Oxon: Routledge.



'A Very Great Ignorance of Life in the Services': Recruiting Minors for the British Armed Forces under the Post-War Attlee Governments, 1945-51

Maartens, B. J. (2019, July 16). 'A Very Great Ignorance of Life in the Services': Recruiting Minors for the British Armed Forces under the Post-War Attlee Governments, 1945-51. In International Media and History Association Conference. University of Northumbria.

Conference Paper



'What the Country Wanted': A Brief History of Official Press Relations in the United Kingdom, c. 1800-1950

Maartens, B. J. (2017, July 5). 'What the Country Wanted': A Brief History of Official Press Relations in the United Kingdom, c. 1800-1950. In International History of Public Relations Conference. University of Bournemouth.

Conference Paper

For 'Common Christianity'?: Recruiting to the British Armed Forces in Ireland Before and After the Easter Rising, 1914-19

Maartens, B. J. (2017, July 5). For 'Common Christianity'?: Recruiting to the British Armed Forces in Ireland Before and After the Easter Rising, 1914-19. In International History of Public Relations Conference. University of Bournemouth.

Conference Paper



'To Encourage, Inspire and Guide': National Service, the People’s War and the Promotion of Civil Defence in Interwar Britain, 1938-1939

Maartens, B. (2015). To Encourage, Inspire and Guide. Media History, 21(3), 328-341. doi:10.1080/13688804.2015.1053386

Journal article

The Great War, Military Recruitment and the Public Relations Work of the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 1914-15

Maartens, B. J. (2015, June 22). The Great War, Military Recruitment and the Public Relations Work of the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 1914-15. In International History of Public Relations Conference. University of Bournemouth..

Conference Paper